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Everything posted by mraf

  1. I just took the 86 for its maiden run for 08. I had ordered new diaphragms when Cliffno350 offered to group buy them.I installed them and since I was tearing into it anyway I lubed the throttle cables too. What a difference! It took my 86 from a cumbersome, wheel shimmying before stopping, boat handling bike to a smooth,peppy,quick handling fun to ride machine! No kidding, I used to have to take up most of 2 lanes in order to do a u-turn. Now it handles that job with room to spare. It seems to have taken the shimmy before stopping away. YAHOO! Either that or I just didn't feel it as bad what with the smile on my face. All this on last years gas. So far the best improvement on this Yamaha bar none.
  2. My tach has always been slow on my 86. This was nothing to be very concerned about but it was always on my mind that it could be this way because of something electrical about ready to fail. What with the tach receiving its signal from number 2 coil which in turn runs it through the TCI box then on to the tach. I have always read anything on this site that was tach related in hope of pinpointing what it was that made mine run slow. I have been told that my TCI could be faulty, my #2 coil faulty, bad ground to maybe just a boggy tach. Well the search is over! After running the diagnostic check of the wiring to the TCI. NOT IT. Check of coils. NOT IT. Adding a second ground wire. NOT IT. The problem was the tach itself. I removed it from the housing to look it over and clean it using some electrical contact cleaner. My brother-in-law was here when I took it out and he said that it just looked as if it needed lubed up to free it up. He grabbed the can of Sili-kroil and began to ever so lightly lube the needle mechanism while moving it toward redline and letting it go. After five minutes of this. THAT WAS IT! It is now free as the RPM it reads. Upon further inspection it seems that on the backside of the instrument cluster box that houses the tach and speedometer, on the tachs side of it. There is a unplugged hole that looks as if it should hold a light but there is no provision for one there. Being a 86 this hole has let moisture and the elements into the tachs cluster for 22 years a very unnecessary and troublesome hole that is now plugged. More than enough time to gum up my tach. So if your tach is boggy don't rule out that all it might need is a good clean & lube.
  3. Thanks for the reply. All I did was put it in place. If yours worked after doing that it must be the right way to go together.
  4. Does anyone know if the torsion spring for the cruise control in the throttle cable box has any preload on it? {I.E. 1 or 2 wraps} Or does it just hook up easy? Took it apart and can see how it works but not sure of spring tension for assembly.
  5. Congratulations:thumbsup2: May you have many more.
  6. Badges? Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!!:rotfl: Seriously though thanks for all you guys do. But, I hate tickets that are nothing more than another way to make revenue. Sometimes tickets are just another way to tax.
  7. Can you say corporate greed?:mo money::mo money:
  8. Batta Bing!:rotfl: The worlds gone crazy. I call it Bush-a-nomics. One things for sure we are all in this boat together. Sit in the boat easy and let the waves come to ya.:rotfl::mo money:
  9. Try here.http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=489
  10. When it comes to shifting without the clutch "Practice makes perfect". Its all in the RPM's.
  11. Been Flat Ground Off On Dirt Racing In Cheap Hotrods BFGOODRICH:thumbsup2:
  12. You would think that they would update their site. Someone with a 2001 or newer parts bike might be able to help narrow it down to the correct size. Unless Yamaha out sources its calipiers I would think that it is manufactured by them.
  13. Hmmm, Crawl in the attic and channel all that electromagnetic power into your laptop and find bin laden!Doesn't look like good outside sittin tonight a little damp.
  14. Don't pay him any attention Brad. He is just having S.A.D. impulses. The snow must still be up to his yingyang.:rotfl:
  15. UGH. As in ugly!
  16. This sure would be nice to see some pics if at all possible.
  17. This might help. Moderators feel free to delete if it is a infringment.http://bludolphintravel.com/gmg/marshallmod.htm
  18. Lets hope it does some good. I couldn't imagine quoting a price to haul some freight and getting the job because your the lowest bid. Then pulling up to the pump to haul it only to find your profit "out the window" because the price of fuel went up before you could haul it and get paid. This is only the tip of the iceberg hang on everyone. I just called my supplier of fertilizer and he says it is $600.00 a ton right now. This same fertilizer 3 yrs ago was roughly $200.00 a ton. Something has to give and afraid that it is going to be all of us. So much for America the strong. If our country leaders don't wake up soon we will all be speaking Chinese. What ever happened to national pride. It's a crime that we as a nation have allowed ourselves to loose so much of our manufacturing to overseas production. The time has come. End NAFTA.
  19. We will all be on our best behavior from now on. The boss is back!!!:wel_ani4Tay:home
  20. Likewise on the jab department. I've watched the two appropriate places to post questions {First gen tech & Second gen tech} and their is always a little over 100 more posts in the First gen tech section. The pouncing on a new to the site member is detrimental to say the least if you don't know that it is all in fun. Which if you think about it is not really that bad considering that the First gen is so much older. The questions are quite repetitious on both bikes.
  21. Protection form drive-by-shootings.:rotfl::rotfl:
  22. Do my own mounting and static balancing. Not hard at all if you've ever changed a tire by hand before. Just take your time be methodical.
  23. My guess 9-10 ft. Impressive! Could harbor a lot of snow snakes.
  24. About the only reason discontinued should be on anything is if there is a name change in the works. Maybe Yamaord????:rotfl: Or Harmaha????:rotfl:If the last one comes true think how many more pieces of apparel both companies could sell.
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