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10 Good

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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 Venture
  1. I leg is healing SLOWLY. Doc said my foot will never be the same. Wife want me to sell the bike, but thats not going to happen. Thanks for your consern and help with the cowling. If anybody take there cover off I would like a picture of where everything goes. I have the Yamaha book but it does not show a picture of anything under there. Thanks again
  2. I this is woode12. I am new to this site. I am interested in the chrome battery covers you have for sale. Do you have a left side saddle bag? I also need the front lower leg cowling and every thing that goes under it.
  3. What is under the front left side lower leg cowling? I know there is a vacuum actuator pump for the crusie control but I do not know what else there is. I need to know this becouse mine was ripped off (along with part of my leg) by a car.
  4. What kind of parts are you getting rid of?
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