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  • Birthday 08/12/1978

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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    08 yamaha royal star venture


  • Occupation
    street dept

VR Assistance

  • VR Assistance
    what ever a brother needs

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  1. Thanks
  2. does anyone no the difference between 1300 xvz tf and xvz tfs?
  3. Thanks I will check it out
  4. You didn't bother me, I have thick skin lol. Just can't believe I let that happen, should've listened to what the bike was telling me. Some lessons are more costly than others. You guys are pretty knowledgeable and I'm glad to hear what yall have to say.
  5. Makes sense but after what happened you can guarantee I will keep my head "out" and pay more attention 🤔
  6. Thanks for the info that will a lot!
  7. Does anyone know what years of motors will work, mine is an 08. Found a couple that was close in year but they say won't fit
  8. After looking at it today you guys are right, sticky float. It started hard a couple times, I just thought it was due to weak battery. Boy was I wrong, hate learning this way lol. Gas in the oil. Still looking for an engine, pinwall didn't have any and having a hard time finding one around here. Next time I have problems I will ask here, you all are pretty knowledgeable, thanks for the info and help. It is much appreciated.
  9. No I've been to bummed to look at it yet, there was pieces of the motor on the trailer when I got it home. I figure when I tear it out I'll have a better idea, maybe. Lol
  10. I was just cruising down the road bout 65 and bam there she went. Never gave me any problems, no noises just went. I have no clue. Never mistreated the bike, only owned it since January, put about 700 miles on it 😪
  11. I blew the motor in my 08 royal star venture s yesterday, does anyone know where I could get a new one
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