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Everything posted by eds

  1. OK, I put new battery in and all is fine GOT POWER, Now do I install a Ignition switch bypass or not??
  2. I stopped and picked up a battery today , while it's charging in pulled tank and checked continuity as descriped in one of Freebirds posting and all checked ok. Figured while everythonng is off I may as well change plugs. I will put new battery in tomorrow and hope for the best. Thanks guys. Let you know tomorrow what happens.
  3. 2nd generation 2005 RSV Trike, I parked trike a week ago in the garage and placed tender on battery. Tried starting tonight and have NO power. No radio,lights, satallite radio, dash or horn. Battery seems to check good, local Autozone confirmed it should be good. The alarm still activates but one thing I did notice is alarm has very week chirping when tripped. Checked main fuse it is good. I have no idea where to go next. Battery is original.
  4. eds

    Need info

    Just keep a supply of 6, 8 and 10MM bolts on the bike. That will cover about any bolts that fall off.
  5. We prefer the two piece
  6. Very nice, I had the two wheel stand and it was a life saver.
  7. eds

    Helmet lock

    I got two P M me if you need
  8. eds

    Step 1

    Step 1: get out of Storage Step 2: RIDE IT. Bit cold but can't think of any other year I was riding any distance in March.[ATTACH]64925[/ATTACH]5[/ATTACH]
  9. We are planning the same trip end of June, heading out from Western NY. Natches Trace will definetly be part of trip home. I'll be looking forward to read about your trip and pictures.
  10. eds

    Bad Paint

    Hannigan has agreed to repaint the rear body of kit. . Hannigan and the crew at Offroad Express have been very cooperative throughout this entire process. first class operations!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. eds

    Bad Paint

    OK! Picked up Trike and not acceptable. Hand Glazing and buffing did nothing to improve. Dealer is now going back to Hannigan for authorization for full repainting. Hannigan wanted to try this process first. I don't expect any problems with them, in the mean time I am going to continue riding and dealer will pick up at end of riding season. Which here in Buffalo,NY could be anytime between now and January.
  12. eds

    Bad Paint

    I pick up the Trike on Friday. I have made the 180 mile round trip on a couple occassions, however they have also came and picked up mu trike and delivered it back to me when they would have a trailer available. Offroad Express in Erie ,PA has been terrific to work with so I decided to use their body shop for the work. I'll let everyone know how it looks when I get back. Can't just pick it up and drive back to Buffalo thats to easy. I'll probably have to go home way of Cleveland and Pittsburgh or up to Detroit and back through Canada.
  13. eds

    Bad Paint

    Sorry just got back in Ft. Lauderdale from 7 day cruise, got email from Dealer and and Hannigan has authorized to have the fender hand glazed and buffed to see if this corrects it. I should have results tomorrow.
  14. eds

    Bad Paint

    Both Hannigan and Installer ( Offroad Express) in Erie, PA have been very proactive.I dropped Trike off last night for Dealer to get looked at by paint shop.
  15. Trike is 8 weeks old and noticing problems with paint. I sent pictures to hannigan so it'll be interesting to see how they handle. When the Trike was originally scheduled there was a 10 day delay due to paint problems.
  16. eds

    1/2 cover

    Saddlebum: If shipping becomes an issue have it shipped to my house. I am just outside Buffalo, NY. We can arrange to meet for exchange on one side or other of the border.
  17. The first Deb n I decided to find out just how far we could go before the countdown starts didn't end well. Tank was already switched on reserved, which is why my 05 Hannigan Trike has an auxillary fuel tank.
  18. Thanks I will look into this and search out some other threads.
  19. I am trying to run my satellite radio and Garmin GPS off my aux. plug. I purchased a single to double plug but when i connect the GPS the radio's volume goes down to almost zero. I bought a "boostaroo" from Radio Shack which cures the radio problem but now the intereference from engine or ignition is also boosted to the point that the static is untolerable. Any suggestions?
  20. Utopia hands down, I have moved from Tour Deluxe to Venture and again to second Venture. Owned since '96.
  21. Bought mine at local H D Shop as well
  22. eds

    Trunk Bag

    We have the bag made from Yamaha made to mount on the tour pack rack, comes with rain cover.
  23. Where are you raising the front end at that doesn't interfer with oil change?
  24. Thanks for the idea's. I like the ramps. I have a low profile floor jack and it lift rear utilizing the differential but it raises left side first. It's not quite centered
  25. I've had the Trike ( Hannigan) 3 weeks now, Just finished a 4 day 1500 mile trip through New England States. Both of us love it, Auxilary gas tank was a great idea. NOW how do I get it in the air to change oil and general maintenance.
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