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Everything posted by kbran

  1. I'll be home today and tomorw, give me a call or come by.
  2. Sorry to hear this Todd. May God bless their family.
  3. Come on down. Be glad to have you.
  4. Enjoyed that. Very nice.
  5. If someone wants one I have one I'll sell. I did go to mp3 player.
  6. kbran


    I know it's tough Allen. Can only imagin what you are going thru. I think of Debbie often and were glad we got to meet her. Will have you in our thoughts and prayer buddy.
  7. I downloaded the file and opened it up in poi edit and then converted it to ov2 file (tomtom binary) and copied to my tomtom rider. It worked but there is no phone no.'s on the original file are on the converted files.
  8. You got it Lyle. If there is anything I can do for you let me know.
  9. No, but you do need to jack it up enough to releive the pressure on the rear tire to get the bolts out. See this post and do a search on leveling links for further info. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=8075&highlight=leveling+links
  10. Happy aniversary you two.
  11. How bout here http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=267
  12. Looks like it was deleted but I found a reference to it with the part no. here http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=14813&highlight=bolts in the 4th post.
  13. I have this one http://www.venturedad.com/ , you have to call him. Or diamond r accessories has a hiden hitch here http://www.diamondraccessories.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=DRA&Product_Code=VHH&Category_Code=
  14. kbran

    Wrong page

    First see this post, click here . Then go to your user cp and if you are talking about an avitar go to edit avitar and you will see options for uploading pics. Or you can edit your pic gallery and up load pics there. If you are trying to show a pic in a thread, above the message book is a yellow square with a mountain scene, hover your mouse over that and it will say insert image. If I got some of this wrong I'm sure someone will chime in. Hope it helps.
  15. Sroll down below this thread and see installing passing lamps and other related threads. It's not hard to do.
  16. Not so, check the tech article.
  17. Hope this isn't what I'm thinking. What's up Mike. Sure did enjoy meeting you and Terri at Eureka Springs. Hope your not giving it up already.
  18. The front is correct the rear should be http://arizonamoto.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=SWMT&Product_Code=305321&Category_Code=Venom
  19. Will pray for you and your family. God Bless.
  20. I was to slow Roadhand. Dale gave you the right link. http://piggybacker.stehltow.com/
  21. I have the XL and like it. Don't even know it's back there. I think either one tows very nice behind the bike, several on here have them. They are not $3000 trailers so the box is made of plastic and a little flimzy but it does a good job for the money.
  22. Here is the same light bar for $25 at signal dynamics. I have it on my bike and three lights are on all the time and the rest light up when brakes are applied. Come in red are clear lens. Click here .
  23. Hey Buddy, we don't call you buddy for nothin. Come on Buddy you know you can still show up no matter what you are on. Oh and that's a good looking scoot. Congrats.
  24. Your'e not supposed to be playing games. Supposed to be outside helping Goeorge but those cables on.
  25. You did good, drill the hole.
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