Now, now. The geese are flying back along with the buzzards,killdeer,robins,morning doves and numerous songbirds. Skunks are everywhere, possums are out {eating frozen dog turds}euuu, and I've seen our woodchuck running across the back yard last week. So it won't take long now for old man winter to finally release his grip on us Bob. Personally though i hope it comes slowly. I still have acres of grapes to be pruned. Getting to old for the job myself. Wish I could but this growing old has other ideas on my body. I've had a sign out front for workers for over two weeks. So far no takers. Funny how everyone says to kick out all the immigrants because they are taking all the jobs. Well thats happened around here with a vengeance. Now where is everyone for all this work? If it keeps going like this mechanical pruning will be all there is left. Which leaves alot to be desired. Oh well, the beat goes on and I'm getting to old to care either way. Hang in there and let the waves come to you better days are coming Bob.