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Everything posted by kbran

  1. Timeout wants $149 for a canopy over the door on the timeout camper so I tried making one. Here are the pics. Used a 6 X 8 tarp and coleman adjustable tent poles from walmart and some velcro. Cost around $30. The only thing is wants to sag in the middle so I'm affraid if it rains it will hold water and pull it down. Don't know if it's because the canvas is 6" to wide on each side. Any ideas.
  2. Try this one http://www.cmsnl.com/
  3. Now the truth comes out. Did the warden break that ankle falling off the table:whistling:
  4. YOu got to put a blue background to that so it can be read:rasberry:
  5. I like it:thumbsup2:
  6. Beth and I send our prayers for you Don. Kinda know whay you are going thru, with the surgeries i'v had on my eye and a gas inserted to hold the retna makes for a lot of pain and headaches, but just don't know about having a needle in the eye while awake,ouch. Take care of yourself and do what the Docs say.
  7. Hey Mike good to see you back. Miss you all and congrats on the new bike.
  8. You better watch it Boomer, she's gona put a knot on your head next time she sees ya.
  9. Clean the plunger on the kickstand switch with some carb cleaner working it back and forth. Mine did the same thing and others have had the same problem. The Swith is prone to collect oil and grime and start sticking. This will fix it. Did mine on an 86 last year and haven't had any more problems.
  10. kbran

    New Camper

    Nice:thumbsup2: Really looks good, hope yall enjoy it.
  11. Yes it's friging hot...............................
  12. Here is one place http://www.showmecables.com/DIN-Jack.html
  13. I want to thank Condor for sending the cable he had. It was the wrong one, missing the flat connector that goes to the wiring harness, but he graciously took it back. I ordered one from pinwall on ebay and it is the correct cable for the 86 up. Here is a pic of the right one on the right. Again thanks Jack for helping me out. http://pinwallcycle.com/ebay/bike2353/316.jpg
  14. To far away Dan, couldn't be the same one.
  15. I'm working today, get home about 6PM. I'll measure mine and let you know.
  16. Outstanding:thumbsup2:
  17. Who knows but could happen, but wether we do of not your always welcome.
  18. No brakes, but thinking about it.
  19. A few pics.
  20. We would love to do that esp. out west. We will keep you posted on plans.
  21. Yea, that's the hard part cathing you at home LOL. That was a flying trip anyway and we will keep trying to catch up with you.
  22. Went to Hot Springs, Ar. wed. and came back with a 2009 timeout camper. Didn't get home till 11PM, so it was a long day after working the night before. I'll post pics this evening when I get off from work.
  23. We been looking for a deal on a timeout camper for a while. Think I found one in Arkansas. It's one year old and camped in one time, Beth and I are going tommorw to look at it.
  24. More prayers sent. Hope things get better.
  25. Getin an early start:think:
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