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Everything posted by kbran

  1. Still in our thoughts and prayers as well. Thanks for keeping us updated.
  2. Here you go.
  3. I have a few right at my front door. Every weekend bikes are up and down my road.
  4. It's hard to express the feelings and emotions, but I think about this alot and you Gary. Just wish there was more that we could do. You hang in there and know that we are pulling for you. Hope you recover soon. And you still have our prayers for your healing.
  5. I made it home about 9:30pm. Had a great time and it was good to see everyone that made it. It was a great trip for a great cause.
  6. I agree. Before mine were installed had a few pull out infront of me. Since I've had them none have done so. And blinker lights are red or yellow not a white big headlight modulating. And they pulse to fast to be confused with someone flashing there headlights at you. I still watch out for people at intersections and prepare for someone pulling out. I think they help more than hurt and I will continue to use mine until more stats show different.
  7. :ice_awesome-vi46644I like.
  8. Thanks Guys. I put the carbtune on it today and it was barely off. Will do the AIS next. The only thing I have done to the air is K&N filters.
  9. None on my 06 either.
  10. I finaly broke down and bought a set of Barons bag slash and go them on the bike today. I really like the sound of these things, althou I am going to modify the baffles to tone them down just a bit. Put my son inlaw outside to listen to me ride by and he said they had a nice deep rumble and sounded like the old cars with the straight pipes. Anyway I have a couple of concerns. First I think I rember reading they change the mount to give more clearance. Ended up real close to the back of the sidebags. See the attchments. Not realy crazy about the angle. May modify the mount some how. Any suggestions. Second I now have a lot of poping on decel that I didn't have before. Not really that bad but very noticeable. Carbs, rejet, remove AIS? Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Way to go Allen. Have fun.
  12. They're in our prayers.
  13. Mine tells me that all the time about my Midnight. She says you going to spend time with your black B@*%^.
  14. Mine does the same thing except I don't think it is the upper cord. I can reach my finger in by wire the mike is attached to the helmet and wiggle the small wires to the speaker and it will work for a while. I once pulled the speaker and wires out and disconected the small conector from the speakers to the mike and replugged and it worked fine for a while. It is now starting to act up again, but if push on those wires at the connector it works again for that ride.
  15. We had a couple vist us Friday. Meandog and his wife Nancy came by and spent the afternoon with Beth and I. We had a great visit. Beth cooked, with her one arm, some crawfish pie and fried chiken, so we ate lunch and visited the rest of the afternoon. So glad they came, it was great seeing them.
  16. He can't, he's on his way to my house. LOL
  17. We're glad your home to and doing ok. Take your time and recover. Good to hear from you.
  18. kbran


    Ditto: Lowell that's a pretty color.
  19. Yea, how bout them tigers.
  20. That's great Chuck. Very nice looking bike. Beth and I can't wait to ride with you and Nancy again. Have fun.
  21. If you still want to trade I have my stock muff taken off after couple thousand miles. I would be willing to trade.
  22. kbran

    Sad News

    God bless. Prayers go out to the family.
  23. I might be able to make it from Bogalusa, La. Could meet up with meandog and ride in with him.
  24. "B" is bias belted and "H" is the speed rating. Get the "HB".
  25. Now that was slick Eck. Good on ya Dan. That's a great woman you have there. Mine is to, now to get her to help with taking care of the bike. :confused24:Maybe I will let her read this.
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