Type in 1998 Oldsmobile achieva manual into e-bay. You can buy about a gazillion different types of manuals on there for it. If nothing else try UTUBE. It is amazing how much helpful advice there is on there. Good luck.
I thought I heard {now you didnt hear this from me butt he was looking for another job} that this site has been pretty quiet:whistling: lately. There was a opening at the zoo. To take up his spare time. Sorry boss it must be the winter. Back to my corner.
I seen 2 robins today! The best sign of spring yet. The snow comes and goes but the sun is still elusive. Hope your trip played out to your favor Bob, I enjoyed reading of it.
The county sheriff deputies do this around here. The insurance company notifies the DMV that your car is uninsured and you too by mail. A $85.00 fine is imposed by mail if it is not ratified quickly. Most sheriff cars now have plate readers mounted on the back of their cars behind the rear window tilted down to read on the fly all about your car. If it goes off your busted. Its getting hard to beat big brother anymore. Gotta love NY there is not a tax that they have not thought up. It lives up to its motto "The Empire State". Get it, like the evil "Star Wars" empire if you ask me.
Correct. The state of NY will not issue plates and registration without proof of insurance. Is this any different where you live? I never could understand how anyone could get plates for their car without Insurance in NYS. Unless they are stolen or switched.
Had a scumbag steal my sons truck out of his driveway one night last year. Keys were in it.{Duh} Anyway, cops followed the truck and gave chase. The scumbag drove it off the road and into a grape vineyard. The cops followed. The scumbag then ditches the truck and runs for it on foot. Our finest lets him runaway without a chase. {can't get dirty} Now our finest knows whos truck it is but calls the tow truck. The tow truck hauls the truck to the cop shop to be fingerprinted. Cops call son to pick up his truck in the morning. He shows up to get the truck which is covered with black fingerprint dust and cannot leave until he pays $185.00 impound fee. Now you tell me who is the thief? Scumbag was never caught. Policework at its finest.
My father-in-law could not drive his pickup truck anywhere without picking up a piece of scrap somewhere along the way. This guy has the same problem with his bike. But hey you never know when a top jaw of a gator could come in handy. Maybe when your sitting around the campfire smoking the peace pipe.
Not to steal the thread {by the way it is pretty cool} but could someone tell me what happened to all the private planes that used to fly the countryside at all times of the day. I know 911 changed things but the price of fuel has dropped alot recently so I would figure that there would be more private planes flying around. I enjoyed seeing them years ago and now hardly ever see them. Has big brother so infringed on everyone that a joy ride is not possible anymore? What gives?
On our trip west back in 04 we stopped at Murdo, SD for the night. There is a private run Museam there that has alot of old west things to see. Mind you its crude but it was worth the money to see some cool old things. The first RV ever made is there. Some old timer took a old truck and fitted it up to tour with before there were even roads made. You could even climb up into it. Now that was RVing! That would have been a trip of a lifetime.
If the Feds get their nose in it, it will never see production at that price. I told my wife we would buy one in a second. You can bet the auto makers are watching and influencing any decisions by the Feds. 85 MPG sounds great to me being most of my commutes are just to town and back for essentials. That alone will be the biggest factor for buying one. This dip in gas prices will not last forever. Pretty soon any and I mean any excuse will do to raise them after we work through this glut. If they do go to production I cant wait to see what Gas Monkey will do to one to spiff it up.
I would move. A moving target is hard to hit. My numerous homes would be fortresses. Never ever be the center of attention. Never turn in the card right away. I heard you never turn in the card in person to use your lawyer. Your right, life could never be the same for you or your family. But it could be something that I could get used to Reiney.
My grandson somehow put my favorites in alpabetical order. No big thing but just a pain to find what it want now. So before I rearrange everything back the way I like it I start deleting all of the games he has saved . In doing so I came across this website he saved. Now if you have nothing to do . This is the site for you. Hours of worthless websites. http://www.theuselessweb.com/ Click one off. Click another one on. I've seen alot of useless websites but this one even has the name. Have fun.