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Everything posted by mraf

  1. mraf

    At Dix's

    It's O.J. RUN!
  2. Beautiful pic. Ahh, warm ocean breezes,spacious vistas and no snow. I couldn't stand it. Life would be too good. Around here it's cold wind,crowded vistas and snow. Winter sucks. Nice pic though.
  3. Ahh, the plot thickens!
  4. Nice place. Let the never ending work begin! Congrats.
  5. Sounds logical.
  6. Yeah, sometimes it is supposed to be "Innocent until proven guilty" but more and more it is "Guilty until proven innocent". If you have a person charge you with harrassment you get charged by the judge and fined without the person who charged you ever being there. If your guilty or not it doesn't matter the courts still make you pay "Court Costs". Its all just another big rip off by the "MAN" all in the name of justice, BULL.
  7. Eat leftovers and sit around, get fat. The american way!
  8. SHOTGUN!! Thought all you rebels only shot pumpkin balls out of grandpas musket.:rotfl:
  9. WOW!! What a bunch of opinionated Venturous people!
  11. Wow, someone is really sucking up! You must have really steped in it Carl.
  12. Drink many beers. Slurberus HICCUP! sexcuse me
  14. Huuummm, best example I would say Brazil, Foreign oil independent, not bridled up with a million bureaucratic laws, progressive. Can we follow, doubt it, damage already done, never seen many laws repealed, we seem to be more of a reactive country than one that sets the pace. Things are smelling a whole lot more socialist lately with all this talk of bailouts. Didn't the country bailout Chrysler years ago. Does anyone know if that was ever paid back?
  15. Losing your job is never a good thing. But the wages that auto employees receive have been unrealistic. The blame falls all across the board. Mostly on the corporate executives that failed to realize that gas guzzling cars are not what we as Americans wanted. I for one do not like funding big oil if it comes from countries that hate. The cheaper gas at the pumps now could change quickly. On another note, does this mean the end of the Mouse and the Rat motors? Say it isn't so!
  16. The follow works best if you use a friends vehicle and there are two of you. One to watch one to drive. Best of luck. If at first you don't succeed try try again. Don't forget the binocs!
  17. I feel your pain! The first snow of the season is here to greet us this morning. It's too early! I still have a list of things I've got to do before old man winter sets in for good. When that happens it's off to the barn I go. Rebuilding a 73 Kawasaki 350 Bighorn that my dad had that hasn't run in 25 years. Plus replacing transmission bearings in my Farmall 140, shifter work on my 464 International, Moldboard replacement on plow and new tires on 2 tractors. By the time I finish maybe spring will be back:thumbsup2:. WINTER SUCKS!
  18. Follow, it worked for me.
  19. First dirt bike 90 Bridgestone, first road bike 72, 350 Kawasaki.
  20. Not to step on anyones toes in case you work for fairpoint communications. But I am finally back on the web after a 2 and a half week absence. It all started with the wife saying the Internet is not working on a Wednesday afternoon. After finally looking to see if the problem was on our end it was to late to call fairpoint. I called their technical dept to check what was the problem the next day. He said everything was OK on their end but to call this number. So I call, which puts me in touch with my local provider of Fairpoint. Fairpoint Communications bought out our local telephone company about four years ago. She tells me that there was a problem with our billing. My wife payed our last bill on time but it failed to get there before the next bill was sent. In the current bill she had made a mistake in her subtraction and shorted Fairpoint about $50. I explain that the short was just a clerical error and that if she would look back at our past billing she would see that we have always paid our entire bill, and if she could do anything about turning on our Internet and long distance service. She says that there was no problem in turning it back on. BUT it would cost me $10.00 on my next billing statement. THIS PEEVED ME OFF, I TOLD HER SHE IS NOT THE ONLY INTERNET PROVIDER AND I WILL THINK ABOUT IT. So a few phone calls later and I am now on line with Time Warner cable for a lot better deal than what Un-Fairpoint Communications gave me. I know $10 bucks isn't much money to complain about but I feel it was the principal of the thing that peeved me off the most. All they could have done was call us to inquire about our billing shortage and we would have made it right immediately. But no, they just flip a switch and disconnect us without so much as another thought. Just to hose me for another $10. Well, thanks for letting me vent, and its great to be back to catch up. I've been having Venturerider DTs:rotfl:
  21. An antiquated company with forward thinking? Looks like someone is thinking 21st century at Harley Davidson. Beat the rest at a good idea. WOW on the price.
  22. :bawling::smash2::bang head::soapbox::crying::thumbdown::sign **** happens: Glad we were here for you.
  23. We rode to Earls for western NY meet'n eat. It was good to put faces to names. Looking to next year for future meet'n eats now that Old man winter is close to knocking. The fall colors too there are about played out. Quite a few trees already bare. Looks to me your area RSV Angel is the way to go. Nice pics. If weather holds out maybe a ride down through Pennsylvania, West Virgina will be in order.
  24. It is all good. Like Condor says "It's a dry heat" so much so that if you have any arthritis or bursitis you will feel like a million bucks there. Once you start riding everything about the southwest is interesting if you've never been there before. The desolation was the thing that intrigued me the most. Miles and miles of nothing untouched by man other than no pot-holed roads that looks like they were laid out by a compass needle. Go. You will never regret it. I have to stop. I'm reminiscing to much if this keeps up I might just throw in the towel here and move. NAW, I'd miss the rain,cold,snow,salt,endless sunless gloom & taxes that western NY has to offer! Oh yeah, sorry Condor but Old Faithful was the biggest waste of time. Highly overrated. It's losing its steam. Its unusual but not worth the wait. Tourist trap.
  25. Inquiring minds want to know?
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