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Everything posted by mraf

  1. Eh, matey. ARRR ya looken fer a parly. If-en yer ARRR jest keep up the bashen! Bet most of em ride HARRRRRLeys. get it
  2. My radio on my 86 acts as if it has a search feature. When on it is changing stations all by itself. Other than it being possesed what could be the problem. The tuner is not displaying also. So whats the culprit? Bad tuner, tape deck, noise suppresor. CB matchbox? I have already taken the componats out of the dash holder and made sure they plugged into the pin holder tightly. Thinking that could be the problem but no difference. My guess is bad tuner but would like to know if anyone else ever had the same problem and if so how did you fix it? If its Kaput does anyone have a spare to sell?
  3. Eck your the ultimate tinkerer. Apply at the YAMAHA CORP. headquarters and design the new Venture for them will you? They seem to be lost. It looks like your wing is having a baby with it painted the same. I'd print "Backoff baby being born" across the back of it. :scratchchin:Looks good.
  4. mraf


    Thanks everyone for the info. We are still in the planning stages. Grapes are all caught up and its raining about everyday here recently so the haymaking is on hold too. If we go it will be spur-of-the-moment so exact date and times:confused24:. Thanks for the offers anyway, maybe another time. Everyone northeast of the MIssissippi please think sunshine.
  5. mraf


    We were thinking of going to the Ford Museum in Detroit, Michigan. Are there any roads to stay off of. Has anyone been there before? Is the city as bad as its portrayed?
  6. There you are. I wonder if you allow any tailfeathers at your VFW. Glad to hear you two are doing alright.
  7. You say you replaced the fuel filter. If you did this it now has air in the system. As you are cranking the engine loosen any injector{just one}. This will allow the air to escape. When it begins to run it will miss until you tighten the loose injector back up. The fuel fiter should have a bleeder bolt on the top of it. Before doing any of the above open it up. If you have a mechanical fuel pump look for a lever on the side of it. This lever is a pump override that lets you pump it by hand to remove any air that you trapped when changing the filter. If no mechanical fuel pump then the bleeding of the fuel filter is done by gravity. Either way still does the same thing. Good luck, sometimes it take a while before it finally runs.
  8. Sincere condolences Abdul. Creation of woman from the rib of man; She was not made of his head to top him; nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him; but out of his side to be equal with him; under his arm, to be protected; and near his heart to be beloved. Peace.
  9. You know sometimes you take all the fun out of it. But seriously, when selling you hear it all. Some of its nuts.
  10. As he fires up his blowtorch with the look of wild abandonment!
  11. mraf

    Got Stuck

    Winter sucks. All 4 wheel drive means is "you get stuck in inaccessible places". Good story. Tough walking around here also. What you really needed was this.
  12. Just wear a bell so the bears know it is dinner time.
  13. Do the words severely overloaded come to mind?
  14. mraf


    Why not? Why is it so cold? Why is there so much snow? Why does Freebird ride a Non-Yamaha? Why is the list of whys is infinite?
  15. This winter around here is probably the best winter for snowmobiling that I can remember in a loooooong time. I delivered a load of hay about 75 miles away from my home last Thursday. I stayed off the Interstate and took all back roads for the delivery. I'd be willing to bet there were 100 snowmobile trail crossings all being used heavily. Makes me almost want to buy one. It was in the plans this year but as usual there has been a monkey wrench thrown into that. Any of you out there sled ride and if so have you ever toured with it. By toured I mean eat and stay at motels along the trail system. If I did spring for one it would be for a 2-up machine.
  16. Bob, don't know if you can copy or not but this site is sweet. Video Jukebox of songs from the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s with over 4,500 selections#
  17. :rotfl:
  18. Eck nothing personal but "bite me". Nice pics. Four letter word is 2'-3' here. Did see a guy riding a bike today though. Looked like a BMW had a highpipe. He must have it bad to be riding this time of year here. Always thought TN. would be a good state to live in you can ride any direction. Here we are limited to NE,E,S,SW. No real W or NW. unless I can ride on Lake Eire water. Sad to see a stand alone silo. Means another barn gone. That look is happening alot around here.
  19. Ouch. Damn snow it will be the death of us all. If you let it. As my dad used to tell me {as he was banging his cane on the ground} Golden Years My a$$. As we grow older we should pass our wealth around by hiring those unpleasent tasks out to others, say albiet younger others and enjoy life a little more. Unless plowing, shoveling and breathing lungbusting cold air is fun for you. So, sit in the boat easy and let the waves come to you. We don't want to lose our leader, without you whos going to be around to squelch a political uprising?
  20. When 911 hit I was hand picking grapes with my wife at a friends vineyard. His brother came out and told us the first plane hit the tower. We were finished and at home when we watched the second one hit. My son was home on leave, he was stationed in Germany at the time. Needless to say, leave was over. When the Gulf war started I was with a bunch of friends getting wings when it came over the TV. When the first man on the Moon footstep was on TV we were all glued to it. When NAFTA was signed I just shook my head. So much for the good old days.
  21. SAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY WHHHHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTT!:rotf: Never mind. I went back and looked real HARD at it. I'm with Bob.
  22. mraf


    There is alot of propaganda out there reguarding fracking . Pro and con. What to believe and not to believe. Do any of you have any first hand knowledge about this? My state {New York} is about to ban it altogether. I'd rather hear anything from this group than read skewed articles. Pro or con.
  23. mraf


  24. mraf


    I don't know why you don't love snow Dan. Its cold, its soft, its hard, its pretty, its light, its heavy, its crunchy, its tastety, its slippery, its stickey, its a pain in the ... , all of these reasons and so many more to love.
  25. mraf


    Don't know how to start this but I figured I might as well join on the bandwagon. My Jello pudding took advantage of me when I was younger. There now I've said it. I'm talking with my lawyer on how I'll persure this. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this happened before I ever started riding a motorcycle {Just to keep it mortorcycle oriented }.
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