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Everything posted by kbran

  1. Here is one. http://piggybacker.stehltow.com/ Low cost and several on here have them. I have the xl modle and like it.
  2. Wish I could but have to work that weekend.
  3. Dan, go on and bid on this, Sqiud and Dennis say mine is ok that is good enough, besides I have a second bike and am in no hurry. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=300252216715&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=020
  4. I thought that might be part of the problem with mileage and popping after reading some of the post this morning. May not be, but it was on my watch list aready and thought what the heck. I'm at work and don't have the 86 with me, can't check it out till tonight but I would gladly stop bidding if mine is working. Sorry.
  5. Squidly, see what you have caused.:rasberry:lol
  6. When you say pressure sensor, is that the same thing as the boost sensor which uses vacum from the #2 cylinder?
  7. Praying for all the family Lyle. If there is anything I can do let me know. Kenny
  8. Ditto, I've tried others and you can't beat it for 20 bucks.
  9. No need to remove the strip. There are welded nuts on the back side. If I remember corectly the bolts are 8mm.
  10. Glad too that your not seriously hurt. The bike can be fixed, just take care of yourself.
  11. Good to hear Steve. A good ride is the best medicen. Have fun.
  12. I do. Got a set of R/K's here.
  13. Yes, had the throttle open. New plugs, wire and it is firing, had a nice brown color. Took the air filter off today and looked in and the butterflys were all closed. Still want to check the valves. We will get together Lowell. I did find the clamp on the no vac cylinder down over the bend where the carb boot is to the engine and moved it back up in the corect position and retightened. Put it back together and had a little vac. on that cylinder. So I kept playing with the adjustment screws on the sync and managed to get up to 12in. vac on the carbtune. Went back around each cylinder and checked idle adj. and resynced and this time got at 14in vac. Was able to get them all pretty even and when reved up they would all rise pretty much together. So maybe I have it now but it is still poping. Could be the can of seafoam in the tank and will be checking for exhaust leak or other vac leak soon. Any way it has rained here all day but I did manage to take it out for a few and it ran strong. For right now, just going to run it and see what happens. Thanks for the input.
  14. What a family. Well said Gerald, Patty and Dan and everyone else. This is a great group of people. Good to see you again Dan and keep riding safe.
  15. I have little to no vaccum on one cylinder on the 86. It will not read on the carbtune, althou you can feel a little on the tube at manifold and if you take the restrictor out the rod will move up about an inch and bounce. I did a compression check this evening and all cylinders were around 200 plus or minus 4 lbs., which the manual says 199 is the high side with 142 being minumum and 171 standard. I have tried spraying WD40 around the carb boots with no rise in rpm. I checked the tube at manifold with a torch cleaning tip and felt no obstructions. All this was advice from Muffinman, Jeff I rechecked the compression on 1 and 2 only turning it over 3 times and the front cylinder read 150 and the rear 90lbs. Any one else have any suggestions?????????
  16. Well I was there until Thur., sorry I couldn't stay and ride with you all. But I did ride an 86 back to Louisiana from Brad's, 1400 miles and it never left me on the side of the road:rasberry:
  17. I made it home from Brad's yesterday and it was a great trip. We crossed over into Canada that night and had dinner with GaryN. Left early the next morning and headed to Asheville. The bike did well except backfireing, so Muffinman helped resync and we could not get any vacum on #1 cylinder. He did get it set prety good and it ran great comeing home. Want to thank him and Brad and Denden for the work they put into it. Denden came over the week before and helped Brad work on the carbs, so a big thanks to them for taking the time out to help. And thanks to jrichard for getting in there as well. It was great to see some of the folks at Asheville, sorry I was busy with the bike and didn't get to visit much. Wish I could have stayed. Got some work to do on the 86 and need to figure out the loss of vaccum on #1. If anyone can lead me in the right direction please chim in.
  18. I'm not picky, what ever is easy for YOU to prepare.
  19. Trip to Squidly is all set up. Will catch a flight at 6AM in the morning to Detroit, spend the night at the Squids and leave early Thur. morning on my way home with a 1st gen. The plan is to go down I-75 to Knoxville Tn and on to Asheville, hope to be there early Thur. evening to visit with the rally crew, for a night and then home frid. morning. Don't know were I am staying Thur. night yet. If anyone is going that day in this direction call and maybe we can meet up. My # is 985-516-1308. Roadkill I sent you a PM and it is still unread.
  20. Look at the suspension air fork balance kit on this page http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/search/search.jsp?store=Main&searchString=PROGRESSIVE&sort=priceasc Then look for the progressive suspension air pump on this page http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/search/search.jsp?currentOffset=0&previousPageOffset=0&nextPageOffset=20&np=&searchString=PROGRESSIVE&store=Main&sort=priceasc&np=0&page=&limit=20&next.x=13&next.y=10. It will allow you to put air in small icrements with zero loss when removed. You can add olnly 7lbs. to the front forks, up to 50 on the rear. The air suspension comes with zero from the factory, you have to adjust for you ride. The balance kit makes it easy to get the same amount of air in both front forks.
  21. Poor Dale:whistling:. Don't be too hard on him, you don't even know if it was his fault. Always blameing the man:think:.
  22. James, you said in your orig. post that the dealer had several other bikes with the radio acting up and he was going to see if it was the stator. Did you ever check to see if that was the case? My radio is still acting up but haven't had a chance to bring it in yet.
  23. That is good news and prayers still offered up.
  24. She will be in our prayers. Hope all goes well and she has a speedy recovery.
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