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Everything posted by Stratcat

  1. I'll Second that!
  2. Cool we'll see how it goes, I was just thinking that way a discussion on music and musicians would be isolated and not take away from the main motorcycle interest of the system and only those interested would have to wade through the musician discussions. Hmmm how about biker/photographers.. Also I know it has been said a hundred thousand times, but all of your hard work and this amazing community is VERY MUCH APRECIATED!!!!!!!!
  3. Playing with one of the new functions on here I think. Under quick links there is a "Social Groups" Option. I started one for those of us both Bikers and that also fancy themselves muscians. So if you play, sing, beat on boxes with wooden spoons or whistle for fun, and love music then lets get some discussion going on our other passion as well! Post up some messages in the group about your favorite instruments, memorable gigs, or how playing is Zen like, similar to riding, anything!! Just thought I would experiment with the new options, at least I think it's new:confused24:
  4. I think it is more a personal anatomy issues, some will feverishly argue Corbin style and others pillow top?? For me I like the Pillow top much more that the Corbin. Had a Corbin on a RoadStar and everyone said once you get it broke in you'll never want anything else. Several thousand miles later I never felt like it got broke in, it was just damn hard. But as I said it's a personal thing I think, as there will be others that argue just the opposite. My $.02
  5. Just let us know what you need, we're here for you like you have been for us!
  6. Stratcat

    Carson and I

    From the album: Some Pics

  7. Stratcat


    From the album: Some Pics

  8. Stratcat

    Latest Updates

    From the album: Some Pics

  9. Stratcat

    Deb's New Plate

    From the album: Some Pics

  10. Stratcat

    New Pipes

    From the album: Some Pics

  11. Stratcat

    Future Biker

    From the album: Some Pics

  12. Stratcat

    Deb and My Bike

    From the album: Some Pics

  13. Stratcat

    Me and New bike

    From the album: Some Pics

  14. Stratcat

    our bikes

    From the album: Some Pics

  15. Stratcat

    Carson & Deb

    From the album: Some Pics

  16. Stratcat

    Deb at Louisville

    From the album: Some Pics

  17. Don't know that I can help, but back when Deb had her Vstar 1100 custom, I went here a few times and found quite a few techy Vstar addicts that we very helpful. http://forums.delphiforums.com/star_riders/messages/?start=Start+Reading+%3E%3E
  18. Don when you get a chance..... When I try and open any of my picgalleries I get the error mesage Unable to add cookies, header already sent. File: /home/venturer/public_html/forum/vbpgconfig.php Line: 15 Further invetigation reveals that it gives me the same message when I try and look at any Pic Gallery....FYI
  19. Squid is........Da Man!!
  20. Just a smiple thanks for all you do Don the group of folks assembled her and kind nature of this board make it a pleasure to hang out here, it's a feeling of instant family! Thanks again!
  21. VERY NICE!!!
  22. Your in our prayers, we'll pray for a quick and speedy recovery.
  23. Great recap thanks we all enjoyed following along, and glad you home safe and sound. Now for the big question I have been wondering, I understand you were doing these from the road via blackberry email, if so how did you post on here via email? I would be interested to know.
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