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Everything posted by kbran

  1. As all have said, can't even imagine loosing a child, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife.
  2. We made it home about 5pm ct this evening. Boomer decided to go on, another 4 hr's, had to get back to his Sweety. We had a great time tho short. Met up with Cowboy yesterday at 9am and rode to Tellico, Tn and did the Cerahola , Dragon then hwy.28 back down 74/19 to the Wahya and made it back to the hotel around 6pm. Here's a few pics.
  3. Ok smarty, you know I don't have one and you wouldn't even loan me your's in Cody. Long johns and carhart coveralls worked good, my fingers were the problem.
  4. Prayers still going up for Dan.
  5. Boomer and I are fixing to be heading out shortly for Blairsville, Ga. We'll be riding the Dragon tomorow, looks like it's gonna be a little chilly. Oh well, ready for the adventure.
  6. Tom, my wife, Beth and I have been at several get togethers with Dan and Rose and we think the world of them. Yes he's a tough old bird and we are pulling and praying for him. There's a lot of great people on this site and like was said we would do anything that we can for them. Tell um hi for us and wish we could come for support.
  7. Prayers sent for Dan and Rose.
  8. Louisiana:cool10:
  9. Wow Brad, it hasn't even got really cold yet!
  10. Prayers sent.
  11. Great news. Wish we could go with you. Still praying for Ponch and Cathy.
  12. I have been using it for years and it works well for me. TomTom will only accept so many waypoint so you have to watch how many you place, but it is easy to place way points to make your own route. Just zoom in and make sure your waypoint isn't taking you back the wrong way (the wrong side of multilane hwy's.). Use it with my TomTom Rider.
  13. Prayers sent. Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  14. Prayer sent.
  15. Glad to hear things are progressing. Praying for continued healing.
  16. A few pics from my phone. When I get home will load some more. Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  17. Made it home from TX about 25 min ago. We had a great time as usual. Get some pics up tomorrow after work. Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  18. Squid's post is above and nothing to add. It was truly great to see Ponch and Cathy again. Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  19. Looking good! Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  20. Me to! Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  21. Glad your ok Rick.
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