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Everything posted by kbran

  1. Sorry about that Dennis, but glad you are ok. The bike can be replaced you just take care of yourself. Hope it all goes alright for you.
  2. My wife, Beth (nanaof4) had her rotator cuff surgery yesterday. The doc said he got a good strong repair and the socket looked good. Had to grind off one spur. She is hurting this morning but should heal good. Will be glad when she can ride again.
  3. So sorry to hear this, praying for a speedy recovery.
  4. Glad to hear things went well Larry. Praying for a speedy recovery and great results with the implant.
  5. Prayers are out for him. May he come home safe.
  6. We enjoyed meeting you as well. Looking forward to the next time.
  7. Mike, BMW did sell them, but I don't see his add in the clasifieds. Here it the thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=5509&highlight=passing+lamp+spacer
  8. Yes I think that is a drop.
  9. I just hit the donate button for my drops. Sorry it took so long.
  10. It's not really that hard to get it back up if done properly. Get the ride like a pro video and he shows you how. All you do is back up to the bike and roll the handle bars in, grab the passanger rail and the grips on the handlebar and walk it backward. When it is approaching the upright position and you can hold it up start reaching for the kickstand and let it down. If it is on the oppesit side let the kickstand down first and raise it and let it come down on the stand. I'm not that big of a guy and ask Freebird how fast I had mine back up. He said he was getting off to help me and I had it up before he could get off his bike.
  11. If nothing happens we will be there. Hopefully nanaof4 will be able to go this time.
  12. Don, I mentioned a while back that my mileage had been way down for a while and I thought the same thing, I noticed it after I changed to the K&N filters. I haven't tried the stock to see if it made a differnece thou. I do know from the plugs that two carbs are burning rich.
  13. Yes I did, hadn't dropped mine in almost a year and now not only once at vogel but twice. The first time was when we were trying to figure out how to park at our cabin and I droped off the asphalt and down it went. Oh well I guess that's $10 for the site.
  14. You keep posting Sherry. We are always glad to here from you and know how you are doing. We don't always understand the whys when it comes to Gods infanite wisdom but know he has the master plan and he has a plan for you in this life. Not only is it good to hear from you and others like tatgirl and AllenH and our wishes for you gives us strength but your words encourage and strengthen us as well. Stay strong and may God richely bless you. Kenny and Beth
  15. Very good indeed. I like it.
  16. So sorry to hear, just unbelievable. Prayers sent to the family.
  17. I did the same thing and it sure does make a diffrence, not only the NoMar bar but the paste made a big diffrence mounting the tires, so much easeier and no scratching.
  18. You can download it here http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1828 in the tech library, compliments of juggler.
  19. Sorry to hear of your loss, our prayer are with you and your family.
  20. Does don't it. I see you don't have Ms and La. colored in on your map!
  21. Got my lights installed yesterday. Thanks Bill, great product.
  22. Check these too http://www.jpcycles.com/productgroup.aspx?GID=f50291fb-213e-4385-a2cb-e6db00522737 From another thread also. Most say they use the 70,000 candle power, the 110,000 candle power is new. Don't know if it would drain power.
  23. Allen Beth and I are just stunned. I am so sorry to hear this. We cherish the visit with all of you in St. Charles and you and Debbie now hold a special place in our hearts. We so enjoyed meeting you and just can't believe this has happend. Everyone says this is family and it's so true that we feel like we have lost a dear member. Our hearts and prayers go out for you and just wish there was something that we could do. We don't always know the why's but there is Someone who does and He alone can give you comfort. I just can't imagine beeing in your place, but know you have freinds who are thinking about you, so just stay strong. Kenny and Beth
  24. Great job.
  25. The vent don't help. Hope you get an answere cause it was killing me this morning.
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