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Everything posted by mraf

  1. Beautiful. Love the green theme. Good to hear of a true to life GI Joe.
  2. mraf

    North Dakota?

    Thanks for the info. Locals have the best first hand info. Things are still in the planning stage for any long ride. All the roads out there nothing but tunnels in the snow?
  3. Last year it was said to steer clear of North Dakota if you were planning a ride that would take you through there. It was said that there were very few motel rooms to be had because of the oil boom through there. My question is does this shortage still exist, if so is it state wide and does it extend into any other neighboring states?
  4. Get that old gas out of there. The gas now is junk. Do the easy things first.
  5. mraf


    Ok, whats your best site that you peruse when your not here? Mines Craigslist, yahoo news, StumbleUpon and a bunch of e-bay links. Not trying to be nosey just bored to death. More snow and cold. Maybe someone else has something thats entertaining to kill the time. No game sites they are ok but not for me.
  6. Rest,relaxation and chicken noodle soup. If he can hold it down. Prayers sent for a better tomorrow.
  7. mraf

    aharbi Down

    Prayers sent for a fast recovery.
  8. = .:rotf:
  9. .
  10. Their you are Owl. I thought that flea infested camel hanger line would bring you out.:rotfl:I'm with Freebird you wouldn't make a impartail proof reader.
  11. mraf


    Leave it to Beaver!:rotfl::rotfl:
  12. If your meaning a ponytail its probably taped to a camel full of fleas by now.:rotfl:
  13. Their so shiney! Nice.
  14. Wow, I'm impressed. Anything approaching 200,000 around here usually has some major cancer problems. The stuff they use for melting ice and snow could eat the Bismark.
  15. mraf

    Knew it

    The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Thats all. If I say more it would become controversial.:whistling:
  16. mraf

    Is there

    Not sunny is putting it lightly. If this town gets any more depressing we'll have to sell it to China just to get some jobs here. Every day feels like the movie Groundhogs Day. We have 4 busnises left, Pizza place, Resturant, Hardware and Bank. Sad state of affairs here. Have to leave town to buy gas anymore. Believe it or not. Hows your area fairing the Empire States rule?
  17. I can handle heights to a degree but that borders on extreme. No way for me. All in a days work for some though. My hands are still sweating.
  18. We use ours quite a bit. Ours hang off the back. We will put them in the trunk if possible. I figured if someone wants them bad enough to cut them loose they can have them. Cutting them loose kind of disables anyone from using them safely anymore.
  19. mraf

    Is there

    A SUN! Does it still put out something that feels like heat? I have to ask every year at least once since it is almost non-existent here.
  20. Tough crowd. Make mine Camo :rotfl:. V4 covers all types and years.
  21. Could be as simple as a spark plug. Start with the easy things first.
  22. Thanks. Its on the list.
  23. I had a sticking float on my Venture. So I did the straight Sea-foam soak for two days . Drained it into a clear glass container. Then did a straight Techron soak for two days right after the seafoam soak. I caught the Techron in a clear glass container. There was a definite darker color to the Techron container. Glean what you want from this info. The float hasn't been a problem since. One of my friends was a Ford mechanic at a local dealership and has told me that there was a Ford bulletin on using Techron to clean a sticking fuel gauge on their cars. He has used it to fix alot of them. Sure beats pulling the tank to fix. I use it occasionally in the bike since. It is a little cheaper than sea-foam. Supposedly Shell gasoline has it in all grades of their gas.
  24. If it was mine I would hook the old TCI back up to rule out a Ingtech TCI problem. The first ones in the group buy had an issue like this. My ingtech I bought on the first group buy missed, cutout and had a tach dropout issue. Dingy replaced it with a new one running a different program which is supposed to clear this up. I haven't tried it yet as I installed it after I had to put the bike away for the winter.
  25. Question. When you say new TCI is it new used or new new? Did this happen after not riding it awhile or did it come on while riding normally and happens everytime you ride it?
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