Ok time for me to chime in. I've got broad shoulders and can take it, so I pm'd Don about an issue I was having with tapatalk as when at work or anywhere I didn't have access to a computer if I opened it and had to close it for whatever reason all threads would be marked read, even if I logged out. Or if I forgot to log off and got on the computer later everything would be marked read to that point even if it was the next day. So I ask what could it be as other forums I use with tapatalk didn't do that, so he told me he had tried this once before and most didn't like it but he would try it again. I like it this was but if the majority doesn't then I have no problem going back the other way, it certainly isn't just me who loves this place and I'm sorry if this has caused some grief. Like I said I have no problems either way, I'd rather see the majority happy. So everyone vote how you feel and no hard felling, I promise.