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Everything posted by mraf

  1. What is it when you have to have two yamahas sitting together? Yamalove. {Don't tell the wife}:bighug:Nice pair.
  2. Sounds like a waste of good toilet paper if you ask me. That finger poppin cheap kind would definitely be out. If you do buy it and use it maybe you can finally put the "which is the best" kind to buy to rest!
  3. Plummeted to 68 and rain you poor man, how do you cope? 8* tonight:cold:
  4. Its nice to see that their numbers are increasing. We do not have that many that stay around here as far as nesting goes. The size of them are pretty intimidating. We are on a major migration flyway along the Lake Erie lake plain. Literally thousands of birds fly over day and night through here. The amount of buzzards alone on some days is staggering. Spring is close I smelled the first skunk when I left for coffee this morning. As bad as they smell who would think that you wouldn't mind smelling them.
  5. mraf

    great rendition

  6. can you see it now?
  7. When you get that many eagles together you call it a Squadron.
  8. Thanks for the read. I can't read it now, I'm thoroughly depressed right now and don't want to cheer up! Winter sucks.
  9. Reminds me of this song years ago.
  10. Man! He went an sold it right out from under you like that! No warning and didn't get you a replacement yet? What kind of friend is that! One of the best I'd say! Every year brings a new ad-Venture. If you think you feel up to it tell him a spyder is easier to ride like Marcarl says and he might get the itch again. If you pool your moola you should be able to buy the top of the line.
  11. About the only safety feature I would leave on if I was to do what you want to is the kickstand one. Mine malfunctioned on my 83 once and I rode away with it down. When I reached that left turn I about crapped my pants when it wouldn't lean left. I would redesign the kickstand so that wouldn't happen if your bent on removing that one feature. Many years ago we had a young man in our town that wrecked his Honda because of this. He laid the bike down hard and slid under a parked pickup truck. His injuries were quite extensive but he lived through it. He is now in a wheelchair and will be for the rest of his life. He sued Honda for their bad design of the kickstand and won a Multi-millon dollar settlement. I see him now and then when he comes to town and is doing alright despite his limitations. Honda in fighting this actually came to our town with a truck and two leathered up riders with the same model and year of bike he wrecked and recreated the wreck on the same curve less the pickup. It was something to see, someone purposely wrecking a bike. I believe that this is one of the reasons why a kickstand on anything made today retracts when striking the pavement or fails to stay running without putting it up.
  12. I do not own a 2nd gen I am not the expert you need. The electric gurus will surely chime in to help you eventually but if you post this on the 2nd generation tech talk someone will maybe see your problem faster. By the way
  13. mraf

    look up

    If any of you are star gazers this is pretty neat. Man made but neat anyway. The hard part around here is having a clear night until winter is over. It circles the earth every 90 minutes. About as fast as a 1st gen. http://www.thehumanitystar.com/
  14. That would be sweet, I agree Dan. Now Bluesky would you be up for adoption of a old man? I wouldn't mind a Miata.
  15. I've thought the same thing of our Empire state. {Think Star Wars}.
  16. Well all the bank needs is your John Hancock and it could be yours. Used to be if you bought something like that you were a chick magnet. Now at our age I guess you could cruise the nursing homes to see if you could lure some out.
  17. Have you put new spark plugs in it and sync the carbs? Spark plugs are very cheap. I replace them every spring if I don't my bike will act the same. If you don't believe this you should have rode a 72 kaw with old plugs, talk about a dog and hard to start. New plugs and voila a new bike!
  18. mraf


    AAAHAAA! I knew it was a cover-up of some kind! FOUL! FOUL! Nice expose I knew it wouldn't hold up under close scrutiny. It now must be removed for having a false foundation. Condor, if you've got 7of9 living with you or by you to ask questions to and get answers, you my friend are a lucky man!
  19. mraf


    You guys are not helping!!!!!!!!!! Your acting like MSM and twisting the facts. Release the photo! Drawing,picture,sketch,hologram or whatever you want to call it! please.
  20. You got me on that. I had to duckduckgo that one. Now I can go to bed knowing another tidbit of information.
  21. Good to hear your still longing to ride. Sounds as if your making mobility progress. Nova Scotia would be a nice ride. I planned it out once, I was going to take one of the ferries out and ride back . So many trips not enough time. Thanks for the update.
  22. mraf


    Ok , is it me our do any of you 1st gen riders find this picture offensive? No self respecting 1st gen would ever want to be on a trailer. I want, no I Demand the same picture with a 2nd gen on a trailer. I know, I know this is not a democracy I can't Demand anything but it just sounds better. It would only be fair boss. Equal treatment for all Ventures! I'm going to start making signs I'm getting so pumped up! At least change the pic to represent the one true bike that we all know and really is the countries trailer queen.
  23. I'm awake, I'm awake...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ It happens so fast. Nice job, with the video. I'm definitely suffering from the almost eternal Winter Blues. Hey, there is a song in that saying somewhere? Throttle up!
  24. There is a button on the radio that toggles the radio from the speakers to headsets. Mine quit once and it was the tuner. After 30 something years in this humidity it had given up the ghost. I open it up to have a look see and it was actually green inside, TOAST. If you find you need a replacement try to get one from the warmer, dryer climates. They tend to be in better electronic condition. If it doesn't turn out to be that fuse check the pins that the radio sets down on. Make sure one has not dropped down or is not making contact in some way.
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