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Everything posted by kbran

  1. Good luck John, our prayers are with you.
  2. I guess I'll be the only one in a cast that won't get to come and get that cheesecake:bawling:
  3. Or c) use a battery tender when parked for extended periods.
  4. There on page 2 under 2nd gen parts & acc http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showcat.php/cat/7/page/2
  5. This http://www.diamondraccessories.com/ is the only place I know to buy armrest. For your signature map go here http://www.epgsoft.com/index.html. Create your map and save it on your computer as a small map. Go to user cp on this site and go to settings and options then click on edit signature. Below the text box you will see upload picture, upload from computer and save your signatrue.
  6. You missed this post http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=336984#post336984. He didn't explain if he's trading the roadkill bike or selling it back to Jay.
  7. Saw the orthopedic tuesday and he put it in a cast. Go back in two weeks and if it is doing well he may put it in a walking boot. Still hurts like %^&*.
  8. Try this one http://www.colorrite.com/
  9. Ok, I found the info for you. What I have is the Kennedy Cellset and I purchased from cyclegadgets.com . They don't seem to have that modle anymore so I did a search and found the kennedy site here http://www.cellset.com/Motorcycleitems.html . You need this modle CellSet MC/SP4 . Click on this model and then click on the harness and phone harness. You need the 5pin din modle fpd and under the phone harness you will see one for the tomtom rider. This set allows you and the passanger to use the phone thru the tomtom and also hear the voice directions thru the intercom system. It is a little pricey and has gone up since I purchased mine. The new bluetooth adapter in the prev. post may be all you need and is a lot cheaper. Hope this helps.
  10. There is a way to do it because I have it on my 06 midnight. It is an itegration system for the tomtom and I thought I purchased it from Sierra Electronics, but can't find it now. This system pugged into the headset harness under the pass. seat and power from the battery. One cable ran to the trunk and had plug to charge the TT bluetooth and another end that plugs into the audio out on the bluetooth. Here is a link to Sierra http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DCFRG%2DBT01 . I think this product may have replace what I have and would do what you need.
  11. Thanks for the well wishes. Glad I got to see the ones that I did, just wished it hadden't happened and we could have stayed to enjoy it, but at least there is a next time:thumbsup2:.
  12. Sorry we didn't get to see you again John. Glad you got to make it. Hope everything goes well with the surgery.
  13. Thanks for the pics, I was almost there:crying:
  14. It was the 06 and I was pulling the trailor. Only damage was a broken reflector on the saddlebag rails, and the guy who was helping pushed to hard the wrong way on the kickstand and broke the extended piece off. Wonder if the trailor could have conributed?
  15. Good to see you again Mike, but tell Terri we sure did miss seeing her. Hope to see you two at the Hub. You were right it was boken, a spiral break on th fibula above the ankle joint. It feels better today, thanks buddy.
  16. Well on the way to St. Charles thru Ar. Thursday the wife and I had a spill on the bike in a gravel parking lot in Mo. The gravel was the crushed rock type gray in color and looked to be packed good and I made the turn in ok and was headed straight to the other side when it slide to the right and I thought I had it recovered when all of a sudden it sliped to the left and down we went rather hard. Beth wasn't hurt, but I imediatley felt pain in my right ankle and was able to pull my leg out. So I thought I just sprained it. We made it on in, which was 89 miles out from St. Charles, and got checked in to the motel. It began hurting pretty bad and I was able to stop with the weight on the left leg. Got into the room, took boot off and iced it and the swelling went down but the pain intensified to the point I could put no wheight on it. So we decided to call my son and he and his brother came with his trailer and took us back to La. We made it home this morning about 8am and Beth had no sleep, so she napped till after noon and took me to the local hospital. Well it is broke just above the ankle joint on the small bone ( fibula ) in a spiral break. It is in place and the ER doc said see an orthapedic which would probably just put it in a walking boot cast. The pain has gotten better but I still can't put any wheight on it So with a ruined weekend with friends I am now back home and won't be rideing for a while. At least it will be healed in time for the next event. Bill came and got me for breakfast friday morning so I did get to see old friends and some new ones. Thanks to those who came by the room an visited and offered help. I know each one of you would have gone out of your way and we appreciate it.
  17. I bought these parts yesterday and checked mine and it was right on. I've had mine over 2 years and used it countless times, and helped others at m&e and have never cleaned it, so I figured better check it , but like I said it was right on. Thanks for the part list skydock.
  18. Wow Jeff, like all have said be safe over there and watch your back. Gonna miss seeing you at vogel this year. Thought we were going to make it to the Skid in but that's out now, will be in Clevland Tn. that weekend for a family reunion. Take care my freind and keep in touch.
  19. Glad it's going well for you Don. Will keep you in our prayers and hope that the treatments work there magic.
  20. Here you go.
  21. Prayers sent.
  22. Is Linda going to be taking some home on the GW?
  23. I am about 220 miles in Bogalusa, La. Would be glad to help if you want to ride over. Wouldn't cost you anythig. I work every other weekend and will be off next weekend. A member lives pretty close to you in Deberry, Tx, his name is Lowell and goes by wildhair39 on the sight. Know he would be glad to help if you can catch him at home. He's our ammbasodor and always on the road somewhere.
  24. Check this thread out http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=19028 . I think it will help you.
  25. To the both of you.
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