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Everything posted by kbran

  1. We made it home this afternoon, the last couple hours in the rain after 16 dry days. Logged 5,489 miles on our trip. We stayed at Ft. Collins Co after we left a couple days and rode up Rocky Mt. Had a great time at the rally and meeting new and old freinds. Thanks to Vic and Jack for putting it together. Pics to follow after resting and sorting them out.
  2. Hey Gary and Larry, Beth and I are south of Rapid City at Mystery Mountain resort. Went to badlands today and going to Cuter tomorrow. Give us a call.
  3. Glad he's ok
  4. The weather was nice today. Went to Rushmore, Deadwood and Sturgis. Then a nice ride down 385 back to the camp. http://tapatalk.com/mu/20940ba9-592b-39a7.jpg
  5. Congrats to you both.
  6. Made it to Worthington, MN about 5ct today. Had a great visit with cinderella and midnightrider and of course Hallie yesterday. Too ;$&: hot today. It was brutal. Should be at the blackhills tomorrow.
  7. Left at 6:30am ct for our vacation. First stop a nice visit with wildhair 39. Great to see the ambassador again. Got here after riding 12 hrs in this heat but it's great to be out with family and friends.
  8. Good talking to you last night Lowell. Hopefully Beth and I will see you Saturday or Sunday.
  9. Actually alligators aren't agressive like crocidiles. As far as the legallity of feeding them I don't know but it must be ok or the swamp tours couldn't do it, and probably why they can't in Florida is because of the crocks.
  10. Glad you made it home safe Brenda, enjoyed haveing you over. Like your new bike too.
  11. Thanks Ponch, got it fixed.
  12. We took Bradt, NaughT and their daughter Brooke on a Louisiana swamp tour at Honey Island Swamp while they were here and to New Orleans the next day. Here are some pics of the swamp tour, didn't take my camera to NO. http://s105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/kebranton/Swamp%20tour%204th%20july2011/
  13. What a great time this weekend. If I counted right we had 17 in attendance. BradT and NaughT came down with their daughter Brooke and also met a few local folks. Thanks seabeetom, starrider60 and jvbailey and his lovely wife for comming by, it was truly a pleasure haveing you. Was great to see all the regulars as well. Haven't been able to get online, been so busy. The Canadians just left this morning and we had the pleasure of showing them a little of Louisiana in the short time they were here. Took um on a swamp tour Monday and to New Orleans yesterday, pics to follow. Here is a link to my photos http://s105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/kebranton/MD%204th%20july2011/
  14. kbran

    Last Ride

    Hey Dooder, our prayers are with you. Hope to see you again soon.
  15. Well , we are in the second day of an extended week end MD and haveing a ball with this group that showed up. Had about 15 folks yesterday and most crashed here at the house on air matts and tents. Got a lot of work done yesterday. Met a few new people from Mississippi, and had a suprise couple and their daugter show up from Canada. Yes BratT and Rhonda came down to join in the fun and we kept it a secret so those who were here had a good suprise. Pics to follow, to busy now. see ya later
  16. Yea but Owen knows how to get under his skin LOL
  17. Wish you could make it. You know Boomer needs help with those tires, and I know noone can do it better than you LOL:whistling:
  18. Yea exited and now I'm really gettin skeeeeeeerd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Well you know you two are welcome anytime. Wish you could make it but I know to well how life goes sometimes.
  20. We'll be looking for ya:thumbsup2:
  21. That's usually me, I work shift work and catch every other weekend. We'll try to get together another time.
  22. See you guys Saturday. Any one else?????????????
  23. Hate you can't make it but understand. Have a safe trip.
  24. Good deal, see you Saturday:clap2:
  25. Fantabulous:thumbsup2:
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