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Everything posted by mraf

  1. In the words of mister Scrooge "BAH HUMBUG". I'm playing Putt-Putt.
  2. Ok, he flies ahead, drops off his luggage, flies back and rides the bike to his luggage. Seems like a funny way to travel to me. All that physical running before takeoff. The 86 did it all in one trip. But thats Dave. I too was wondering what happened to him.
  3. No. Sitting here spending money. Just bought 2 new lawnmower tires on fleabay. Watching it snow outside.
  4. Nothing along the lake here yet. But coming next week by the sounds of it. I have to agree that is a good looking dog. I'll have to fill up Dot Sunday for her looooong winters nap. Shouldn't be much gas being I only got to ride her 5 miles this year. More gas evaporated than used this year. Been busy putting up a 48'x 80' pole barn. My old workshop is next on the list for a facelift. Next summer. Being I missed the riding season this year I'm thinking of buying a snowmobile. That will probably stop it from snowing.
  5. Fuel Consumption is 100 gal per hour per engine fully loaded. I guess $450 per person wouldn't be out of the ballpark. A little too rich for my blood but they aren't making them everyday anymore. Ahh, so much to do and so little money to do it with. One of life's conundrums.
  6. We like to go to the many Caves that seem to be through the Appalachian MTS. The ones around West Virginia, Virgina are all quite interesting. Most cave tours are not more than a hour or so long. We rode a back road in West Virginia once that was just as twisty as any we ever rode out west in the Rockies. Since your staying off the slabs the ride through West Virginia - Virginia alone is worth it. Now you've done it. I'm starting to reminisce. I gotta quit dreaming, too many grapes to pick. Wherever you decide to go. go slow and enjoy.
  7. Yeah, go out and have 2 20's. Not women, beers reiny. Congrats!
  8. When I see something like this done to a car my first thought is "WHY". Makes no sense to me but whatever trips your trigger.
  9. mraf

    Ride on

    I've used it for years through many tire changes and never had a issue with it. That goes for flats and being able to clean up the rim for the next tire. As far as mileage I did not see any change but others might watch this closer than me. I tend to change tires before they get down very far.
  10. Condor,I gotta ask, are all seven of those ventures in your avatar on the road?
  11. Believe it or not I still have them all. They are never all hanging on the wall all at once but occasionally they take turns hanging up.
  12. I scored 5 ballpeen hammers for .99. Way back when on fleabay. Hows that for a goat. I mean gloat.
  13. If I had my choice of 1st gens it would probably be a 85 with the tyranny fixed. It has the bigger trunk but still retained the removable side bags. Not that removing them was all that great, just that they looked better on the bike. {Each to his own} The old saying the more gadgets the more fixing you have to do. I had a 83 standard that I fixed the transmission put a aftermarket radio on it, a thumb operated throttle lock and we rode it everywhere. Now we have a 86 with all the whistles. Its alright but relies on to many gadgets. Always having to massage it. They all have issues, but as been said overpriced flea-bay parts are plentiful right now.
  14. Oh,yeah! Baby-back, baby-back ribs! Better roll her over before they burn.:rotfl:
  15. If they hit that target price there will be hundreds of thousands on the road in no time. I'd buy one in a heartbeat. It won't be long after they become a hit that you'll see gas prices go through the roof because of the loss of sales AND TAXES.
  16. Methinks you have a hoarding problem. But a good one to have.
  17. Quick pull that Sealy posturepedic off the bed so your baby has a soft place to land if it does fall. I would use whatever I could to help prop it in place before moving anything.
  18. That would save me precious minutes! At our one and only stoplight. MORE TIME FOR WORLD DOMINATION!!
  19. :rotfl::rotfl:
  20. Golf, news, chick flicks, anything with subtitles, answering this posssststsssssssssssssssdj
  21. My son has a V-max. It has a stage 3 carb mod and a different exhaust system. It is fast. But no where as fast as anything Squeeze has. We went on a road trip on the Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway and it got just as good of mileage as my Venture. Mind you the speed limit is 45. I was impressed to say the least. On one fill-up he averaged 48 MPG. I was scratching my head on that one till he confessed that he was coasting on every downhill on the trip.
  22. It will not be long. There was a mass migration of Turkey Buzzards soaring over yesterday. Now all they have to do is have their passports ready and the border crossing will start. We would not want them to be eating your Canadian roadkill if there were some local Buzzards willing to do the job!:rotfl:
  23. 1925 Hupmobile would be my guess. Pic shows heavy front fenders, split window that curves in near the bottom and looks like spoke wheels. Best pic i can come up with is this one. The front is not showing but yours has a bar between the headlights. Other pics of hupmobiles show that they have the same thing on their models in this year range. Either that or a Buick. But the fenders are a little different.
  24. Think Bing. Its beginning to look alot like Christmas. Right now anyway. Thanks Bob.
  25. mraf


    Why that is a good question. As it has been said before many times "WHY" NOT! If nothing constructive ever comes from the discussion of the merits of "WHY". Then you can not argue that the question "WHY" has been entertaining if nothing else. Who knows, maybe if this thread lives until eternity the question "WHY" will someday have a annotation beside it stating "Reference Ventureriders . Org" and anyone who has debated the meaning of "WHY' will have their own place in Infamy.:rotfl: Now if you believe that BS then "WHY".:rotfl:
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