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Everything posted by mraf

  1. The folly of man.
  2. Only one positive thing comes out of finally finding any of those itty-bitty parts is that you can end up with a clean shop!
  3. I would be interested to know what you find out. Marcarl is thinking:think: about the indicator so hard its beginning to warm up over here some.
  4. I myself have a 86 but have done the cable upgrades and a AGM battery is all. I still have a slow start when hot but never failed to start. So a positive is not from me but maybe this http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?80669-Replacement-starter Discussion will help you in your decision. I do not see where it ever says that it is a 4 brush starter or not. Maybe a call to them first to quiz them if has the 4 brushes in stead of just 2 brushes. Someone else might chime in with a yes it will work and is what your looking for.
  5. Don't you all remember? The equinox has started! It's getting warmer,:cold: 13 degrees, 3-5 foot of snow everywhere and still snowing! Warmer, Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha..:bang head: Its just getting started!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Here's hoping that you all have a very Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. What are the legal limitations for a speedy trial? No charges. Time for a ankle bracelet and send him home.
  8. Beware! That site kicked on my AVG said it was infected.
  9. Never replacing a throttle cable before kind of puts the kabosh on giving any advice to help you. But when you say the adjuster does not screw all the way in kind of leads me to believe that maybe your cable adjuster on the new cable is longer? If not I would refer to the service manual on the proper procedure for adjusting the throttle cables. I have lubed the cables on mine before when I had the faring off many moons ago but never have had to replace a cable before.
  10. I thought I read on here many moons ago that when trailering a bike with a driveshaft you should leave it in neutral. Something about the drivetrain cannot take the shock of bouncing around. Has anyone else heard if this is true? :confused24:Also when hauling a Yamaha on a trailer or in the back of a pickup please cover it with a Harley cover so as to not shame it.
  11. The dream. Sell everything and move southwest for us. I have it all planned but one thing. In going to sell grandma, grandpas nick nack paddy wack or large pieces of furniture that she or he gave the :bowdown:wife umteen years ago is a tear jerker. So I have it figured out. Picture this, a F-350 dually hauling a 30Ft trailer loaded with antique furnishings. Might start a trend!:rotfl:The Dream.
  12. Nope again. Still nice shoes.
  13. Nope. Nice shoes though.
  14. Pssst. If he does relinquish control of it. I'm willing to pay you $10.00 to the hell out of it. Right now would be nice we are close to 2 ft. so far today. Keep kissing up it might work I'm pulling for you.
  15. The older you get you begin to realize that its the little things in life that mean the most. That automated happy birthday is about the only one I ever get anymore. Even though we have never met in person I appreciate your posts and maybe we will meet somewhere someday to finally meet face to face. A Christmas birthday has to be rough especially when you were a young whippersnapper. But better late than never HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB.
  16. We were warned to beware of the military industrial complex. I'm willing to bet this four lettered word machine he has is a left over from a DARPA test. It should have been destroyed but wasn't. Now we all are doomed at any time the weather gets below 32 degrees. Oh well, its almost Santa time anyway. Merry Christmas one and all.
  17. 8 vibrated numb fingers
  18. 6 burnt out lite bulbs 5 missing parts 4 loose bolts 3 oil puddles 2 fouled plugs and A totally dead battery.. 7 stripped screws
  19. I have a good friend who bought a new Indian Roadmaster when they first came back into production many years ago. It was a beautiful looking bike but was never dependable. It would brake down continuously. It would quit running and one of us would have to tow him back home frequently. I myself towed him with my old 83 venture. He finally had one of his Harley buddies tear down the engine. There were parts that were assembled in the wrong places ie pushrods, rockerarms . He finally gave it away to one of his nephews and he put a SS motor into it I was told. I believe it cost him $28,000 when he bought it new. For that kind of jack I would have been jumping up and down at the dealership to fix it right but they never seemed to be able to. So you were not the only one bit by Indian.
  20. Can you say BUSTED.:rotf:She knows better and you just proved it. Your better off telling her you'll be acting like a kid till the day you die. That way when she walks away muttering under her breath something about you never growing up you can stand up and say "Yeah and damn proud of it".
  21. Evidently money can't buy everything. For that amount of money it had better shift like butter. As far as the heater goes I hope your done having kids cause that kind of heat would fry the family jewels.
  22. WOW! Talk about screaming. Were they the oval piston bikes?
  23. Didn't Honda make a oval piston racing bike capable of 15,000 Rpms for extended periods of time some years back?
  24. This one has me baffled. Having the same year bike makes me nervous. What happened?
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