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big mike

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Everything posted by big mike

  1. Thank you all for your input. I am going to check all of the wiring first to see if my wires are shorting out. It cant be that complicated since everything worked before the install. So when I get more info on the problem i'll let you know. Also thanks again Squidley for the offer to help, im just afraid that i'll end up not getting home until late tonight since I live in saginaw and then have to be up for work early in the am. Also im not going to be at maintenance day because I have been scheduled to work all that weekend and couldn't get out of it. Thanks, Big Mike
  2. I just installed my new passing lamps on my 99 RSV. I love how they look, but since they have been on the bike I have had nothing but problems with the lighting. First I blew a fuse while trying to adjust the angle of the passing lamps. (my fault, shorted one wire) Fixed that, then I Took it to Meijer to get ice cream and try out the new lights. (loved them really an improvement) But when I came out of Meijer, I had no lights at all, no running lights, no headlight, no taillight, no passing lamps. I did however have a brake light. I'm pretty sure I blew a main fuse, but i'm not sure why. All of the parts are genuine Yamaha and wired as Yamaha recommends, which i'm not sure I like since I have to pull the fairing off every time I blow a fuse. Has anyone else run into this before? Or is anyone better at electrical then I am and can recommend me to check something that may cause this? ANY INFO IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! THANKS IN ADVANCE frusterated Big Mike:confused24:
  3. Yes that is correct. If it has it, it will not be that tough to get out, just some good ol fashion elbow grease. Well worth it though.
  4. Any touring harley mufflers should work fine but I think the 07 had catilytic converters in the mufflers. It is a whitish looking brick type thing you can see on the head pipe side of the muffler. If it does have these you can simply use a hammer and long punch to break up the converters and dump it out after which it will work fine. No rejetting needed. I have these on my 99 venture, I have modified them with some drilling:whistling: and they are a deep throaty sound. You'll love 'em. Good luck!!!!!!!!! Big Mike
  5. When i'm really getting on it, which is most of the time, I have been around 40 to 41 miles per gallon the last 3 or 4 fill-ups. However this last fill up was 38.5 miles per gallon. This was the only tank of gas I put in since the new mufflers were installed, so I'm not sure if I really dropped from the mufflers, or just from listening to the new sound at stop lights. Big Mike
  6. Thanks JT that is what I needed to know. I appreciate it. Big Mike
  7. Thank You for your feedback Buddy. Just a question though. Isn't seafoam the same as Marvel Mystery Oil? Because I used that already. Big Mike
  8. Hi everyone. Last weekend I put on my punched out R/K mufflers and I absolutly love them, great deeeeep rumble just right!!! When I punched them out I put several small holes on the inlet side baffles, and about six 3/8" holes on the outlet plate at the back side of the muffler if you are looking at the back of the mufflers while mounted on the bike. You can also look straight through the muffler from the inlet side to the outlet side as the center baffles were removed when I got them. Now for my question. I can smell unburned fuel/fumes not only while warming up the scoot but also while riding on my 25 mile commute to work, does this mean that the bike is now running rich and needs to have the carbs ajusted or the bike tuned due to being able to breathe better? I have never had this bikes carbs tuned as I have just bought it in January. However I did do a tune up with plugs, fuel filter, checked air filter, used some marvel mystery oil in with the gas on a tankfull, and I put a fresh oil and filter change with mobil 1 mc oil. It seems to run well I just wonder if it could be running better or if this fuel smell is normal with what I have done???? Has anyone ever run into this before? As always any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank You All in advance. Big Mike
  9. It seems to be missing something though:think:.....oh yea!!! The stylings of a second gen. Just kidding, that turned out very good. Great looking scoot! Big Mike
  10. A friend of mine says he has this exact lift, since his son is a manager of a harbor frieght store. He loves it! Says that it is very sturdy. He uses it for his 2002 Road King, it's decked out with a trunk and hard side bags, so it should be close in comparison to weight I would think. Big Mike
  11. You guys are my heros. I wish I could ride as much as you do. Guess i'll have to wait till I grow up and retire to put as many miles on as you, cause I can't put off family responsibilities. I enjoy riding alot but for now I have to plan on 1 or two big rides a year, and the rest I put into riding to work and back. I'm just glad that I have such a great family. They let me take rides for a short while on sunny days, then I get to come home and mow the lawn, and help with chores. And for some of you, (freebird) I hope you can get out there soon for a ride!!!! Keep the tires on the pavement!!! Big Mike:15_8_211[1]:
  12. How many miles have you put on your bikes so far this year? I have been riding here in Michigan since march 10th aprox., and today I looked at the odometer and I have put just over 1500 miles on just riding to and from work mainly.....O.K......maybe a few fun rides here and there!!! MAN I LOVE THIS BIKE!!!!!!!!! I bought it in January and I dont think i'll give it up for anything. YEE...HAAA!!! Big Mike
  13. Thanks to both of you for answering what you know. I guess i'll just let it be for now. Maybe i'll just make that a winter blues project. I love how anyone can get simple answers to their worries here. I very much appreciate you guys. By the way Squidley, I have not been avoiding you when you called back about those Road King mufflers. It just has been very busy around here, so I have decided for now to just put those mufflers on the back burner. Thanks for being so helpful. Big Mike:15_8_211[1]:
  14. While doing a tune up on my 99 RSV, I noticed one of the studs that holds the driver seat on is broken. Have any of you had this problem, and more importantly is there a fix????? I would hate to have the other stud break. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, you have all been a great help with all my questions. I hope I can one day pass some help on to some of you. Thanks, Big Mike
  15. I was just talking to my dealer about touch up paint for my 99. They said that they could give me the paint code and I could take it to Sherwin Williams paint store, (who supposedly made the paint for our bikes) and they could mix up some and sell it to you in the touch up aplicator bottles. He also said it wasn't very expensive either.
  16. I recently have purchased R/K mufflers and after asking some questions on this site and getting some great feedback I decided to put them on the bike to listen to how they sound. They are a much deeper tone than the stock mufflers however they are also quieter than the stock because the stock ones have had work done to them. I love the deep exhaust note that I get with the R/K mufflers but would like them to be much louder. Is there a way to remove some baffles without hurting the cans. As of now you can look down through the center of the mufflers with about a 1 to 1-1/2 inch hole straight through. However (what I am assuming are baffles) are around the hole and deadening the sound. Has anyone ever removed some or most of these successfully or will I create problems in the pipes or on the bike from this??? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Big Mike
  17. They are off of a 2002 road king. I went back to the owner I bought it from ( a friend) and asked him if he had the mufflers drilled out. He did in fact have the plate that was on the inlet side drilled and the muffler can be looked through now. He did however leave the 3 baffles in the muffler. Would anyone suggest removing the baffles or will I get great sound from these the way they are? Also if I was to remove a baffle or baffles will I create a problem? Thanks, Big Mike:think:
  18. Squidley, I haven't put them on yet but that sounds great. I would actually like to hear the sound of yours, and compare them to mine to see what the difference is before I do anymore modifications to them. When I do install them, i'll get with you to let you know and we'll have to make a time to get together. Thanks alot for your generosity!!! By the way when you say open them up are you referring to the inside of the pipes? Because if that is the case I can look straight through them. Thanks again. Big Mike:dancefool:
  19. I second that, I also found you through Google. Big Mike:thumbsup2:
  20. Thanks Eagleeye, that is the answer I was looking for. However, one more question, On my stock Venture mufflers I have about 5 holes drilled in the end where the baffles slide in. This is not done on the r/k mufflers. Does this help get more sound or not really? Big Mike
  21. My 2nd gen repair manual says it could be due to incorrect carb sync, stuck choke valve, or idle adjust screw incorrectly set. My thoughts are start easy with checking your air filter and fuel filter. Hope this helps!!! Big Mike P.S. maybe its just telling you how much it wants to be ridden not setting at an idle!!!
  22. Hi Guys and Gals, I have recently purchased some R/K mufflers. They look almost like the Ventures. However, although I have seen several people talking about modifying them, i'm not quite sure what they mean about stage 1,2,3,&4 modifications. I do better with pictures than words. On the mufflers I got, I am able to look directly through the center and see what is on the other side. There are baffles in them that I can see, but I can still look through the center of them. My question is how do I know what stage they are, and what can I do to modify them for more sound. Thanks, Big Mike:15_8_211[1]:
  23. In Michigan my dealer told me that as of 2008 Yamaha has approved each dealer 1 or 2 bikes to use as test ride models. Each dealer will not always have the same models.
  24. Glad you are posting here today. I work in a hospital and see all to often what happens when people aren't as fortunate as you. Glad your ok TX. After looking at your pics I was wondering if you're running stock pipes or if they are R/K take offs? I have just purchased a set of R/K's that look just like that. Keep riding safe. Big Mike
  25. My dealer told me that as long as you don't change the head pipes rejetting isn't needed. The reason rejetting is needed however is if there is a major difference in how the bike breathes. For example: you put on a k&n air filter,& or a new set of pipes from the engine back. This in turn leans out the mixture causing the cylinders to run very hot. Due to the size of the jets you cannot richen the mixture of fuel/air enough to fix this issue, thus the need to rejet. However if you put on mufflers without baffles, a.k.a. strait pipes, this will also create the need to rejet because there will not be enough back pressure also causing air/fuel mixture problems. This is what I was told when I asked a mechanic at my local dealership. Hope this helps you.
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