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Everything posted by mraf

  1. mraf

    Thank You

    THANK YOU, Without your will - to walk the walk We’d have no right - to talk the talk
  2. Very interesting. Everyone has their own opinions about what is PG and what isn't. I have to agree that this site is what it is because of the moderation of the members to know where to tow the line on all aspects of getting their point across. The only place on here that comes close to borderline content is the jokes section. But as has been said jokes are jokes if there is a problem, I'm sure the moderators are on top of the worst ones. Don and the moderators have done a excellent job in keeping this site from self destructing. If it wasn't so we wouldn't keep coming back day after day. Besides who else could put up with all my crap.
  3. Don't ya just hate that. Kind of like this thread. The word party came up twice and everyone checked their pulse's and went back to sleep. Even Bob.
  4. SO! What are the AGES of the DRIVERS of VR.Org? OLD.:rotfl: Especially the members that have moved over to the Goldwings.
  5. ALL RIGHT!!! PARTY at Bobs. Call up the geriatric dancing girls and pop open that bottle of prune juice!:rotfl: What happens at Bobs stays at Bobs. I think I can stay up until 10:30. If I take a nap the day before.:rotfl:
  6. Here we go!:rotfl:
  7. Good ones. That takes talent.
  8. Maybe some peoples perception of PG means "Pretty Gross". Now, go to your room for being so pikky.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't a rectifier stop the battery from draining when the bike is off. My 72 Kaws battery kept draining if I let it set for a few days. Upon further inspection it didn't have a rectifier. Put one on, problem stopped. I would think that a bike would need one to start if it was wired in the starting circuit.
  10. Seems to me the Post Office gets alot of people. If I were one I'd hang out there!:rotfl:
  11. mraf

    Ft. Hood

    This is sad news and we are praying for the families of the victims. On another note my second son joined the Army and was stationed there as a cook. This was the biggest ----hole for a base. Being there for 3 years was enough for him. He wasn't allowed to transfer anywhere else if he re-upped. I believe that just being there so long was the main factor in his decision to not stay in. Very bad living conditions. If you have any family on any of our many Army bases and visit them you would be appalled at the shape of some of the barracks. I went into the barracks at Aberdeen, Maryland once to help pick up my other sons luggage when he was coming home on leave. The inside of this three story barracks was disgusting. Very run down. From the outside you would think that they were brand new but the inside WOW. Ceiling hanging down, wires hanging, water pipes leaking, hallways dark and filthy, his toilet was broken so he had to turn the water on and off in order to flush it. Nice to know all our tax money is just being used to give the appearance of perfection on the outside. Sad.
  12. Sorry to hear about chasing gremlins on your 86. Bikes are like anything else once in awhile you get ahold of a lemon. My 86 so far has been worry free other than a few quirks. Nothing bad enough to stop me from riding. My ride stoppers have been more the family type. Hope your next endeavor turns out ridable at anytime for you. Good Luck. Stay away form those 2nd gen barcolounger things. Their Yamahas attempt to de- sensitize your senses.
  13. Protecting your offspring is on everyones mind what with some of the things that some people with twisted minds do. That being said what I miss is the mischievous things that the grownups used to do that never hurt anyone or anything. This is not done anymore because of the strict police state that we have allowed ourselves to become. I can remember how an outhouse would magically appear under the red light in town. If nothing else it was good for a few laughs the next day. That and smashed pumpkins littering the streets, toilet paper trees, shaving cream. I have a friend who when we were younger, built a shaving cream pinnacle on top of our local police car while he was talking to him in his car. When he drove off we all had a good laugh out of that one. He had to know who did it but being that it was Halloween and no damage was done it was forgotten. Thats the way it was but not now the same prank would get you slammed,bammed and fined. Oh the good ol days.
  14. AND 1 to recommend that the light bulb maybe dosen't need changing it just needs SEAFOAM!
  15. :rotfl::rotfl: Thats one for Lettermans "what if they had a child".
  16. The only Perposterous, Ornery, Libations, Indecent ,Totally, Irresponsible, Callous, Ambiguous, Lasting way to get a post deleted is to say or do something wrong.
  17. Well I do, boss. Like Harleys that is.
  19. You first.
  20. All he needs when he does is a sticker on that Korean bike that says " My other bike is a Harley" and he can bar hop with the best of them.
  21. Way to go Charlie! Now, I no it was a little skinney. Butttt you gave up some real tender moose steaks!
  22. Not to say this is what it is worth. Just to give you a idea of other Venture sales. I put my 83 standard with the 2nd gear fix for sale in my front yard last year for $2,500. It was out there for no more than 3 hours. This was in the spring mind you. So hang in there and if nothing else wait till spring.
  23. I have done this. It can be done.
  24. Life is interesting, seems to flow sideways once in awhile. Hang in there and be a good {informed} patient.
  25. mraf

    Sick ! Sick!

    Yamaha sells sleds. http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/products/modelhome/514/0/home.aspx
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