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  • Name
    Terry Miller


  • Location
    Fairbanks, AK, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States
  1. Ok so called around to many of the local shops about rebuilding or replacing the water pump on my 1984 Venture Royal. No place wants to work on it due to the bikes age so I guess I am doing it myself. I found the place below that seems to have the rebuild parts but not a complete water pump. Does anybody have a link to a place that sells the complete water pump or am I stuck with the rebuild option only. yamahapartshouse (sorry cannot post a link yet)
  2. Ok then maybe I am using the wrong term. What this is doing feels almost like when a rotary gear starts skipping a tooth. I am not 100% sure if it came out of gear. I don't remember it feeling like it went to neutral but I also immediately shifted when I heard and felt this. It only does this in second gear as you are accelerating somewhat heavily.
  3. Ok to answer the question about the fix for second gear. I don't think repair was completed. I road the bike this afternoon with the wife on the back with me. As I accelerated in second gear I could feel it slipping at the higher end of the acceleration range. So another question then is with it slipping can the repair be done or is it too late since it is already slipping
  4. Thank you very much
  5. Cowpuc thank you very much for all the info and suggestions. I am planning on an initial once over by a local shop that was highly recommended by a trusted friend just to make sure everything looks good then after that all me. Since winter is coming quick in Alaska should have plenty of time to tinker before riding season again.
  6. Thank you very much for the information. I forgot to post the mileage but it is 42418. I am the third owner of the bike. The previous owner put about 14000 miles on it since 1993. I really think I stole this bike given the shape of the bike and the extremely low price so I feel comfortable putting money into the bike to make it right. I have always loved this style bike and have wanted to find one to restore. But with this one no restoration will be needed just some tlc.
  7. Also could someone point me in the directing to find what all the blocks on the warning cluster mean
  8. I just bought a 1984 Yamaha Venture Royale. The bike is all original and send like it is in really good shape. Although it appears to be in good shape what are areas that I need to pay attention to and should upgrade quickly. The only problem I noticed is after about 20 minutes of riding the temp guage was redlined and kept climbing until I stopped and shut off the motor. I have read that these machines run hot but what should I look for or replace to get this to run cooler. Thank you Terry ok
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