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About megamile

  • Birthday 12/02/1953

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ramon Dole Sr.


  • Location
    Holyoke, MA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Fixing stuff; knowing stuff, drinking coffee
  • Bike Year and Model
    2011 XVZ13TF Trike
  • Bike Customizations
    Hannigan conversion


  • Occupation

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  1. Just checked coolant overflow on my 2011 Venture/Hannigan (90,000 miles, bought at 80,000 in 9/24); found huge oil in it. (See pic.) In forumsearches I found primary causes seem to be water pump shaft seals and Twinkie o-rings. Planning to repair both locations; parts for water pump seals and shaft are enroute. Can't find proper part name for Twinkie, or part numbers, or kits. Planning to r&r water pump shaft and seals and o-rings and gaskets in Twinkie, then flush well with Dawn and refill. I have noticed no trace of coolant in oil or sweet smell/white smoke in exhaust. Can anyone enlighten me with info on twinkie seals, gaskets, etc? Thank you in advance!!
  2. Oil in my coolant also; discovered 2 days ago. A lot of sludge. Ordered pump rebuild kit and seals but can find no info on twinkie including proper part name. Need seals and o-rings for it; can anyone help with name, part numbers, etc? 2011 Venture, 91,000 miles.
  3. Thank you. Is CB connection under trunk or near radio in fairing? (Thinking under the trunk.) Thinking this will be a pain either way. Will tuning work if I just hit transmit button without mic connected? (My boy hasn't sent me back the headsets yet...)
  4. Found and turned idle adjustment screw out; working much better now. Fuel pump died again on trip south from Taxachussetts; replaced it with the Facet 40178, relocated fuel filter, and now everything purrs. Thank you for suggestions.
  5. Found an antenna part that fits housing; now I just need to tune it. Suggestions on how to attach the meter are appreciated; not sure how much I have to disassemble to get to the coax connections...
  6. Found solution at J&P Cycles; pic to follow.
  7. Found adjustment screw under tank right rear. Adjusted it quite a bit and trike now idles correctly when warm. Hoping I didn't bend anything in that linkage when I twisted on the Puppies; will check that when I pull the tank this week to add the rest of the farkles. Thank you for your help; I had forgotten about that thumbscrew. I head to work @ 0100; will be 24° out. If I did it correctly, it will start with half choke. If not, I at least know where to start.
  8. Will try. No new fuel since I put the puppies on. Thinking twisting the puppies on messed with the idle set screw. Found location of that screw; gonna check it later today. Hoping it's that easy.
  9. New to me 2011 Venture trike. Had it for 5 weeks; 3,000 miles after replacing fuel pump on the fourth day of ownership. Been running flawlessly since then until this morning. After I rode it home yesterday, I installed my new Grip Puppies. That is only change to trike. This AM I started it; ran well with choke out (50°) but after warm up would not stay running with choke in. Rides well as before; if I leave choke in it stalls when I downshift or stop. A little throttle will keep it running at stoplights. Grip puppies are not restricting throttle movement at all. Wondering how twisting Grip Puppies on would mess with idle, and how to diagnose and fix issue. Hoping forum can help; I have been away from Ventures for 2 years (after 25 years and 230,000 miles of faithful service) and have forgotten some stuff. (Harley trike proved to be a $20,000 disaster...)
  10. Any chance about that pic of the footpegs? Still trying to figure it out...
  11. I'll look them up; I think I saw them on a website but not sure how to use them with the full floorboards. I expect pic of them installed will help; weekend is good.
  12. What brand are longhorns and could you please post a pic?
  13. Thx. No local CB shops anywhere near; last one closed just after Radio Shack bit the dust. Only one I know of presently is on the gulf coast. They seem to have gone underground... Just the standard Wilson wall in truckstops any more.
  14. I do just need the top section. (Or a complete antenna...) If you would like to part with either, we should talk....
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