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Everything posted by mraf

  1. mraf

    New Shirts

    Leave off the s.
  2. timeless beauty:rotfl:
  3. It's infectious! Watch yourself,pretty soon you'll be full time lurking at all the used parts sites. Riding time on your running scoot become less. Then when you finally get it all done. The mother instinct sets in and you can't seem to let the new baby leave. Good luck with the new project.
  4. 25 years of sheer bliss.:rotfl: Congratulations! How can love hold on so many years? A passion lasts, we're told, not more than two. Pleasure is more rich when passion clears, Pouring forth from love to love renew. Years of love can gather to an ocean Tormented in its wild constancy. When there's no wind, it seems bereft of motion; Eastward, though, the waves roll wild and free. No love can last unless there is the will. Tapestries are woven by design. Years pass and love continues, stronger still For all the daily care to make it shine. In life, if there is one, then we are blessed, For whom we can be totally undressed; Take off our selves and find our spirits fair; Hunger for sweet love, and it is there.
  5. mraf

    big thanks

    Hey, I resemble that!
  6. :rotfl::rotfl: Some of us are very jealous. Especially me!
  7. Glad you had a good time. But what we really want to know is did ya come home richer or poorer?:mo money:
  8. mraf


    Thats right balls. Big balls,little balls,balls of all sizes and shapes. Thats what my 3 yr old grandson enjoys the most for toys. Nothing extravagant in a kids ball. It's all fun. Ahh, the simple things in life. Just surfing feeling blue and came across this happy BS on a health site. Seasonal depression, which medical professionals call seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is depression that occurs only at a certain time of the year, usually winter. It is sometimes called "winter blues." Although it is predictable, it can be very severe. Boy if this isn't right on.. Come-on summer!
  9. You had enough rope to pull all those 2nd gens swifty?:rotfl:
  10. Don't know for sure. To much for the imagination! MY EYES, MY EYES, I'VE BURNED MY RETINAS!:rotfl:
  11. :rotfl: Never run a red light intensionally. Like I said FLOWWWWW. If thats retarded than give me a banjo and I'll play deliverance!
  12. If you just laced up those boots you wouldn't be so tired.:rotfl:
  13. Is there anyone your not hating today?:rotfl: We need a" I hate" list started. This should be interesting? 1. red light runners 2. tailgaters {not to be confused with football tailgaters} 3. Gloomy weather 4. lousy mileage 5. slow drivers 6. people who drive with their turn signals on 7. people who brake at the last minute 8. old mean people 9. liars 10.braggers 11.getting old Just to get things started. The last thing is the one I "Hate" the most!
  14. Yeah, but whats your point. Sometimes those red light cameras get ya when the flow of traffic says that there is nothing else you can do but go. If this big brother thing keeps going pretty soon there will be a automatic ticket maker that comes with your car! Spray away, I say. If they were really serious about detering crime at red lights bring back "citizen arrest" . It worked for Gomer. LOL:rotfl::rotfl:
  15. I've bought tires from ronayers.com before. They sell your size for the front , but don't list your size for the rear. It might just take a call is all to find out if they can get it. They were fast and reasonable. Telephone # 1-800-888-3084.
  16. Great looking bike! I wouldn't say your any farther in price than most of us 1st gen owners. Keep looking you'll figure it out. Keep us posted ,especially if you pinpoint the problem. Might save some of us a pile of perplexing if this starts to happen to our bikes.
  17. Ok, I'm thick whats HHO?
  18. I'm in for four.
  19. Lets see did some quick looking and it said the Valkyrie does Honda F6C Valkyrie 1998 89 12.0 107 the 1/4 mile in , in the Venture history it says that the 83 venture runs the 1/4 mile in 12.6. Maybe just maybe, it would be a good race to watch. I don't have a 2nd gen but doesn't the cyl heads have fins that are made of plastic to make it look air cooled? If so, I have to say beauty {as far as plastic goes} is in the eye of the beholder.
  20. WOW, BIG TUB!!:rotfl:
  21. Great! I'll hang tight untill you know more.
  22. Have you changed the spark plug wires and caps. All so run some sea-foam in the gas for awhile. Sounds like dirty carbs to me. The sea-foam is a very good quick fix without tearing the carbs apart. Fill up the bike but leave enough room for a whole can of it. The gas nowadays is crap if left to sit for very long.
  23. A very good price! Care to share the dealers name and do they do online orders?
  24. Congratulations!
  25. Answer to original question: NO Reply to above quote: And I thought chivalry was dead.
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