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Everything posted by mraf

  1. Ahh, to be young and foolish again. Thanks.
  2. mraf

    Funny Now

    Many, many years ago I worked at a Ford dealership. There was a Ranchero sitting in the middle of the shop that needed an engine. It was sitting there in the way because of a dispute between the two owners of the dealership. So I volunteer to rebuild an engine for it after hours just to get this thing out of the way. So the rebuilding is done and the engine is in the car. I recruit the help of another mechanic for the final touches. Now comes the startup. Crank,crank,crank. No start. Crank,crank,crank. No start. Check timing. Same thing. Crank,crank,crank. No start. My helper says it should start I'll get some ether. Crank,crank,crank. No start Crank,crank,crank. No start. So we check everything again. Another shot of ether. Now mind you the hood is off of this car and it is sitting inside the shop. Crank,BOOM!!!! The oil fill cap ricochets off the ceiling! The valve covers balloon blowing the gaskets out! The oil pan balloons blowing the gaskets out! And I swear the car jumped in the air! After our ears stopped ringing we quickly replaced the ballooned pieces and proceeded to get it started without, the ether.
  3. A al-Quada kind of moto bike. Hussein you will drive this. It is totally cloaked. :rotfl:
  4. I've had two flu shots in my lifetime. Both times the very next day I was sick as a dog with the flu. That was enough for me. I'll never get another. I work outside everyday through the winter. Other than an occasionally cold I have no complaints. If I do get sick Alka-Seltzer Cold works wonders especially if I can use it when I first feel it coming on. The only pills I take are Fish oil, Mens One-A-Day, Glucosamine Joint Therapy & Golden seal root. Almost never have a headache and if I do a nap is usually enough to make it go away. Arthritis in my shoulders is my biggest problem. That only rears its head in the wintertime or if its damp and wet outside. Occupational problem, but hey something has to remind us we are not spring chickens anymore.
  5. mraf

    best present

    Oldest grandson {8} spent the night last night and the box was a hit. He turned it on its side threw his sleeping bag and a few pillows in it toward the TV. Him and I watched "Aliens in the Attic" in it till he fell asleep. He was in his glory. the dog and cat thought it looked inviting and crawled up in there to sleep too.
  6. Thought this song fit the season. Heard it for the first time yesterday. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3M7IR6jkpc]Chipmunks Roasting On An Open Fire - YouTube[/ame]
  7. As has been said the used parts are getting expensive but there are still some good deals occasionally on e-bay. As far as reliability mine has been excellent. Sure there are some things that need attention like has been said but when push comes to shove I can have this bike torn down to fix it in a matter of minutes. Once we stopped for gas and I lifted the gas tank door and when I did one of the little screws holding on the hinge had backed itself out and fell into no-mans land under the cover. The wife had gone into the store to by something and when she came out minutes later I had the bike about stripped {side covers, seat, false tank cover} all to find that little screw. Long story short I found it put it back in place, put the bike back together and we were on our way in no time.There are numerous fixes I have performed on the road but none that has left us stranded, {Knock On wood} Yamaha did it right. Except the cassette player.
  8. Rode with #1 son to pick up new chair for #2 son from daughter-in-law for Christmas. The chair is nice. BUT THE BOX IT CAME IN IS HUGE. I can't wait for the grandkids to show up in a few days. The best toy is a big box to play in, they're going to have a blast playing with this thing.
  10. So if I ask a question about say a stupid question then it was never asked?
  11. Wasn't Maya the name of a elephant in a old TV show?
  12. mraf


    PMS I thought you had snuck in my place and been talking to the evil one. Glad you cleared that up!
  13. Every now and then I take a hiatus from this site. It seems to run pretty fluidly every time I come back. Step softly and posts run with no complications. I too have been reminded by the supreme ones to remember that whenever we post it is everywhere to be perused by everyone. Although I don't come to many functions I still like and can have meaningful and often enjoyable conversations with this global bunch. The names come {which is good} and go {which is never good but inevitable} but the banter is priceless. Now 4...3...2...1...POOF if you want.
  14. The only time I was employed in a job with a union I was bumped from my jobs all over the place by the same guy. He was a lousy worker, everywhere he bumped me from the bosses couldn't wait for him to be bumped himself. When he was bumped his first words to the union was where is Waters. It got pretty tiresome at times. Oh, by the way he was hired one day sooner than me. Basically sometimes unions do more harm than good by keeping slugs working when they would have been "adiós" without their protection. Michigan will rebound now that we are "Bailout" the auto industry. If not that they have to be expanding the ranks of the Border Police being a border state. You would think the Canadians were swimming Lake Erie by the amount of them driving around here. You have been warned Swifty. Canadian and Red to boot.:rotfl:
  15. Home is the best place. Take it one day at a time. Thanks for the update.
  16. Thats 4 wheeler or sled riding time! Pile it up and build a giant Homer Simpson, dragon,army tank, "snowman" {if you can't be creative} or something.
  17. Sorry to hear this and prayers sent for both of you. Now for a speedy recovery.
  18. WOW! Was that nine year old mentality enough to get her a drivers license? Not much JUSTICE for the victims family.
  19. We were wondering if you made it or were polar bear bait. To bad on the pictures. May be you can fill us in on more of what took place on your ride later after your brain warms up. 8 day avg, 640 miles a day, in the cold. OUCH! You gotta love it.
  20. Nice looking bar to bar bike. If that trips your trigger. Likes been said V-twins are no match for V-4 power. When riding behind a group of Harleys at 55 MPH any upgrade in the road brings the speed down to 50 MPH. Its not much but drives me crazy! {I know, not far to go.} That seat on the back will do nothing for your sanity when mommas chewing your ear after a few miles. But then again it wasn't made for two-up touring. Yamaha will make a new touring bike someday. When? That is the question! Probably when Uncle Sansung dies. He's the relation that makes the cassette players.:rotfl:
  21. mraf


    I'm out. Whoever-Whatever-Whereever-Whenever:rotfl:
  22. Tailwind! Burritoes! Worm-hole! Momentary gravity release! Total tire traction! Gas fart! I give up. You pick.
  23. mraf


    I'm in. Who-what-where-when
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