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Everything posted by mraf

  1. Finally A New Venture Worth Owning. Something that won't get lost in a bunch of Harleys!:rotfl:
  2. Wonder if you can pay that in installments?
  3. Sorry to hear of anyone going down much less a husband and wife. I was the paint and shine man on my brother-in laws racing sled. He used to have a couple of beverage coolers for his mukuni carburetors. On one the saying was "Better to be overloved than overlooked" this saying helped keep the sled winning. There were many things fixed because of the show and shine. The same can be said for our bikes. Squidley, what was the cause of the flat did you ever find out? All so were you using Ride On?
  4. It died with good manners, respecting your elders and not speaking until your spoken to. When he falls I just hope I'm nowhere around. Hate to see that much blood. He'll be telling himself "I must have been having a :sign brain fart:".
  5. Prayer sent. Sorry to hear.
  6. That would be a sweet setup! Unless it backfired. Brother-in-law told me today he seen a pic of a Boss Hoss three wheeler with a blower on it. It was between the handlebars. Don't know about you guys but I've seen blowers BLOW-UP. NOT PRETTY. But it would make for a impressive ride. I can see it now:detective: a turbocharged,four barrel,nitrous bottled venture.:mo money: Skid wins.
  7. Be wide awake and pray.:rotfl: Go with the flow, finger floating over the horn button, checking mirrors frequently. I've been cutoff more from cars coming on the interstate than anywhere else. The one vehicle I give wide room to is any newer Mopar mini-van.There are a bizzillion of these things on the road. There is a blind spot in their mirrors you can lose a whole car in. It is right about at their rear bumper.My mom has one I know from experience. I've cut off cars driving that thing. One of those vehicles that looking over your shoulder pays before you move. I never linger to long anywhere just behind a cage driver in heavy traffic. Be noticed. Grooved pavement BEER30 has it right, relax. Tough to do on a 8 lane though.
  8. mraf


    This isn't bike related just a question. Does anyone work for CSX railroad?
  9. Although I don't own a 2nd gen the noise you hear is attributed to the clutch basket. It can be changed to reduce or get rid of the noise. A search in the 2nd gen forum should give you information on the fix. Welcome to the site.
  10. mraf

    bike show

    Glad to hear it is possible.
  11. I keep telling my boy that. You don't believe we put a man on the moon either? We all were driving around in cars that couldn't go 50,000 miles without major problems and we put a man on the moon?
  12. What I seen of it, I have to say that NO ONE beats the Chinese when it comes to fireworks.
  13. mraf

    bike show

    The next town put on a bike show today. So for the price of nothing we entered. This was not a big time affair just something else to draw in some people for the rib fest that they throw every year. Now mind you, you go to something like this and what do you see but Harleys everywhere. Now I know the 86 is old but it still looks good. I know,I know it's a antique too. Needless to say being that 99 percent of the other bikes there were Harleys the Yamaha was "out of place". There was 2 Honda VTXs and 1 wing with about 2 Kaws in the sport bike class. We had fun but come home empty handed. Tough to get any votes for a old Yamaha from the Harley mentality. But there was one bright spot to the day. There was 3 entries for the 3-wheel class. 1 Boss Hoss, 1 Harley with sidecar and a Ice cooler on wheels{ had a electric motor}. Get this the Ice cooler pulled second over the Harley!:rotfl:Justice was served.
  14. Don't see it! All I see is a penguin not a gull.:rotfl:
  15. A lot of good sightseeing has been said. The only thing I could add is that in Holbrook, Arizona there is a motel that is made up of cement T pees. With a classic car next to each one. We didn't stay there because we had already rented a room before we seen these.The wife says next time we are through there its a must do. It's on the old route 66 road. You'll have a ball!
  16. Nice pics Marcarl. I think I seen Bigfoot in one of your pics!:rotfl: Glad to see I'm not the only one who's not afraid of dirt roads. We rode on some pretty bad ones ourselves last week too but from your pics I'd say you got us beat! When we were dodging the washouts and holes I told the wife I thought I heard "Deliverance" playing.
  17. I second Freebirds conclusion. If for no other reason than because he said so.:rotfl:
  18. mraf

    where am I ?

    Yes, you win but what who knows. Good guess, or were you ever there? There are quite a few covered bridges in Parke county, Indiana. All fairly well kept up. We stayed at the Parke bridge motel on U.S.36 at Rockville, Indiana. Very nice,clean room Motel run by a very nice lady. Plus her overnight rates are very reasonable. Cost us just a few bucks over $50. Don't know about the rest of you but we are always looking for the little mom and pop motels to stay at. If for nothing else but to give us a different experience. The motel chains along the thruways are always so predictable. Same rooms set in the same type of locations. With the purchase of the room the owner all so told us that if we wanted to go to the movie playing in town all we had to do was show them the motel key and we could get in free. We didn't take her up on it but how many perks do the humdrum motels give you? OH wait I know......ZIPPO,NADA. One more thing if you happen to ever stay here walk up the block to the bar/restaurant and check out the place. I've never seen so many local stuffed animals in one place. If it walked,flew,swam or crawled I bet it is stuffed and in this bar. This county is notated for its big bucks and racks and they have some beauts there.
  19. We arrived home Friday from Missouri visiting our son at Ft. Leonard Wood. Made a few stops along the way coming home. Thought I'd post a pic to see if anyone knows where we are or have been here to.
  20. I'm not from MO. but am currently in St. Robert MO. visiting my son in the Army for a few days. He is a drill sargent now and can't take off much time so we are killing time here at his apartment till he gets off. It is to bad to here this about a fellow biker trying to do the right thing. Sure hope the guys who did this get what they deserve. In the old days those two would have a quick trial and a quicker end in MO. But now they will just be rehabilitated and released early for good behavior. There are bad people everywhere,we just need to weed them out and get on with life.
  21. Holy-smoley! The price they get for some chrome widgets! Chrome anything put a outrageous price on it and wait. Capitalism at it's finest! Go ahead buy it. Squidly can always buy them from you, melt them down and make something else if you don't like them. I would be cleaning them off the bike the first time I came close to near missing some of the equipment around here. Backed into my backhoe bucket the other day just getting the bike out of the barn. Parked it there the night before, walked by it in the morning, got on the bike and thud. DUH! Cracked light lense and stupid.
  22. Someone with a mig welder can fix your problem.
  23. NAA, more like HA,HA,HA,HA,HA. GET OTTA HERE!:rotfl:
  24. Sounds like a plan to me. Least ways with using clear silicone it should stay put and not see it.
  25. I've been pretty busy so I haven't been able to peruse the site lately. So now you guys tell me that my 83 had this feature and I never knew it. I just fugured that it wasen't on the 83 because I tried to do it but it never would work. I've been all over that bike and allways told myself that the cancel feature was a nice safety feature and wished it was on the 83.. Well now I'm bummed because I sold the 83. I can't even tear into it to fix it just for my own curoiosity. Now thats gonna bug me. Oh well, shes gone. By the way it only sat in front of my house for about 5 hours before it sold. I put 2800 on it hopeing to get 2500. Which it did sell for. Here I thought I was asking to much for a 83. A group of boys stopped to look at it on their bikes and the one said he would be back tomorrow. About 1 hour later they showed up with a check from one of the boys father. The boys father bought it sight unseen except from the picture on the boys phone. Just from what his son said. Trusting dad don't you think? I'm gonna miss that bike the wife and I went all over on that thing and it never let us down. I had a Venturerider sticker on it so maybe he will be on here sometime so don't scare him away will you guys. I kinda want to keep in touch with the old trusty friend somehow.LOL:D
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