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Everything posted by mraf

  1. Nice looking scoot Charlie. I'm surprised that Honda doesn't have a knee massager button somewhere.:rotfl:
  2. My choice.http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=44276&highlight=regulator
  3. Wow. Prayers sent for a speedy recovery for you all. No matter what we do "You can't fix stupid". These cell phones are going to be the death of us all yet. A neighboring city just upped the fine for using a cell phone while driving to $500.00 for a first offense. You can't stop technology but the auto-makers need to start installing cell phone signal cancelers when the car engine starts.
  4. Who cares, if your comfortable in it wear it!
  5. I just ordered 2 batteries from them. One for my Venture one for my sons V-Max. The one for my Venture came in 2 days. I am still waiting for the one for the V-Max. Hopefully it will be here today or tomorrow. I couldn't believe the weight of the Deka 19 lbs.
  6. Try this for the wiring diagram. http://www.venturerider.org/wiring/88-89%20Yamaha%20Venture%20U%20Wiring%20Diagram%20Rev%20D.pdf As far as the battery light goes it is a warning light that tells you that your battery is low on fluid thats all. Your battery should have a probe that goes in to the battery. If not then you have to solder in a resistor to make it stop. There is a write up in the first gen tech section on how this is done. Can't help with the rotors but they come up on e-bay from time to time.
  7. :thumbsup2:
  8. mraf


    Why top of the morning to you all!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  9. When I say I can't use it I mean it a don't a work a onna my 1st a gen a.
  10. A-ha! Thanks. Now that I can see it I can't use it.
  11. You can't expect her to keep up her strength just eating ice cream do you? Hope she makes it through your nurse crachet nursing care. Tell her to take it one day at a time and she will be up in no time.
  12. I don't even see that just a blank screen.
  13. I get nada with the link.
  14. Hi-ho Hi-ho its off to work you go! Now you'll have gas money to ride and I can say "Bite Me" again. Good news for a change, best of luck with your job.
  15. Done deal.
  16. mraf


    Why, you bets ya, you can't stop peeking at Why.
  17. DOT. Doing Our Thing.
  18. Anybody ever ride a old Greeves 250? There was a lesson in backwardsness.
  19. Saw a Harley tie it to the back. Was using it to pick up parts.:rotfl: I know, I know, I'm bad. Just couldn't help myself.:rotfl:
  20. 41 of 48 NO SOUP FOR YOU!:rotfl:
  21. WOW! The earths a shaken.
  22. Graduated is 73 so I was a litte late for the Hippy culture but had many a arguement with the my parents over the long hair. It was a great time to live what with all the old muslecars being used and within a kids budget too buy. Chevelles,Novas, Roadrunners oh yea that was great! I have a best friend that was in Nam his whole time in the Army was about 18 months due to trickey Dicks early out program for Nam vets. He seldom talks about it. If anyone could have made it back from that hell hole I always figured it would be him. He was a eagle scout and a real outdoorsman and really smart.
  23. mraf


    Why only 16?
  24. It is not necessary that whilst I live I live happily; but it is necessary that so long as I live I should live honourably. - Immanuel Kant Your friend sounds as if he lived his life like this. I am so sorry for your loss. The problem of us and them is disparity of mass. That goes all so for whats between the ears.
  25. A very forward thinking magazine. Something that is needed in these tough times. Thanks for the link.
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