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Everything posted by mraf

  1. Visibility less than 1/8 mile and steady wet snow.Over. Am hunkered down.Over. Dreaming of a white Christmas.Over. If coordinates can be relayed exactly where this machine is placed maybe a concerted effort to triangulate it for a drone strike can be done Over. Need a brave soul to place IS flag on or near for strike once found.Over.
  2. I was impressed with the retro look bikes. One ride on one of those would take me back. The technology being so much greater though would definitely bring me back to reality quickly. Gotta love Kawasaki for keeping the H2 moniker as one bad bike. The venture was not mentioned but the three wheeled whatyamacallit was. The Venture being a want-to-be is not a big deal so therefore not newsworthy, chance lost. So many bikes so little .
  3. This winter solstice thing is nothing but pure propaganda. Around here winter never amounts to much before this lie. Winter is like a dynamo it starts out slowly building just a little it a time. As time grows it begins to increase until we're a-- deep and shivering. The only time it stops and starts to warm up is when we are almost insane from never seeing the sun. :nanner:That is months away. The worst is YET TO COME. Solstice,HA,HA,HA,Ha****
  4. Yes and it is very welcome indeed. I have heard it said many times this year and all I can say is it's about time! I could get all political on this subject but that is not allowed so I will say Merry Christmas to one and all. MAGA:sign07:
  5. A Christmas to remember for you and yours. Congratulations.
  6. This from the guy with the snow cannon. But what I do believe in is the reason for the season. The way I look at it is Just Believe. Without that you end up not believing anything. I mean ya gotta believe in the Great Pumpkin too don't you?
  7. This thread was made to Hi-jack. Starts out with what to do {bike} ends up to All I can say about the original thread intent. Is once fixed, you'll never sell if you have been V-4 bit. Only if you can't safely ride it.
  8. Thanks for the reply. If you find the pics I'd like to see them. No rush, the car needs fixed first then the dump truck bed needs repaired so the centerstand wheel wouldn't be done for a few months yet. Winter will be here for many more months anyway. Oh the inhumanity!
  9. Randy after reading your write up again I was wondering if this was ever a problem. "Center stand has steel wheel welded on right foot so bike can be spun around very easy on smooth concrete" I usually put mine up on the center stand every night when we are on our trips. Sometimes I've seen gale force wind thunderstorms blow through. I would hate to see DOT leaving without me across the parking lot. If no problems, I would definitely like to install this on DOT since turning around in my workshop is a b---h.
  10. Randy if you had that listed on e-bay this spring you might be surprised what its worth. You have assembled a 83 Venture from the future. I had a 83 before I bought the 86. It would run circles around this 86 but it just couldn't haul as much. I would have bought yours in a heartbeat. Anyone that is buying one of these old tourers more than likely do some research, I know I do. It is to bad you are not riding as much anymore but your not alone in that aspect. It is looking about 3 wheel time for us. Whenever I go riding with my son I always try to dust him at least once during the ride. I have to drop 2 gears to get the jump on him. Danm V-max. LOL. The rides and races between that stable of Ventures must have been miles of smiles.
  11. Judge needs to hear that one first. First impressions hold merit. Prayers sent.
  12. I used to be all GM and nothing but GM. But then they took the Gov't handout that ended them for me. :256:As far as these e-Commerce Apps are concerned to me it is just one more nail in yours and my coffin. When I have to cross the road to farm some of my land the number of people not watching the road but looking at some electronic do-dad is scary! Be very careful they drive among us!
  13. Only if it has Friction Modifiers in it. Pour one for me. I'm about out of George Dickel.
  14. Or tattoos and a chain drive wallet?
  15. This disclaimer at the bottom of the page says it all. To bad though kind of makes for interesting reading. World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle.
  17. 40 years of sheer wedding bliss! Congratulations. That is the best burglar alarm made. Nice looking pup.
  18. I know what you mean. My brother-in-law lost his job of about 24 years after Con-agra shut them down ater buying them months earlier. He took quite awhile to find another one. But not before it took him to a funk for months.
  19. Could this be from them and all of the firearm companies having to lawyer up? I'd be willing to bet some lawsuit or another comes knocking on their door regularly.
  20. mraf

    gas price

    Been awhile since there has been any chatter about gas prices. Anyone hear if they're going up or down in the near future. My research has left me puzzled. Around here they have been steadily rising a little at a time. Low prices for fuel is a sure help for the MAGA cause. I sure would hate to see fuel prices as high as they got a few years ago. It put the kabosh on a lot of life in general. I liked not going over $10.00 for a fill up on our last motorcycle trip.
  21. Did my last ride, last Wednesday. The salt trucks were out the next day putting down their poison. Filled up DOT with non-ethanol and Stabil. Thanks for the battery reminder I knew I was forgetting something.
  22. Sitting here wasting air. Then you post this. I can breath again! After a ride like that I wouldn't sit down I'd fall down.
  23. mraf

    Proud Dad

    Give her a:bighug:. You have a good reason to crow. All the best to her and your family.
  24. Nice looking bike. I see they kept "needle gauges" instead of digital led readouts. I see the placement of the speakers for the sound system but do not see any speakers for the passenger. I would need a backrest. That is the best thing on DOT in my mind. Beamers seats always look hard to me.
  25. Those were the days. Musclecars, miniskirts, rock and roll and 18 yr old drinking age.
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