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Everything posted by kbran

  1. Southwest Moto. $123.95 for the rear and $119.95 for the front, free shipping. Mounted myself.
  2. Try this in the tech library http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=503 This works. I used it and still have flashers.
  3. another way if your'e just wanting to share a picture is open a seperate explorer window and go to your pic then highlight the link and copy. Make your post and past like this http://s105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/kebranton/?action=view&current=_DSC1800.jpg
  4. Look here http://www.diamondraccessories.com/
  5. Thanks Larry
  6. You haven't noticed! Any thing with motorcycle attached is overpriced. :confused24: Kenny
  7. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't the rear brake pad be FA123 instead of FA124. Kenny
  8. Got the same setup. Works great. Kenny
  9. The only diffrence I can see is the two adapter plates that come with the more expensive model. I have the cheaper one and it works well with the venture. I don't think you would be able to use the adapter plates on the venture because it would not goe under with the adapter that you need sold by carbon one. Kenny
  10. Thanks Allen Just ordered one for Beth. Kenny
  11. AMEN to that. Can only imagine how you must feel. Kenny
  12. Try this http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=737&highlight=tank+removal Kenny
  13. I got one from him when he first posted, and yes it does work great. Thanks again Larry Kenny
  14. Just arrived at work at the Bogalusa PD and backed in to a parking space, turned the wheel to lock it and let it down on the kickstand. OOPS no kickstand. Can't believe i forgot to let it down. Beth said I better be gald she wasn't on it:confused24: . I found out I can pick it up by myself, esp. before all the cops saw:whistling: . Kenny
  15. Looks good Mark. Now I have to start looking at doing this. Kenny
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