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Everything posted by kbran

  1. Hey Don it was the opposite of what you said earlier, 31 Saints 17 Colts
  3. Opps, I'm sorry boss, forgot who I was talking to.LOL
  4. Yup, you remember those days don't you.
  5. Another hour and a half to work and I'll be home to watch it. Charlene looks like she is doing pretty good.
  6. Prayers sent for you and Don.
  7. I'd like one also. Money sent via paypal . Thanks for doing this.
  8. Prayers sent.
  9. Hey Lewis, wooohooo the saints are going to the superbowl.:cool10:
  10. Prayers sent.
  11. I saw that bike and it would have been an IORN BUTT run.
  12. Just think of all the gas you could save riding the trike to work. I think he should give in if you go to all that trouble for an endorsement.
  13. Yea that. Great to see you back and in good spirits. Hope all heals well.
  14. Wow, 318 members, but I only recognize a few names. All I know is screen names from here. Did see a few familar faces like this fancy guy in a suit named Lewis and a gal with glasses on (cindy) and a nurse named Allen. But who were all these other people?
  15. So sorry to hear this, Prayers for a speedy recovery.
  16. I had one too , emailed it to you.
  17. Thought and prayers sent to you this day. May God bless and uphold your family.
  18. Thanks Annie, Merry Christmas to all.
  19. Are you still trying to butter her up?
  20. Have one and it keeps my sansa mp3 player dry.
  21. kbran

    New imac

    Not getting much forum reading done, to busy playing with a new imac. Just purchased at Bestbuy and wow this thing is fast. My old computer crapped out again and I went looking for something cheap and since I was already considering a mac, let the salesman talk me into it. So far I realy like, still learning though.
  22. Prayers sent for your son and family.
  23. Our secretary got one of those from chase. She always paid more than the minumum which was close to $200 a month ( a high balance) and was never late. They upped her minumum to over $700 a month, more than her house note. Had to borrow the money to pay it off. I just showed her this post, cause shes always asking about my chase card, hope they don't do that to me.
  24. Prayers for both of you.
  25. Congrats on the retirement Dan, it's about time. Don't work to hard:confused24:
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