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Everything posted by mraf

  1. mraf

    New to forum

    Sounds like to me you have come to the right place for your questions. Just that on this post it could go unnoticed. 1st gen, 2 gen debate never ceases but is all in good fun. I myself ride a 1st gen and am very comfortable on any of the long rides like you did on the Voyager. As far as meets in NYC or NJ there should be someone that can answer you here if the debate doesn't gobble up your question.
  2. I have to say that Christmas was ok for me. It could not have been a more perfect day for receiving my "RED NECK CHRISTMAS PRESENTS" a bottle of JIM BEAM and a 12" CRESCENT WRENCH. The worst gift I ever received was one of those pictures with a moving waterfall and birds singing in the background. I positively hate that thing!
  3. mraf


    Well I've had a long enough hiatus from this group of, shall I say misfits, myself included. Winter is here. But is it? Thats only part of the ?. Sure has been a strange one so far. A cruise definitely sounds like a good remedy but I'd have to Mr T the evil one to get her on the ship. Global warming is coming but by the time it gets warm and dry enough to ride all winter I'll be to feeble to ride. Oh well, back to becoming famous.
  4. mraf


    Has anybody ever had a new idea on this site!! I've been watching from the sidelines for months now and haven't even seen not so much of a wimper of a idea to beat back old man winter!!! WHY???? :rotfl:
  5. mraf


    Thanks for the replies. We've already been to some of them but will definitely see the rest when we can. Keep them coming.
  6. Just checked it out and your right it sucks.
  7. mraf


    We like to check out all kinds of Museums. Are there any around your area that are of interest? I've already searched the net but theres nothing better than hearing about them from someone else thats been there. Sometimes they are a good break for awhile plus it doesn't hurt to maybe learn something.
  8. Good write up Goose. But as far as the 1st gens go the stock Bridgestone looked so cool with the raised white letters. Shades of 70's nostalgia. Had to say something good about them even though they did do everything Goose said.
  9. mraf


    WOW! {Who Owns Who} That is the question?
  10. My in-laws stopped at Murdo, South Dakota to see this http://www.pioneerautoshow.com/ . So we did too back in 04 on our trip to see the Redwoods. Alls I can say is that has alot of strange and unusual things. One of them was the first travel trailer ever made. The couple that made it were real adventurers. The country was very pristeen back then. Makes me kind of jealous.
  11. High gas prices are a given anymore. Trips for everything that can be hauled on the bike will be done more so this year. What really hurts is filling my diesel tank for my tractors. No tractors, no farming. Personally I guess whatever it is ,it is, We'll all pay it or walk. Economists a few months ago stated $95.00 a barrel was the breaking point for a global recession. We have passed that easily. I don't know about you people but one of them super-mini Japanese pickups would save me a bundle. If they were legal to run on Americas roads. No chance of that though we would be using to little gas then.But hey everything is going to turn out great this year Prince Andrew is getting Married!:rotfl:
  12. Be willing to bet, not fast enough to pass a 1st gen. :rotfl:I know, I know smart a##.:rotfl: Just figured its been to touchy, feelly around here lately. Had to beat Yammer to the punch.
  13. If your fairing is off it would be a good time to take off the CDI and open it up to dry it. Some have moved it to the top of the airbox. If you don't want to do that I would at least take out the phillips screws that hold it and replace them with some hex head screws to help in removing it later if you ever have a problem with it. Its the best time to replace the plug wires too.
  14. I use this site alot. http://www.jaxed.com/cgi-bin/mash.cgi
  15. Only running on two would make it a pig. That would suck fuel like crazy. 42 MPG at 80-85 I wouldn't change a thing. Thats the best I've ever heard at that speed. Mine is like most on here, the faster I go the worse the mileage gets. P.S. Don't tell the oil companies they will impound your bike and send you to brainwashing school.:rotfl:
  16. There are GM commercials running on tv now that when you use your OnStar button you could win a new car. I think that is the contest he is referring too.
  17. Nice job! They look great. As far as 800 mi. AI-Ca rumba just the thought makes my tush hurt.:rotfl:
  18. Link goes to e-bay front page for me. So I don't know.
  19. mraf

    Avon venom

    Sounds like you got your moneys worth out of that tire. I'm running a E3 myself now . It is just beginning to make a little noise now on a lean but is quiet running straight. I run the max cold pressure thats on the side of the tire but still find that the sides of the tire tend to start to cup. Causing the noise. Anyone ever have a tire not do this? If so what is your secret?
  20. 2 of the 7'', Thanks.
  21. I'm holding out for Flying Pigs.:rotfl:
  22. Best I can come up with. freedird 4079 http://www.ratemydrawings.com/images/thumbs/2006/04/27/70/7043.jpg 97 Rates 0 Cmnts. 1 Favs. Portraits by sasquatchth. :rotfl:
  23. Me:buttkick:You.
  24. Like this comment on Hondas seat belt idea. "What they should really do with the Goldwing is attach two more wheels, put a cage around it with doors and come up with some imaginative name, like... a car.":rotfl::rotfl: Read more: http://www.visordown.com/motorcycle-news-new-bikes/honda-working-on-motorcycle-seatbelts/17602.html#ixzz1Hwp8I3gg
  25. Have at it! There are alot of "been there done that" people on this site that can answer any questions if you have any.
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