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Everything posted by mraf

  1. TOUGH CROWD! nice bike, big dogs......but...... where do they ride when its not parked? Bada boom!:rotfl:
  2. Been a law here since the beginning of time. NY state has never seen a law or tax that it didn't like. That being said I would have to agree that to not wear one is not a question in my book. To many years riding dirt bikes for me to see what happens when you don't wear one. Also a good rule of thumb for buying a helmet is " If you got a ten dollar head, buy a ten dollar helmet.
  3. mraf


    Repairs are not a problem. The 86 and the 83 are ready to go anywhere but it is life that has a hold of me. Seems that there is never enough time. Someday maybe but now?. Personally I have nothing against the 2nd gen . To me it is a beautiful bike. It still looks like a motorcycle. Not a plastic bike but a motorcycle. Two wheels and a engine that you can see.
  4. mraf


    If I was free I would ride All over this countryside But it is not to be because life has a hold of me There is hay to bale Grapes to spray reunions to attend and babysitting to make amends If it weren't for this site Life would be a fright For it is a depressing thought that you all are caught In a cycle of work without a cause So keep on meeting one and all keep on posting for us all someday this will change for me especially and then look out for I to will have a cause!
  5. mraf


    Thats right I'm sick of not riding. I log on and read of all your riding. So now I'm sick. Oh well like my daddy said " every dog has its day" LOL:D
  6. One more very simple and easy thing to do to make your bike start better is to put new spark plugs in it. No kidding, my 83 starts to start hard the plugs are the culprit every time.
  7. It is "standard" if you have a Royale model. My 83 being a standard "no frills model" doesn't have this fuse holder. By the way my 86 had the habit of not keeping the radio station or not keeping the radio on the speakers when turning the key on after shutting it off. In looking at these fuses in question the 5 amp one on the bottom was blown. Replaced it, an another problem solved. I love a easy fix.
  8. If you look underneath the ground wire,just in front of your battery I believe you will find this fuse holder. That is where it is on my 86.
  9. And you thought you were getting away with this comment! 83 Standard fastest of all!!!!:rotfl:
  10. HOLY SMOKES BATMAN! What to use,what to use.....I know, I know,.... the bat clamps! :rotfl:
  11. I've bought a few things off e-bay my 83 for one. It is definately buyer beware as in all auctions. Do your homework and sometimes it pays off. Bidding on a Alfonso-de-craunsa someday.
  12. You are correct in your assessment. The hoses are the overflow hoses from the carbs. Check to see which one is the one running fuel out of it and follow it back to the hemorrhaging carb. Sometimes you can remove the drain plug from the carb and turn on the key to get the fuel pump running. Tap on this carb and you "might" dislodge the crud that is holding open the needle. If crud is getting past your fuel filter it might be time to replace it. Sometimes Seafoam can help dissolve some troublesome gunk also.
  13. There ya go one answer in all the ventures out there. Thanks for the answer Mother. How bout that Randya I'd say the 83's blinking warning light shows up better than the 86's constaint on one. But I have had the 86's flash when I'm getting low on gas. Then it stays on constant after a few minutes.
  14. I mounted the Stebul inside of my fairing on my 86. I had to modify the right air vent afterwards in order to still receive fresh air through it. It requires you to utilize a piece of heater ductwork {The kind that runs from the exhaust manifold to the air cleaner on the older car or truck engines}. You can just see it in the last pic posted. Even though it is mounted inside of the fairing it is still plenty loud. With this setup I bought some of Sqiudleys fog light brackets and took off my stock horns. Gives my 86 a different look without the stock horns mounted.
  15. Ok trivial question. On my 83 the red warning light flashes when kickstand is down. On my 86 the red warning light remains constant when kickstand is down. Is light malfunctioning on the 86 or is it suppose to remain constant?
  16. Thanks for the replies. Its always good to ask here for any knowledge. This place has it all! Now does anyone know were theres buried treasure?
  17. Ok, I now have 14 Leds on the 86. What I need to know is what size fuse should I put in the fuse holder to save them from blowing if there became a problem. Don't ask me what size {milliamps,amps or whatever} LEDs they are because I bought them from E-bay and they don't tell you nothing about them except the usual BS {Better,brighter}. But they do tell ya that they are 5mm LEDs {Yippee}!
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