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Everything posted by kbran

  1. Wow Mike, were thinking about you and prayers on the way up.
  2. Best wishes for Josh. I've met him several times and he is a good kid.
  3. Don, we will be praying for you and your family. What ever the problem is may God bless you and that all works out for you.
  4. Sending prayers for you Skid and for the docs.
  5. Praying for you guys Dan. Sorry to hear this.
  6. Prayers sent. Hope she gets well soon.
  7. Very good.
  8. Hey Gary, good to see you back. Don't change your name, we wouldn't know who you are! Hope the interview goes well.
  9. Way to go Wes. Nice ride!
  10. Very nice, thanks for posting.
  11. Congrats!!!!!!
  12. Congrats Gary.
  13. Prayers sent for you and Linda.
  14. Prayers sent. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 4
  15. I'm at work to Walter. Hope you get it going.
  16. So sorry to hear of Steve's passing. I fist met him at Vogel the year I brought "Mean Dog" Mark Still when he was down with cancer. Found out I had a bad tire and Steve invited us to his house on our way home to replace the tire with one he had. He showed us around the shop and how he made the grills. He was very kind and helpful. Talked with him several times at Vogel after that and always enjoyed being around him. He will be sadly missed and I offer my Prayers to the family for peace and comfort in these difficult times. Rest in Peace Steve.
  17. Very hard to loose a child, our prayer or with them.
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