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Everything posted by kbran

  1. Enjoyed it Wes, you did good.
  2. Few more
  3. Forgot my camera too so these are from my new iphone.
  4. It's a tomtom rider gps mount.
  5. The inner spacer had fallen down causing the outer spacer next to the pumking to be to far out:whistling:
  6. Just put an e3 tire on the 86 and have been having fits getting the wheel back on. I get it back in the splines on the pumkin but do not have enough room after putting the caliper bracket or push rod back on to place the washer between it and the swingarm. Can't figure out what I am doing wrong. HELP PLEAE. AND THANKS.
  7. Your exactly right, I just bought a set about a month or so ago from dennis kirk and this week another set of EIII for the 86 and both times were a lot cheaper than southwest moto. And there free shipping is pretty fast, ordered monday, on the truck for delivery tommorw.
  8. Prayers sent for a good outcome.
  9. Whats going on with that? That's cool beans.
  10. Hey Don, glad it's going well for ya. Take care and don't rush it.
  11. Sorry to hear this. Prayers sent for the family and you and Lona.
  12. That's right, 3 rain showers and one gully washer on the way home. Goose you do remember an all day ride in the rain last year on the trace? Anyway 370 miles and the organizer of this meet don't show:confused24:. :stirthepot:So I had my on meet, see pics. Hey Snarley Bill this is the Louisiana chapter. So I made it home little after 4pm so all was not lost LOL, had a good ride. That's what I get for oversleeping this morning and not checking the site. All's well gunboat.
  13. Just not sure about the weather, they say a cool front is comeing thru sat.-sun. with 40% chance of rain.
  14. Ok, the pod landed, is it ready to fly south yet?????????/
  15. LOOKING good Lewis. Good job:thumbsup2:
  16. Hey Don, how bout a meeting place and time around Lafaytte for us comming from the east.
  17. kbran


  18. Hope it all goes well, prayers sent.
  19. PM sent
  20. Carl, I'm 70 miles from you. Working this weekend off Mon. and Tues. and Frid. thru the weekend comming up. Planning on riding the Avery run with gunboat. I'd be glad to help you out, let me know when. You are more than welcome to come to the house are anyone else that wants to head this way. My # is on the VR list, call or pm me.
  21. Looks like the only way Beth and I can catch you two again is to make one of these things. Maybe this year!!!
  22. Your daughter has no sense of humor at all, does she. Good looking boy there Wess.
  23. I don't know, I think I agree with Red.
  24. You'r right I should have:buttkick:. Had to wear um all the way home Sunday. Oh well glad you all had a good time. Seems like hind sight allways gets me:confused24:.
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