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Everything posted by KAWoodworth

  1. So speaking of leveling links. Is it feasible to lengthen the kick stand. I'm not that tall and not as strong as I use to be and trying get the bike up off the kick stand is a chore sometimes since I too have the leveling links. And I'm tired of having to fiddle with the inch and a half block of wood I carry around to put under the stand.
  2. Can some one tell me the recommended pressure for front and rear E3's
  3. After successfully stopping the Windows 10 install I too found that one night it just installed it's self. I didn't really want it and got prompts from Microsoft to comment on Windows 10. I basically said they should be put in jail for doing this to my computer. Well at the time I did not know about the option to revert back to Windows 7 within 30 days so I made new rescue disks and put them away for safe keeping. Last week I was surfing the net and opened a story on Yahoo "I gave a homeless man a 100 dollars and followed him". I got the blue screen with a pop up box that said my computer had been locked. I quickly went to the task manager CTRL ALT DEL and stopped the Edge browser. Fired it back up and the same blue screen and popup. Went to the system restore thinking to revert back to a previous day would get rid of it. The restore took forever and of course failed. To make a long story short I tried every option Windows 10 offered and finally had to take the one where it reloaded Windows 10 but killed all my files and programs. Well I thought all was well and good only to find out Windows 10 would not let me load any of my programs back since most were for Windows 7 and below. So beware of the almighty Microsoft! I finally had to reload a clean install from a Windows 7 from a disk I had. Thank goodness it did not ask to be activated since the disk was for another machine. So after many frustrating days I finally got my computer back. I mainly lost most of my favorites from Explorer and a few files and pictures I hadn't backed up yet. Oh and by the way my wife's Sony Vaio ran so bad and would hang up all the time on Windows 10 I had to completely rebuild her's. And of course her rescue disks would not work either to reload. A lot of frustrating time all for Microsoft to dominate the market!
  4. My last tire was an Avon Venom which I got 18.5 K. I usually ride 1 up and only fully loaded when going to a rally.
  5. Thanks guys. I was planning to try and set the carb float levels while I have them off.
  6. I'm getting ready to tackle checking my valve clearance on my 2007 Royal Star Venture. I know I need 2 valve cover gaskets. The fantastic write up that VGoose posted says to remove the carbs. Do I need any new gaskets for the carbs? If I need new carb gaskets what are the part numbers on them from Parts Shark. Every winter when I put my bike up there is always a couple of drops of coolant that leaks out from the freeze plugs. Does anyone know the part number of the freeze plugs from Parts Shark and how many do I need? I would like to replace them. Thanks
  7. Thanks, guys. I'll look into the oil pump. Don, great tip on backing up a trailer. As far as practicing, well the jet ski and trailer are down at Smith Mountain lake 4 and a half hours away. I'm going to the WNY rally next week so the next time I'll get down to the lake is over the Labor Day holiday weekend. The wife wants to take the ski out of the water then. I'd unhook the trailer the first time and take it down the hill to the water but it is way too steep an incline and at least a couple hundred yards down to the water. I don't think trailers float if it would get away from me, HA HA!!!
  8. OK, thanks Don. I just really appreciate and trust the advice given by the venturerider folks. This is the only forum I have ever joined or even looked at. I'm not really the big jet ski fan in the family, my wife is. With my bad back and spine surgery on C5 vertebrae last year I'm not much on being bounced around. And now October 6th I have to have C6 and C7 disks replaced. It sucks getting old. We bought the jet ski from a friend of my one son in-law. As I said in my first post I know nothing about jet skis. the 215 HP wake model meant nothing to me. I though they were all really fast. When the kid drove me back to our dock from the community boat launch he hit 68 MPH and said that wasn't even top speed. Way too fast for me! I just found the operators manual yesterday and it turns out it is due for an oil change at 100 hours. It has 98 hours on it now. And since it is super charged it takes a special oil as far as I read in the manual. It needs XP-S 4 Stroke 10W-40 Mineral oil. I also read you need a special suction pump to change the oil. Sound like for the first change it is going in to a dealer for service. This is going to be a hoot, someone should take a video. I have never backed a trailer up. Our community launch is down this very narrow one lane drive which is super steep. I'll be lucky I don't end up in the woods trying to get down to the water. Maybe my next door neighbor will have pity on me and help. He puts his ski in and out of the lake each time he comes down. All this lake stuff is new to me. Although I'm finding I really like Smith Mountian Lake Virginia.
  9. It was an expensive weekend. We picked up a 2008 Sea Doo Wake 215 HP super charged jet ski. I have never owned a jet ski and know almost nothing about them. I was wondering if there could be another topic on the site that would be for RV, boats, jet skis and such. This site has always been so helpful when questions come up about our bikes. I think it would be nice if there were a separate topic. That would be easier than looking through the watering hole. I'm also really interested in reading and learning about RV ownership. Those that have RV's could post in that topic.
  10. I have had the pleasure of attending 2 international rallies, last year the one in Alabama and the year before in Illinois. I had a great time at each one. My decision to attend comes to distance. I can usually only afford one travel day on either end. So For the AL meet it was about a 14 hour ride, for the IL meet it was more like 18 hours. Then I decided to take a different route home from IL and stupid me I followed my GPS and it ended up a 20 hour ride home. I applaud all those who sponsor these rallies and I know it is a lot of work. So I guess what I'm trying to say is if the rally is close enough I try to attend. But then this is a big country and I have to wait for a more of an east coast rally location. The regional rallies are great too. For me there is Vogel, Ashville and the WNY rallies. The only thing there is they all seem to be around the same time so each year I have to choose which one to attend. This year I decided on WNY which isn't too far of a ride. I wish I could make all three of the rallies near me, but I only have so much time off work. I just hope the rallies continue. VentureRider has one of the best group of people I have ever been associated with and enjoy every chance I get to be together with you all. Well that was just my 2 cents.
  11. I have a Garmin 765T and use the Buddy Rich cable which is wired into my audio on the bike. I have no problems receiving or making a call while riding. My only problem is every time I stop and turn the bike off my phone needs to be repaired up to the Garmin. And of course most time I forget like after stopping for gas so a few miles down the road when I remember I have to stop and pull over to pair the phone back up. I'm thinking it is because when I turn the bike off the power goes off to the Garmin and my phone looses the Bluetooth connection.
  12. I guess good things come in two's. Our first grand son from my middle daughter is 15 months and our oldest daughter is expecting a boy the end of April. Our youngest daughter just got married in November so it probably won't be too long before another one comes along.
  13. If you don't already have it I would recommend the VMAX rear gears swap and the DTNA 3000 TCI. They were two of the best mods I've done to my 2007 RSV.
  14. Does anyone know why Purolator recommends the PL14610 filter should not be used on our Ventures? I've been using that filter for years and haven't noticed any issues.
  15. I don't see the sign up window below the list of names. Is it just me?
  16. I was there Tuesday June 3rd and left Friday morning the 6th. It was about 600 miles and 9 hour ride up from Virginia. I saw 3 that were parked up by all the demo rides On Wednesday. Talked to one of the guys that had a 2001 he was from from NY. So at least I got to talk to one of them. I really enjoyed Americade and now there is one more off my bucket list.
  17. Last year at Don's maintainence day there was someone with a similar problem. He would turn the handle bars one way and the radio would do weird things and turn it the other and it would be fine. The problem as the wire ties. They were too tight and would just tug enough to loosen the radio wire connections. So when you split the fairing make sure the wires don't bind when you turn the handle bars.
  18. Dan, I have the Bubs and I sanded and painted my tips with flat black header paint. I put three coats on them and they are holding up pretty well. I also like the looks. Almost like Rhineheart pipes.
  19. I would also like one.
  20. My Visa card was in the Target hack. We had 7 EXXON charges in LA all for 45.56. I live in VA. The bank took all of the charges off but it really made me wonder 7 charges right in a row for the same amount from an EXXON gas station. It seem to me like there was someone on the inside to approve the charges and give out cash. It sure made me wonder and I think about it every time I use my Visa card. Are we going to get hacked again!
  21. My be that was one of the advantages of the pre register packages. I seem to remember they said free parking and storage of your helmet and stuff. I just wish they would have posted the wrist band/hand stamp prices.
  22. I have always wanted to go to Americade in Lake George and it looks like I'm going to get my chance this year. I got reservation at a Motel 8 in Ticonderoga NY. It is about 36 miles north of Americade and was 90 bucks a night, OUCH! Booked Tuesday June 3rd through Thursday. I plan on leaving there Friday morning to head to Don's maintenance day. Well any way looking at the official site it looks like you have to pay to get into any of the activities. I would have thought the vendor area would be free. On the official site it only list prices for preregistering and shows two pre register packages. A Classic package for someone staying 3+ days at @ 63.00 or a Premium Package for 106.00. They also show a Premium wrist band, a Classic wrist band and a Tourexpo hand stamp but there aren't any prices on those. I'm really only there all day Wednesday and Thursday. Does anyone know if it is worth it to get the cheaper Classic package or just get the wrist band/hand stamps for each day.
  23. I think 41 pounds in the rear riding two up is a little low. I run 45 single and I've heard almost 50 pounds loaded with two up. Maybe someone else can chime in on the rear tire pressure.
  24. I called first thing Monday morning and was told the same thing. I got a room at the Ramada Inn in Elyria for 74 bucks a night..that was less than the Oberlin Inn, but I wish I could have gotten a room there. The Ramada is a ways from Don's but there was no way I was going back to the Quality Inn. That place has really gone down hill at I think it was almost 90 a night. Well the good thing is I'll see everyone for dinner if we all meet up at Quaker Steak and Lube Friday evening and at Don's on Saturday.
  25. I had the rear off my bike 2 years ago to lube everything up with Honda Molly. I heard so much about the Vmax rear swap that I though it's all apart I'm going to go for it. I live in Northern Virginia so I wasn't too far from his shop in PA, so I took my rear and drove up for the swap. Best 300 bucks I've ever spent. I then found out as you crack down on the throttle you hit the stock rev limiter really quick. Next mod was the Dyda 3000 TCI. You would not believe the power these bikes make from 5000 to 7250 RPM. You can set the rev limiter higher but I felt 7250 was just fine for me. These 2 mods were the best bang for you buck, just my 2 cents. The extra low ratio makes so much difference in not having to down shift all the time from 5th. I found it much easier to start off on a hill also.
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