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Mike G in SC

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Everything posted by Mike G in SC

  1. Haven't droped my current bikes (yet?). But tomorrow ain't here,, yet. I did drop my Road Star twice. Once when I put my foot in a hole (on sand), and once when an idiot pulled in my path on a 4 lane. Help was available both times. But, you just do what you have to do. I did lower both of my bikes so, it is not as likely to happen (yet?). Mike G.
  2. I was stationed at Lowery in 1969-1970. Well, training school for a year. I forgot what they taught me.. DID NOT INCLUDE LOBSTER,,, unless they could fly or drop bombs. But, God I loved living in Denver. Right downtown, 5 blocks from the capitol.
  3. There is a place, just down the hill from LL Bean in Freeport ME that tourists go to eat really fresh lobster. Can't beat it. My brother and his wife (RIP both) used to order lobster from the Myers Park school in Charlotte (rich private school). They had lobster sales instead of Krispy Kremes. Little snobs,, hehe. Well after a few beers, he would always cut the rubberbands off their claws and let them have at it!!! Fight to the death,,, kind of. The looser went in the pot first! PETA,,,, LOL,,,, hehe.
  4. I don't know where he was riding but I don't think I would even fart in that part of town,,,, SWAT team on every corner!!!!!
  5. Robert, You do have a guy up at Lake Norman that is pretty good. Bill Little, known here as Wild Bill. See vendor/member classifieds. He is a retired mechanic/engineer and has his own wrenches,lol. He lowered my RSV but I know he can do most anything. Look him up,,, nice guy too. Mike G in SC http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=4202&title=service-to-lower-front-or-rear-of-2nd-gen-rsv-27s-&cat=36
  6. Miles, I don't see the Vmax rear in the Vendor/Member classifieds now. Where did you buy it? Is it same $300+ trade? Got it in the back of my mind for my RSV. Still thinking about your column on your ride. Told my wife about it. Think I might restrict my out of country experience to Canada. The rest of you ride sounded great, but don't think I am interested in riding Mexico. If you get wander after lowering the rear, might take the front down a notch (say 1"). Mike G in SC
  7. Short sleeve ride yesterday, in the high 70's. Then, evening storm (the big blow that has been doing tornado's), dropping us 20 degrees. If it helps, it is -10,,,, in my freezer.
  8. Yeah, similar. My RSV is the "big bike", my RSTD is the "little bike".
  9. I bought the Grasshopper for my RSV in Madison, WI from them at the STAR Days. I think it was $80 even. It is not adjustable but pulls out in seconds. Also, very simple mount under the passenger seat, and you don't see it if the back rest is out. I had them modify mike so the back is lower, more lumbar. At the tent, they bend the bracket for your fit. I did not care for it. Put it in the barn. I do have the Utopia on my RSV now. Got it used recently. It is adjustable but, does not remove without tools and removing the front seat. Still just 10-15 minutes. What I really like is the Ultimate Seat rider backrest on my RSTD. It is adjustable (same screw as the Utopia) and it removes with a pull. Wish the Utopia had quck removal. As my wife fills in more seat than when we met(?) the Utopia is "right there". So, I will probably pull it and reinstall when I do a long solo run. If you are interested in the Grasshopper, send me a PM. I do have a guy who said he wanted it but,,, he ain't asked lately. Mike G in SC
  10. That is a nice looking ride. I have a friend who has a very clean 1999 RS for sale. ALL RED,,,, call's it BIG RED. Ultimate Seat. I will post if for him in our classified's soon. Bike is near Hilton Head, SC. Asking $4500. Mike G. Edit: My friend said, yeah, post on VR. I just did, see classifieds, Royal Star.
  11. I've had several sets of Avons and am now running mix of Michelins rear and Dunlop E3's on my RSTD and RSV. All perform about the same to me, good. I did have one Avon that developed a pin leak near the bead of a front. Took it to my Yamaha shop where it was installed, they found it and Avon replaced it free at 12k miles (1/2 tread wear). But I don't think the tire had visible cracking. Overall was happy with Avons, but wanted to try the new Michelins, and the E3's to see if I can get more servicable miles. Wish Michelin Commander II would come out with stock front.
  12. Wade, So what was sticker $$$ and what was purchase $$? And, will he ride it or garage it till spring? Was there a reason he bought in January, up north? (Oh, funny, clicking on your "city" puts you in upper PA, not OH. But same question.) Mike G.
  13. Stadium Yamaha (TX), Central Yamaha (TX) and also Yamaha of Cucamonga (CA) have always had good prices on line. My local Yamaha dealer (Extreme Sports, Sumter SC) will usually meet their price on Yamaha accesories and parts. I just bring in a printout, show it on my smart phone, or they will look them up. Don't know about the extra 10%(?). Nice to do local shopping if you have a good dealer, luckily I do. Mike G in SC EDIT: PS And,,,, price matching, generally speaking,,, smart phone. Download app Red Laser (or similar barcode app) to you phone. Then when you go in Best Buy and many other retail stores just scan the product barcode of something you want. It may show a lower local or online price. Then just show that at the checkout and they will match off that instead of carrying a store flier. Did it yesterday on the Led Zepelin new album. And just last week, several stores announced more competitive price matching. Best Buy even said they match Amazon. Seems like Walmart and Target are also in.
  14. Great winter thread.... Jack Nicholson in 5 Easy Pieces... [Bobby wants plain toast, which isn't on the menu] Bobby: I'd like an omelet, plain, and a chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast, no mayonnaise, no butter, no lettuce. And a cup of coffee. Waitress: A #2, chicken salad sand. Hold the butter, the lettuce, the mayonnaise, and a cup of coffee. Anything else? Bobby: Yeah, now all you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, give me a check for the chicken salad sandwich, and you haven't broken any rules. Waitress: You want me to hold the chicken, huh? Bobby: I want you to hold it between your knees.
  15. HAL: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  16. In SC, lane splitting will get you arrested or ER,,, maybe both. I have driven in LA. Okay with lane splitting when done as is legal. The video has nothing to do with legal. It is simple wreckless driving and the dip should be jailed or burried,,, maybe both.
  17. Yep, saw one Sunday, talked to the owners. They have a shed full of toys, this was one. I had thought about $40k, she said more like $30. So, is that close to a Harley Trike? Seems like with all that body, they would have a way to button it up and ride, like a convertable. He said nope. Same engine as Ford Fusion. Comes with a trailer hitch. Steering wheel. Not a bad vehicle when you think about a big Honda or HD (or RSV) trike. But, as it's kind of a odd goose, not too sure if your bike friends would hang with you. Funny, the picture you posted kinda looks like 2-wheels.
  18. The viaduct below Grandfather Mt was considered a grand engineering feat, and it took forever to complete. But now when you ride it, car or bike, you will notice that it is no longer smooth as 10 years ago. While you are trying to look at all the grandeur around and above you, you find you have to look at the road cause, I would guess, it has settled a bit. And it doesn't have much traffic and few trucks.
  19. Maybe they can get the administration to "cut the red tape" like was promised for Sandy. Just think where they might be in two months. (Edit: Sorry, that was meant to be low level humor, like in 2 months later.....)
  20. Yeah. If you drop the rear the full 1 1/2" of the Baron's links then you have to also have the calliper relocation bracket ($$). But if you just wanted to drop it, say 1/2" or so, you might get away with homemade links and not moving the calliper. Then it would depend on your passenger load and amount of air in the rear shock. The relocation bracket is needed so the calliper does not hit the fender under load. You can make those at home with stock metal (someone said from Lowes) for under $10. Edit: oh, and Yamaha stock and Baron's links are stamped metal. Those are cut & shaped. So, yeah, homemade. And, Wade, I just looked at the bike pictured. If you zoom in on the bottom right picture, the bike does not have a Baron's calliper relocation bracket. You would see the calliper below the muffler if it did.
  21. Ditto on BOTH. My RSTD has the CommanderII on rear and stock size original Commander on front. My RSV has the Commander II on rear and stock size Dunlop E3 on front.
  22. Yeah, Wade. The math goes backwards on them, as they attach from the swing arm to the bottom of the shock. A shorter link holds the shock closer to the swing arm and thus raises the bike. The Barons links that LOWER the bike are actually a bit over 1/2" LONGER than the stock links. And that lowers the bike 1 1/2". And, though I haven't put hands on them, I would guess the Diamond R "leveling links" that raise the bike are shorter. Next time you have a minute, lay down on the right rear side and stare at it a minute, contemplate longer and shorter. Someone else once posted that for each 1/4" change in the links, you raise of lower the bike 1".
  23. I don't know Ponch's bike, but those look like home made or fab shop. They are not Yamaha stock and not Baron's, like noted, those are dogbone shape. I had a shop make some for me and they look more like that. I'm sure it's the picture angle but they almost don't look same length, which would not make sense. They also look longer than stock which would lower the bike, but that is probably photo too. (But I have bought from Pinwall and was happy with my purchase.) EDIT: PS,,, also, the stock and the Baron's links are stamped metal, not cut and shaped. Not like pictured.
  24. NADA prices, FYI: Pricing Suggested List PriceLow RetailAverage RetailBase Price$17,099$8,225$10,825See all opOptions: (add options) tions chosen TOTAL PRICE$17,099$8,225$10,825 EDIT: sorry the above pricing is scrambled. I had cleaned it up but that is what posted. Anyhow, go chase some pricing on NAPD, Kelly Blue Book, Edmonds and then the auction markets and here, on this website. MG
  25. Several have posted on gravity feed on the RSTD/RSV. If you know how to do it, have a few tools, maybe a flashlight, you stand a very good chance of getting running again in less than 1/2 hour. And if you have done it, maybe 15 minutes. Below is a copy/paste of mine from 2009: Like Jim said, Gravity Feed. I found my 2009 post about it(below). I ran for a week, almost 1000 miles until the dealer could get one in. Mine went at about 50k. If you get stuck, like Wizard said, you can re-route the fuel line to the carbs. in 15 minutes. Remove the seat, remove the rear tank bolt, lift the rear of the tank for access to the carb port. Pull the line off the top of the filter and re-route it to the carbs. (obviously you have to pull the line that came from the bottom of the pump to the carb.) Make sure you have a good needle nose pliers for the clamps. Oh, and a flashlight incase it happens at night. You should also open the left side cover and disconnect the electrical connection to the pump so it won't try to poop out any remaining gas. If you think you may do this for a while, buy a small cheap inline filter and a couple of inches of gas line and put it inline close to the fuel cutoff valve. You are good for lot's of miles this way. Might have issues if you let the tank get too low. Ah, and don't smoke while you are doing this! Also, a mechanic since pointed out I could also just have a connector that could connect the tank line to the carb line, bypassing the fuel filter. (But you would want to disable the pump at the side cover, by pulling the electrical connection so it won't poop out what gas it has.)
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