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Everything posted by mraf

  1. Likes been said money talks the rest walk. My 86 came with one but if I was looking yours would be it. Whatever you do don't leave this site. Between you and Yammer its a race for how many Ventures 1 man can have.
  2. mraf


    Black flies, horse flies, deer flies, West Nile mosquitoes. Them bugs? You can usually kill'em if your fast enough. But them NO-SEE-EM bugs down south you can't get rid of. Don't even talk about the Fire ants down there either. Our ants just steal your food yours do that and add injury to insult.
  3. Yuo,yuo are a very very bad man! I have been trying to call you abut your secondd cousin third time removeds will. Now you will never know. Goodbyr!
  4. mraf


    :rotfl: Seriously? With all them bugs around I bet you pull their wings off. Just to be mean. Thats "why".
  5. Backfire? Put in new plugs and put top of air cleaner on. Plugs are cheap and the Venture doesn't like to run with the air box open.
  6. Do this for the battery light fix. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=489
  7. NA, he's 716. Thats the end of the world area code. Just ask anyone in charge in Albany, NY:D.
  8. Know how you feel. I've bought a older Windstar for my daughter so she can haul her 4 kids around safely. It has all the recalls done to it and I thought it was going to be a good vehicle. But no, it has a case of the electrical gremlins. Seems every time you fix one thing another pops up. Like you all these electrical gizmo's are nothing but trouble waiting to zap your pocketbook. I'll take manual everything just to have piece of mind anymore.:mo money:
  9. Lets see the venture weighs 806 dry weight. They make a 1000 pound hitch carrier. I would beef it up after getting it to make sure it would be up to the task. Maybe attach it on both ends underneath also to help with the safety factor and piece of mind. Having roughly 850 lbs hanging on the back of your fifth-wheel you'll have to pack it accordingly. If your wife packs like mine that extra kitchen sink can go up front. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1000-LB-MOTORCYCLE-DIRT-BIKE-HITCH-CARRIER-HAULER-W-LOADING-RAMP-CARGO-BASKET-/360793047335
  10. Praying for you and yours Dan. Hospitals suck.
  11. 12 years and many smiles.
  12. Still here, but barely. Instead of life getting easier its turning the other way. My Son is home from 14yrs in the army which keeps me on my toes by doing jobs on the farm that I normally would have put off. Thereby not giving us much free time to ride last year. Only got to ride to a few caves thats all. The bike is ready for anything, anytime so upgrades are all done. It is hard to post anything different when life is like living in a scene from the movie "Groundhogs Day". Can't get off the farm. Seems like our powers that be do nothing but make more problems for all of us in one form or another. This makes for very strained relationships when trying to interact via the web. We all don't want to upset the applecart and be pegged troublemakers. There is no such thing as a time machine but if there was it would be good to go back to the simpler times just for the peace. Fade to black.
  13. Gather 10,000 lightning bugs. Smash'em. Put in paint. Done. Luminescent paint! Or. Gather water from Fukushima power plant. Put in paint. Done. Luminescent paint! Voilà! Whats next, invisible paint? Now that would be cool. Brings whole new meaning to the phrase "I didn't see it".
  14. A Leprechaun?
  15. mraf


    Ah, definitely picked to the bone, just the way he likes us!
  16. Not just arrest him. BREAK his fingers first!
  17. Fairys?:rotfl::rotfl:
  18. Never could try this. The taste of ice & snow off of the pavement prevents me.
  19. And the beat goes on.
  20. This is one noise I wish I could fix with Seafoam when it happens.
  21. mraf

    junk mkII

    Stolen? Even sold by the road you would think the guy riding it in could have sold it for more. Sounds like a quick crackhead sale.:mo money: Max Smart, now theres a name you don't hear to often. Funny show.
  22. mraf

    Honda add

    Great, I look down this page and see 13 down it has already been posted. Oh well, story of my life, day late, dollar short.
  23. mraf

    Honda add

    Cool Honda add. https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Dxy4n0UT82o?rel=0
  24. Good news. Prayers sent for you both.
  25. You've got more will power than me. I should sell the 2 Kawasaki 750s I've kept but just can't let go. Guess it's the Hoarder in me like my son says.
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