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Everything posted by kbran

  1. Praying for you Allen. Been missing you on here as well.
  2. Good to see you back Lyle.
  3. Who's cleaning that mess, you are lilbit.LOL
  4. Try this one http://www.etrailer.com/p-118146.htm . Here is an tech article on how to wire the modulite http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=503
  5. Wow, that was a big pine tree too. Thats right Buddy. It is hard enough seeing a black bike in the rain and the orange stands out. Wish they sitll made the orange myself.
  6. Now what was so funny about that. We made it home about 4:30 ct. , just a few sprinkles and little rain about 10 mile before we made it home. Nothing heavy enough for orang frog toggs. The wind was bad from southeast Ar. down thru Mississippi, the gas mileage sucked. But we made it home safely. Thanks to Bill and Linda for a great job, we certainly had a great time seeing old friends and meeting new as well.
  7. Hey Dale, The storm is headed to TX so we are loaded up ready to go to Eureka Springs. How bout you and Cindy? Hope to see you there.
  8. All loaded and ready to go. Heading to my sisters in Cabot, AR this after noon. See yall tomorow eve.
  9. Thanks for the post, been wondering if he was alright. I live in Bogalusa and we had no damage. My son lives in Greenwell Springs and they are ok. Tell him Kenny said hi and if there is any thing we can do to call me.
  10. I thought we were in the clear, hasn't rained all day until late this evening and now we are in one tornado watch after another. Several have already touched down and watching a warning aproaching us now. We are now in an outer feeder band streaming up south to north from Lake Ponchatrain.
  11. They say when it rains it pours, and you are right Dale its got to get better and it will. Hope Cindy has a speedy recovery and things do get better. We are still praying for you guys and thinking about you.
  12. kbran

    Sad News

    May God give you peace in this time of sorrow. Your family is in our prayers.
  13. Well we sruvived the storm. Had to work at Bogalusa PD the last two days and the internet went out yesterday and just came back on. We were with out power yesterday morning until just a little while ago and the phones have not been working right. No major damage here just mainly small limbs all over. Had some tornados around and it was kind of rough last nite. Thanks to jrichard and trich for calling and checking on us.
  14. So sorry to hear this Gary, prayers sent.
  15. kbran


    I had to turn my volume down with those speakers, but I did notice that if they are not directly centered on your ear it makes a big difference. You may need to readjust were the speakers are in relation to your ear.
  16. Congrats to you and may you have many happy years together.
  17. Jim, I thought you sat on mine at Colorado and decided that is the way you were going. Anyway here is a writeup from the venturers site on how to install the flanders bars with info on what to buy from buckeye performance. Give them a call and they will help you with options. The bars pull back 2" and are just a little wider, don't know how much. http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002004&id=364 Also Don did a write up on saving the original weights here http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=11122&highlight=flanders Do a search on flanders and you will find a lot of info. It's not that hard to do and if you have a question you can always call me or pm.
  18. Here is a couple more pics from the 86 I just got from Squidly.
  19. It's a beaut. I love that color.
  20. What year bike? I just purchased an 86 and the volume was so low you could barely hear the cb, and the squelch would no adjust at all (it was stuck on rx). So the volume or the squelch would not adjust indicating bad potentiometer. I tried to spray them with contact cleaner but no help. I just recieved a cb from an 87 off ebay and swaped it out now all is fine. May try and find the right pots and repair this one.
  21. So sorry to hear this, best wishes and prayers sent for bigbob.
  22. Is this http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DYV%2D41the part you are refering to. Thanks
  23. Would anyone have the rider (front) helmet cord that connects to the amplifier and wire harnes on the left side of bike (86 Venture). I couldn't get the left speaker in helmet to work and after playing with the plug it will come in but it cuts out when you let go of the plug. If anyone has a spare from parts bike would be willing to buy. Thanks
  24. Praying all goes well for her Lewis.
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