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Everything posted by mraf

  1. No chinstrap.:rotfl: Kind of reminds me of a rickshaw. Hondas next option. There you go Snarly.
  2. Come on now. And you thought you just needed a carb sync.:rotfl::rotfl: Your gonna need 3 more carbs.:rotfl::rotfl:
  3. mraf


    Ok this gas has some bad properties if not used readily. Right now I say any cheap fuel left sitting for any extended amount of time becomes weak. Its all crap since it turned unleaded. Give me back Sunoco 260 anytime. Now that was pump gas.
  4. Now theres a company to buy in. First mass offered electric bike, maybe, if anyone can afford it, 12g is quite pricey but look at the price of a new TV anymore. Seems the sky's the limit. If your gonna play you gotta pay. :rotfl:fugly:rotfl:
  5. mraf


    Can you say lobbyist or subsidy? This is policy not political.
  6. Whats with that about women? Either you like it or don't, just say so, but noooooo, now you have to haul it around and heaven forbid if you don't pack it and she asks where it is?
  7. Seeing this post come back from over a year ago means there are some very bored snow people out there. As far as some other states doing this also about all I can say is if New York did anything like this there would be a registration fee, a vehicle inspection fee, a emissions fee {wouldn't want you to pollute our great state}, a processing fee and you would have to send a self-addressed stamped envelope to send you your dime sized patch.:rotfl:
  8. Sorry to hear. Loss of a pet in any case is disheartening to say the least. We lost our last pet last spring. Still look for him and miss him. Horses are fairly cheap around here now. If its the same around your place theirs always room for another one in your life.
  9. Up here the old saying goes "It has to snow 3 times on the Daffodils before spring comes to stay".
  10. One large bottle of baby oil. Soak yourself down real good before a rain ride and the rain runs right off.:rotfl: :rotfl::rotfl:Seriously though, we bought a set of reflective rain suits made for motorcycle riding can't tell you what brand but seem to work good. We have used them occasionally and had good results. Plus the are colored purple a good color if you grow concord grapes for a living.:rotfl: The frogg toggs are well built and would be my choice if I was buying again.
  11. Welcome to our world daily. Isn't it great. Come on spring!
  12. Very nice job. I'm guessing that one of the gauges is a oil pressure gauge. Just for curiosity sake what pressure does the engine run at idle and say 3,500 R.P.M.. I've read somewhere that these engines have hardly any oil pressure at idle and that putting a oil pressure gauge on it will drive you crazy thinking somethings wrong. But it is just the nature of the beast and to not let it bother you. Is there any truth to this?
  13. Very nice job. I'm guessing that one of the gauges is a oil pressure gauge. Just for curiosity sake what pressure does the engine run at idle and say 3,500 R.P.M.. I've read somewhere that these engines have hardly any oil pressure at idle and that putting a oil pressure gauge on it will drive you crazy thinking somethings wrong. But it is just the nature of the beast and to not let it bother you. Is there any truth to this?
  14. If she does you'll never be able to catch her!
  15. First you have to drop a house on the witch before those ruby slippers work. You'll be home before you know it. Only now with a "eh" in your speech.
  16. Big wheels rolling. Good luck with the new job. My father-in-law drove truck until the cigs stopped him. He drove so much he couldn't park a car!:rotfl:Keep on trucking.
  17. Glad she is still in good humor about striking your ride. My mother-in-law sat on the passenger seat of mine and now I know where the name *itch seat came from.:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  18. Ahh,leaving em satisfied. Thats what it's all about! OH YEAH! My trapped time 8-04 been satisfing ever since!!!!:rotfl::sign isnt that spec
  19. I replaced mine with stainless steel plugs I bought at a hardware store. I can't remember the size you need to buy but there is a size that just plugs into the hole. I believe they are used for plugging holes in stainless steel sinks.
  20. Lets hope he has a big thumb. Glad he's doing well. Sure hope he got his wish for a pretty nurse.
  21. Yeah, its been two days. Ain't seen hide nor hair of em. Must be lost or broke down.:rotfl:
  22. Be waiting here to hear the results. Hope everything goes well Gary.
  23. Nice looking ride.
  24. I bet he's probably wearing all them panties. Trying to burn more calories. :rotfl:The bras have become "man"zres now. Much to valuable to risk in a cleanup operation. Gotta wonder were you get your stamina Tom. But a high calorie intake can definitely boost that. Something you need being your so busy cleaning up the flooded basement and your infidelity. Glad to hear you have everything under control.:rotfl:
  25. Check the engine crankcase as has been said. Especially if you don not see any gas under it. I am now waiting for a carb rebuild kit for my Suzuki 250 4 wheeler. I filled it up when gas was $1.65 only to find it empty last Tuesday. Pulled the drain plug and aha there is were all the gas went. Now mind you this 4 wheeler has a fuel pump that runs off of the engines vacuam to run it and it sets higher than the engine. You would think that this would stop the gas but it doesen't. Once the float needle wears it lets the gas leak past instead of shutting it off like it should.
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