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Everything posted by mraf

  1. Did mine on the 83. Ended up putting in v-max gearset by mistake but no problems here.
  2. happy-smappy BA humbug! It's hard to be happy when the sun takes a 6 month hiatus around here.
  4. Hang onto that lump of coal, it might be the next fuel source for all of our future rides.:rotfl:
  5. Question, being that it is a bell. Means that it does make a noise. Now, is it one of those {What the heck is that noise now?} kind of noise or do you never hear it {By that, I Mean never hear it}.
  6. I guess!!! They probably attached a writer from Loyds of London for that. Wouldn't want to be daydreaming when ya come to the end of your daily commute. Whats that black tire mark on top of your helmet?:rotfl:
  7. MMMMMM, CHRISTMAS COOKIES........ Quiet here, evil one wrapping presents. Ahhh, no grandkids for a while. Amazing how quiet this old house can be. Miss them already!
  8. Instantaneous.
  9. About 1200 bucks of cabinetry for the bathroom. Sitting until after Christmas to put in.
  10. Worst gift I ever received was one of those pictures with two waterfalls and the water that looks like it is running. Add insult to injury it all so plays running water and bird sounds. TALK ABOUT ANNOYING! The worst gift I ever gave my wife was a Eppilady. It's supposed to remove hair. Let me tell you the first time she tried to use it she screamed like holy h--l! I told her to buck up it couldn't hurt that bad. So she turned it on and held it on the top of my arm. EEEEOOOOOWWWW! THAT BABY WENT BACK TO THE STORE!
  11. and the Blue Angels pics:thumbsup2:
  12. Looks like they have a fairly large inventory. Any idea why they're going out of business? Around here independent motorcycle shops like these are all but non-existent.A guy would starve if this was his only source of income. With winter being so dismal around here. If someone has one they have to include all the other merchandise for ATVs and snowmobiles. As it stands no one is doing this around here. Only a few for snowmobiles and thats all. By the way,is there still a sun?
  13. SANTA! I KNOW THAT GUY!!:rotfl: He looks natural on that bike. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Reminiscing, OK back in 1974 one year out of high school a friend and I traveled to the southwest on our 72, 750 Kawasaki's the months of July. Rode to Carlsbad Caverns,Gila Indian ruins,had a flat tire there, fixed the tube and bought a new tire in Snowflake, Arizona. Went to Petrified Forest,White Sands,Painted Desert,Grand Canyon[south and North sides],Zion Canyon,Bryce Canyon,Bonniville Salt Flats,Grand Tetons,Yellowstone,Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park,Mt. Rushmore,Badlands. Maybe not in the right order [getting old] but what a ride! My friend kept the stats on the trip. Mine His Total Miles 6411 6566 Total Gallons Gas 163.4 136.0 Mileage [MPG] 39.2 48.2 Total Cost $104 $80 Avg Cost/Gal. $.613 Total Qts 2 Stroke oil 22 [11 each] Total Qts Trans oil 8 [4 each] Gas $104 Oil $14 Food $74 Motels and campsites $38 Same bikes but mine was fresh bored with larger mains so my expenses were a little higher. We slept in a chain-linked 30 foot by 30 foot barbed wired on the top area in the Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park one night. Never thought about why there was barbed wire at the top until later. There were alot of bears back then especially in Yellowstone. Four years ago took the wife to Yellowstone didn't see any [Fire sure ruined that park]. Sat at a red light somewhere in Texas, it was hot, looked at my tach it was at 0, I could hear every cylinder fire one at a time. That was unique! Slept at State parks, Nat'l Parks, Campgrounds and occasional motels. Paid a speeding ticket in Colorado, State Cop earned his pay though took him 30 miles of twisties before he finally caught up.LOL He was judge, jury and executioner all in one [boy was he mad]! Made me address the letter to the judge, put in my fine and watched me mail it. LOL Got home from the trip about a month later and received a letter from the State of Colorado telling me to not come back!LOL WOW like I said that cop was P---ed. Took a dirt road somewhere in Texas fell down twice because of lose sand washouts [barely moving].Climbed a boulder top mountain in the Bighorn Mts. somewhere in Wyoming[had to get down thunderstorm was coming] Like I said what a ride! The bike I still have, its in my pic gallery. My friends bike went to rust and neglect. A few years ago he wanted me to take it to the scrap yard on my truck. Needless to say that didn't happen it now resides in one of my barns. Ah, yes the good old days!
  15. Good article telling us all obvious interpretations of statistics and growing old. Doesn't change or impact my outlook on life either way. It says that higher accident rates occur within the first few weeks of ownership. DA! Anything new with wheels is fraught with danger. Articles of this sort just verify what we all know but don't like to talk about.
  16. mraf

    House for sale!

    Cut wind in that and you'd have to go outside!:rotfl:
  17. A Manzear!:rotfl::rotfl:
  18. Good job! Was this original? If so you've got talent!
  19. Fake for us. This year we will have grandchildren here that are old enough to understand whats going on around them. I think the reindeer idea sounds like it could be pulled off for a bit of Christmas wonder. Thanks for the sharing the idea. Real or artificial is a eye catching lead off for a question. I prefer real.:rotfl:
  20. ARRRG, me thought you meant on your head. ARRRG, me friend Hook lost his too wiping his brow! :hijacked:ARRRG!
  21. mraf


  22. mraf


    B ad M annered W ealthy
  23. Beware all overnight stays anywhere! One of the motels we stayed in this summer had broken glass on the bathroom floor. We both had taken showers already. The wife stepped on a sliver of glass later that night. I began looking hard at the floor after that and there were several pieces there which were very hard to see. Needless to say I b--ched like h--l the next day. What did I get? A free stay anywhere in the USA at this chain. YEA, like thats gonna happen! We wouldn't have stayed there except we had been turned away at the other motels {Full up yeah right}. Like h--l, we looked at the motels in the morning, just about empty. From now on peel the biker cloths and hide the bike. Just to give a heads up the motel had a 6 in the name.
  24. mraf

    Just thinkin'

    Good thinkin. It's a short time we are here on this earth and seems that way to much of it can be spent in a bad mood. You can't please everyone so you might as well please yourself. Hey, I think there is a song with that saying in it! Not exactly but close to it. My dad used to tell me when things get bad and your down. That you might not understand it now but everything happens for a reason and later on in life you'll look back and understand why. By the way, good luck on your surgury also. Remember, good thoughts and laugh everyday.
  25. I ordered mine from Big Bike Parts, item number 61-100 for $49.00 on 11-06. When you receive it you might want to tear it apart and add more lights inside of it. It seemed to me that the amount of light from it was very inadequate. All it takes to tear it apart is some patience and a hair dryer. I replaced the turn signal bulbs with some side emitting LED bulbs I ordered from e-bay. They were much brighter that the ones that came in it. I also added two strip LED lights in the red section. One for stopping and one for running lights. Much better for visibility.
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