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Everything posted by mraf

  1. What can I say? I tried to help. But nooooo! You wouldn't listen. So good luck on your next endevor. Whatever year that turns out to be. No, really good luck. Gotta say though that is one pretty bike for sale.
  2. AAGGH,the truth we didnt want the truth!:rotfl:
  3. Wearing all that leather must turn on their Primordial "I'm a bad -ss" impression. I joined about the time the advertisers were using "Kawasaki lets the good times roll":thumbsup2:
  4. Trust me it is all in your class keyboard. Take it apart and look real hard {Like with an magnifying eyepiece} at the soldering on it. It doesn't take much of a break in the solder to make this thing not work right. Reasolder it again and try it.
  5. mraf

    Cager news

    Ok, now design it to tuck in the roof line therefore keeping it out of the slush. Install auto stops in emergency situations. HUMMM MAYBE?????
  6. mraf

    Cager news

    Gotta agree its different. Around here thou it would be frozen shut in the winter. Also what would happen if it went closed while your trying to take that kid out of the back seat. Oh, I know, I know two mommies now instead of one!:rotfl:
  7. Very good Charlie. Now tell me how you made yourself into a cartoon?:rotfl:
  8. Good luck with the search for 35w running lights. I looked for quite a while and never did find any that I liked the looks of. So I just bought some 55w ones that I liked and put in 35w bulbs. I believe they were H-3 bulbs. You can find 35w H-3 bulbs on the web at some electrical sites that are not very expensive.
  9. Ok. if we're talking about a bra for a man lets git the terminology right its called a "MANZEAR". Cramer invented it years ago! And yes pink would be a nice color for ya squidley.:rotfl:
  10. YES! I feel your pain daily. We have two sons and one daughter. The sons have "left the nest" to live lives of their own. The same for the daughter for awhile. She married had children found out that mister right was a sleazebag,lazy no good a--h----. Now we are blessed with grandchildren daily. Being that they live with us now. We love them dearly but at this point in our lives we were looking forward to doing what we wanted when we wanted. Not raising children again.
  11. Happy thanksgiving to you and all that are serving in these difficult times THANK YOU!.
  12. Yeah, but tell us what you really think? No. Really. Your assesement of her is friggin close enough for me!
  13. Ahh, a first generation purist. Tis such a good thing to hear.LONG LIVE THE KING! This ought to shake up the 2nd gen pheasants. :rotfl:
  14. :DHe'll never let you live it down. if he catches up with YOU the next time.
  15. You poor, poor man!!!! If you only knew. A ha haha ha ha aha ahhha hhahha ha ha ah haha ha. {the ravings of a sunless world}:rotfl:
  16. Thanks for the reply. It clears up my confusion.
  17. I've bought some coils on e-bay. They are supposed to be off of a 89 venture. My problem is these coils have all the same color wires coming out of them. Red with a white stripe and a orange wire. In the wiring diagram there is supposed to be a different colored wire from every coil. Have I been taken? Are these coils off of a 89 venture?
  18. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY She sounds like a keeper!:thumbsup2:
  19. Guess some of us were born in different times. Kind of like the new Buckey Covington song they play on the radio. Gotta laugh at that one. The things he sings about he never did, being young as he is. It's a whole new world out there. I'm beginning to believe that it's not for the better either. Then someone like Beer30 goes and does something good for total strangers. Makes you wonder?
  20. Lets see....maybe, just maybe around 450 miles. That had to be a perfect day flat roads, good weather and a happy momma! I guess I've never ridden the bike like I was on a mission. Don't know how some of you do it. Some of these milage reports sound like your running from the law!:rotfl:Oh well, whatever trips your trigger.
  21. mraf

    motel bull

    The wife and I haven't been able to do much riding this year due to family problems. But we did get to do two, two day jaunts. The first one was down to Pickerington, Ohio to the AMA museum and the second one to Hersey, Pa. to the Hersey museum. On the first one when we stopped for the night at about 4:00 P.M. we went to two motels that had hardly any cars in their lots and were told that they were full. No problem we just went up the road to another one and stayed. The next morning we were up and riding at 7:30 in the morning. I made sure the next morning to look to see if the other motels that we had stopped at to get a room were indeed full. NOT! I thought oh well their loss and let it go. The next two day jaunt to Hersey, Pa. we encountered the same "full up" bull. What gives? Has anyone else encountered this bigotry against motorcycles? We have ridden in a lot of western states and have never come up against this issue. Is this just a east of the Mississippi hospitality?
  22. I've lived here all my life but have never met this man. He must have retired and moved here recently. Unless there is a spelling mistake on his name. Anyway you look at it this is a terrible accident. My condolences to his family.
  23. Probably got tired of all the WHINNING and all the Harley riders waving at him.:rotfl:
  24. Sad, sad news. Prayers to all involved.
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