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About bjmstar82

  • Birthday 05/20/1982

Personal Information

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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe
  1. Hey all, I recently came across a good deal on a used heated vest from a friend. I have been looking for a heat-troller from warm&safe. I'd rather not use the belt pouch or semi mounts if at all possible, but I'm not quite sure where to mount it to the bike. I've got an 07' RSTD. Anyone out there have any suggestions on placement? Thanks. Bjmstar82
  2. I was at last years run, and have the t-shirt as well. Quite cold and wet, but a lot of fun. I've already registered for this years and can't wait! -bjmstar82
  3. Thanks, I'll have to try that and see what happens.
  4. I recently bought a Zumo 550 GPS system, and I am trying to connect it to my 07' RSTD. I was hoping someone here might have a suggestion as to where to connect the wires. The owners manual talks about the auxiliary connector under the seat near the battery, but i didn't know if that could be used in this situation. I'm not the greatest with electrical components. Any advice? Thanks -bjmstar82
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