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Everything posted by mraf

  1. If my memory serves me right the cracked frame issue was due to the frame rusting on the inside. So seeing a crack might be impossible. As Flyinfool says now is the time before it happens. I had a 83 once it would run circles around my current 86, handing and power wise. I would still have it but she who must be obeyed wanted more storage, end of story.
  2. Usually a walk into the night and a very loud "SHUT THOSE _a-_ DOGS UP" works for me. Give it a try.
  3. Last time I dropped mine it was in the pole barn. Dirt floor with a 2"round rock under the front wheel at a slowwwww crawl. It was a slow fall so I grab hold hard and try to let it go down slow. It did but pulled my ribs under my left shoulder. It took a few days for the damage to me to become noticeable. After a week I couldn't even use my left arm. Weak as a kitten. Went to the chiropractor to get put back in place. Just not a spring chicken anymore. More like an old buzzard with a damaged wing. Someone on this site suggested to remove that crash guard and grind down that edge to increase the distance between the plastic elbow and the guard. I did this along time ago and believe it has helped to elude the dimpled elbow problem.
  4. I live alongside state route 20. During the past few months I have been walking across the road frequently. I have never ever seen so many people that can't put their phones down while they are driving. It is about everyone except a very few. Walking along the highway is just as dangerous as riding a bike anymore. The white line [fog line] on the edge of the road I swear is nothing more than a slot for the centers of their cars. I'm ready to build a bridge to cross the road. If a chicken ever crossed this road it would be a goner. If you really think on it. Its only a matter of time for us all. Phoneheads and victims.
  5. Problem was solved! They found a 8 year old Russian hacker working in Al Gores basement. He used to be a dem operative untill he got caught stirring up trouble at repubs presidents rallys.
  6. Hummm, "is that brimstone I smell"?
  7. Ahh,,,, but you have just let yourself into a most addicting website ever. Pretty soon you'll be upgrading the ingnition, cleaning the fuel pump points, checking the valves, putting zerks on the supension, drying the dessacant, sending the seat away for upgrades, upgrading the starter clutch, adjusting the carburetors, upgrading the fuses, greasing the steering bearings, greasing the swingarm bearings, greasing the drivepins and checking this site daily through the winter months. But you'll be smiling hanging around this bunch.
  8. I fixed the 2nd gear in my first Venture{83} years ago. When I did this I replaced some of the gears also. It was not aware of it at the time but after some research I had put in V-max gears. I wondered why the new gears were different {Number of teeth} compared to my old ones. When done I didn't notice much difference. If I was drag racing and had time slips from before and after the swap it might have showed up. So the answer is yes a V-Max transmission will go into a first Gen.
  9. Use weather.gov myself. NOAA radar is spot on. I'll look into weatherspark now that you have my interest.
  10. Welcome back .
  11. It could've been your luckey day! But you'll never know now.
  12. Check out this project. It looks to have a Ford Motocraft 2 barrel carb on it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-Venture-/172181339775?forcerrptr=true&hash=item2816cebe7f:g:Y-8AAOSw3mpXH6mk&item=172181339775
  13. There is no convertible car that can hold a candle to a motorcycle. Period. Two birds of a different feather.
  14. Other than yamaha not making a new Venture why did you buy a Wing?
  15. mraf


    Another music artist plays in the big band. Weather you liked his music or not you have to agree he was a original. Now that being said whos going to step up to the plate and wear his a$$le$$ chaps!
  16. mraf


    Another legend GONE. R.I.P. Merle:337:
  17. mraf


    Thats just it your old country that you and I grew up with, it was gone. Gone wife, gone job, gone money, gone dog, gone fishin, gone sex, gone drinking and gone reason to breathe. Not necessarly in that order.
  18. So whats the job? Safe cracker, driver for bank holdups, hitman, arsonist, dwi driver, politician, embezzler, kidnapper, you have been a trooper long enough I just figured you needed a change to the other side thats all. Good luck whatever it is.
  19. I'm so jealous of California people. Seems they can make and drive just about anything their creative minds can think up on their roads. Around here it takes an act of congress to license anything out of the ordinary.
  20. Cut'em down and make em work. Just stand back.
  21. Just ordered mine! I also ordered a years worth of porn to watch. I just have to figure out a way to watch it without the wife finding out.
  22. Man thats Low,
  23. mraf

    New Member

    Congratulations. { The meaning of grandfather "Second Chance". }
  24. The year was 1972. I was still in high school and had a chance to buy a 72, 350 Kawasaki from my friend. He was good enough to offer it to me on the payment plan. I was hooked. It was a screamer and when it hit its powerband wheelies were no problem. Now my friend who sold this 350 to me went out and bought a brand new 72, 750 Kawasaki. Holy shmolie! Was that thing fast! Wheelies were nothing. I had to have one. It was not until the following year that I could afford to buy one by bank payments. It was used but looked like new. We had a blast riding and racing them. Once in a while we would ride to Thompson dragway on wednesday night for run what you brung night. The stats on the 750 if I recollect were that it would run a 12.4 1/4 mile. We always said that the only way it would run that in the 1/4 was if it was up on the center stand and kicked off for the start at wide open throttle. LOL But I have to say that I did run 12.4 1/4 mile run one time at Tompson but I recieved no MPH with that run just the time slip. When I bought my 750 I was told that the guy who had it before me was waiting for his new bike so I couldn't get it for a couple of weeks until it was turned in and gone over by the dealer. Like I said earlier it was not new when I picked it up but looked new. Now looking back on it I believe that it was damaged but repaired. The engine case has no numbers on it. Just blank. Upon massaging it through the years I have also learned that it has bigger jets in the carbs than stock. Now the year was 1974 when my buddy and I decided to go on a whrilwind tour of the west on our 750's. It was a blast and we seen everything once that me and the wife have seen by going west twice to see. Yellowstone {back when there were Bears everywhere} Carlsbad Caverns, Badlands, Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zion Canyon, Salt flats, Stayed in a fenced in area in the middle of nowhere at Rocky Mountain Natl Park. I didn't give it to much thought why it had barbed wire around the top of the fence. But looking back on it now it was to keep the bears from dragging you away in the middle of the night. LOL. When we were in Texas stopped at a red light {it was 110 degrees} I looked down at the tach and it was barely above 0. Them air cooled cylinders were really loose with the heat. I recieved a speeding ticket in the state of Colorado. Took the trooper in a unmarked car about 30 miles to finally catch up with me because of the curvey roads { I thought I'd seen that car in my mirrors miles ago} and when he did he was not a happy camper. He was judge, jury and executioner. He followed me to the post office and made me mail my fine to the state before he would let me go. After I got home about 2 months later I recieved a letter from the state of Colorado to never drive in their state again.LOL Pubic enemy No 1 LOL What a trip. I've got some pictures of that trip . I dig them out once in a while. Now what happened to that bike you ask? I still have it and I have my buddys too. I've told the wife I'm going to clean it up and put it in the living room some day. She dosen't think thats funny. Mine is still in very good shape, clean the carbs, new plugs, new battery and it would run again. My buddys which I inherited is all there but is in need of a total going over. That is my 1972 750 kawasaki story and I'm sticking to it.
  25. Spark plugs are about the cheapest fix . I change mine every year just for piece of mind and good fuel mileage. I had a 83 that was notiorious for fouling the plugs. But ran like a raped ape. Throw new plugs into it and then check the temps. Sounds like your pretty adapt at wrenching and will wring it out eventually.
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