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Everything posted by mraf

  1. Hate to tell you this but his is hotter{ in the sun} and yours is cooler{ in the sun}. Just thought this might help with the sibling rivalry.
  2. Tough call. I would keep the ___________ one!
  3. Have three of them. So meney,miney,moe could be anyone. As long as they can't remember me. I'm safe.
  4. Now, now. The geese are flying back along with the buzzards,killdeer,robins,morning doves and numerous songbirds. Skunks are everywhere, possums are out {eating frozen dog turds}euuu, and I've seen our woodchuck running across the back yard last week. So it won't take long now for old man winter to finally release his grip on us Bob. Personally though i hope it comes slowly. I still have acres of grapes to be pruned. Getting to old for the job myself. Wish I could but this growing old has other ideas on my body. I've had a sign out front for workers for over two weeks. So far no takers. Funny how everyone says to kick out all the immigrants because they are taking all the jobs. Well thats happened around here with a vengeance. Now where is everyone for all this work? If it keeps going like this mechanical pruning will be all there is left. Which leaves alot to be desired. Oh well, the beat goes on and I'm getting to old to care either way. Hang in there and let the waves come to you better days are coming Bob.
  5. Neat looking concept not having any spokes. If it was mine I couldn't help but put a stuffed squirrel running in the middle supported by bearings. Kind of like the hub-meters run on the axles of semi trucks.
  6. Leave it to Harley to run a plow. If the Japanese mounted a implement it would be a snowblower.:rotfl:
  7. I'll take two. Couldn't imagine the noise that thing would make all out. Let alone what the venison would look like.
  8. How did you paint all that stuff white?
  9. Cowboy Up!
  10. OUCH.
  11. I agree on the Honda commercials. But Michael Bolton nails it on this you-tube video. The language is a little rough but entertaining.
  12. You and about 50 million other people.
  13. Put it back. That was hilarious.:rotfl:
  14. But,but,but,they earn it. Just ask any of them.:rotfl: We've become a nation of gov't workers because all the jobs are slipping away. Taking any retirement money away from armed service members or public employees especially after it was bargained policy is still bull. I thank Honda for putting some of their bikes together here. Trying to keep this thread going by talking motorcycles
  15. mraf

    Oh happy day

  16. PLEASE ONLY LEGITIMATE INTENDED TOPICS INCLUDING CYCLES SOUGHT. But it is a bunch of bull. Everyone do not forget.
  17. mraf

    Wedded Bliss

    Congratulations for putting up with each other. A commitment that has stood the test of time. May there be many more years of sheer wedding bliss. Happy Anniversary!
  18. Awhile back I was given a new password for this site. My old one was easy, I guess to easy. There fore a new one. I am happy to say that I finally have it hardwired in the cobwebs. Oh, happy day! Please don't change it again. I'll get drain bamage!
  19. Thats worth passing on. Thanks.
  20. Nice play. I do give a danm about this site. Without it the winters around here would be unbearable. Now that being said who do I have to slam to get on this gravy train? :rotfl:
  21. mraf

    Any trips?

    Not many new posts here lately so lets see who rode where this last year. We rode to Endless Caverns in Virginia taking along my brother-in-law on his Kawasaki 1000. If your into caves this is one of the best with bigger rooms in it than most caves. We also rode out to St.Louis to visit another brother-in-law. He took us up in the Arch while there. Both rides were not that many days away from the farm but it did help clear the cobwebs. Hopefully next year won't be so wet around here so the farm work can get done faster for more riding.
  22. He did sit on one.
  23. mraf


    A-HA and you thought you'd be able to ride?
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