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Everything posted by mraf

  1. Suckup. There has not been much from the ladies today because if they aren't all loveie,doveie at least on this day then we will all know their true sides. Happy Valentines day girls!
  2. Some people drive anything.
  3. Bought 83 venture on e-bay. I'm entered.
  4. Earl you were on a roll there for awhile. Until the end. What are you doing sucking up for cheesecake?
  5. :rotfl::rotfl:BIG MASHMELLOW OF LOVE!:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  6. No,No,No:no-no-no: I say a "Diamond" Venture, better all round, because it would have been made by YAMAHA! Mother, cassette players are what we get when someone on the inside of Yamaha Ind. gets a kickback. Why else would anyone still put them on 2nd gens. Maybe its Yamahas way of going green. Recycling cassette tapes.
  7. Oh brother, you are nice and deserve an award. I don't think so. Who are you anyway? What did you do with Snarley?:rotfl:
  8. Swifty, you just can't help yourself can you? Even though Gambit doesen't want to start a debate it can't be helped. Some 2nd genner will chime it with some words of wit and the beat goes on. I have to agree somewhat that the 1st gen was ahead of its time. But then the world changed and they detuned the looks to what is offered now. Can you say "retro". Kind of like what Ford did by introducing the mustang to look like it did in days of old. Some X-Harley designer defected to work for Yamaha and look what came out of it. Nothing wrong with that if you what to re-live your past but we can only wonder what could have been if the Yamaha engineers kept striving for perfection unstead of following the herd.
  9. Its a addiction isn't it? You fix this and that. You clean,clean,clean. Pretty soon you start adding LEDs, better horns, higher output stators,better springs,softer seats,wider,taller,shorter,vented windshields and more chrome. When will it end! NEVER. You are committed to two-wheel madness and it only gets worse. Every time you throw your leg over the saddle. Welcome to the insanity!
  10. Quit while your ahead. The alternative is not worth it. There is nothing worse than not being able to breath. I watch my father in law gasp for breath even on oxygen after his lifetime of smoking. He has no ambition or stamina to do anything everyday, all from smoking. His life has been whittled down to playing solitaire, watching TV and sleeping. A 50 foot walk puts him in a life threatening predicament. So quit now while you can still breath. One question though "What you going to do to calm your nerves when you are moderating a thread that implicates at being political"?:rotfl:
  11. Tough news to hear. Have to agree on the winds. It sounded like a tornado coming for a while here also. But no major damage as far as I can see.
  12. You would if you were a X Mormon raising billygoats.:rotfl:
  13. That looks plausible. Now if it could only be mass produced. I can see it now grab a gear and wheelie around the car to pass.
  14. Thought you said that underwear wasn't for you?
  15. OK, enough of this modeling talk especially if you Tom do the modeling. I am going to bed later and don't want any nightmares. By the way how are you sure all these undies came from this site. I wouldn't be shouting to the masses about your infidelity or kinks Tom.:rotfl:
  16. You mean to the bone!
  17. I've seen worse Thom. At least you can still ride it.
  18. Sorry to hear Thom. You'll get her back in shape, think positive.
  19. Cabin fever? Whats that? :bang head: Glad you had a good time.
  20. I would be concerned about oil contamination when riding unless you cap it somehow. But it should work otherwise. A small enough funnel could be incorporated to show through the sidecover. The paint that is made for plastics anymore adheres good so camouflaging the funnel top shouldn't be to hard. How about useing a threaded pipe{same threads as oil cap} bent so as to exit the side cover with a rubber plug. The kind that you tighten useing a T handle. My 464 International uses this kind of system to plug the oil filler hole. I've never had to replace it, works great. Mummm, I can see it now more crome. Have to agree with you about removing BS just to add oil after oil change.
  21. mraf

    Is it just me?

    Oh yeah! Reason is because my dad always said to never talk back to your elders.
  22. When its below freezing take a old carpet put it over the bike, clean a few hot coals out of the woodstove throw them on a 55gal barrel lid and put a few pieces of firewood on the coals. Keep the flame just on the bottom of the oil pan for about 1 hr. Crank it up and your good to go. Works great on the 2020 John Deere!:rotfl: Cheaper than a block heater.
  23. Now I now why they outlawed machine guns to the public.
  24. Smoke. I knew it.
  25. Naww,I can still see my house.:rotfl:
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