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Everything posted by mraf

  1. mraf


    Anybody lighting any fireworks off when we get the new President. It might be a little loud around here for a few minutes. I read theres going to be a bike rally that same morning there. Something like 5000 bikers invited. :canada:By the way were is the USA flag waving little dude.
  2. My bet 2 days 5 hrs 13 minutes max.
  3. mraf

    uhalling bike

    If it was me the uglier the truck the better with all the mechanics of it up to par. I once had a old Mazda it was ugly. I was told that if I left it with the keys in it sitting in the middle of Harlem nobody would ever steal it. It was so rusty a semi going the other way litterally blew the driver side fender off. But it ran like a swiss watch. The urge to spruce up also can bring unwanted attention. But, each to his own. Live the dream and have fun.
  4. There is a theory that once all the ice thaws and melts into the oceans it will stop the ocean currents and plunge us into another Ice Age. They have done ice borings that have shown the earth succumbing into and Ice Age in 20 years time. Now if this happens I'm buying seal meat in a couple of years just to start to get a taste for it.
  5. Well I don't know if Carl is the center or not. Occausionally my wife sticks up her finger at me and tells me to rotate on it so I feel as if I'm the center then.
  6. Prayers up. Life is not the wick or the candle---it is the burning.
  7. That there is some mighty deep pondering. Everyone has to just remember cousin yama still has some leftover cassette players to get rid of. Untill then or a sudden death don't throw away any cassettes. This technology would change my mind on going to 3 wheels. I love the lean only 2 wheels can give you. I suppose this stand alone feature would kick in and out at some pre-set speed. It would be a bugger if it glitched at speed into a corner. :2133:It would have to be around for awhile and tried and trued before I'd buy it.
  8. I'm counting Number 9 in Bobs answer!
  9. Meaning of 4WD. Getting stuck where no one can help you. Shut down that snow maker ..............Please. 2 feet is enough. I had a hernia repaired many years ago. The worst pain was laughing, that really sucked. Hope your on the mend.
  10. mraf

    Wish list

    If your bored and like to drool you might like to check out this site. So many wishes and not enough time or money. http://www.cars-on-line.com/
  11. Size 7 ? My mind is a blur. 7 you say, we can only imagine. Why.
  12. There is a ground wire up in the dash area. I added another in this area just to be sure of a issue I was having one time with something {my senior moment}. Don't ask what it was, I can't remember.
  13. Rebuilding both front calipers. Plus upgrading the brake lines to stainless. I ty to spend a few hundred every year on the old girl so she knows she is not forgotten through another sunless, bleak winter. What Bob says.
  14. There is that ONE time. You said old blue was the fastest venture. But I realized you were having a senior moment. So other than that naa your ok here Dan. I had an old friend who has passed away who worked for a impossible boss he used to tell me a saying that the older I become the more I try to emulate it " Sit in the boat easy and let the waves come to you".
  15. mraf

    uhalling bike

    Watch the weather reports and have at it! Worse you could do is to have to rent a U-haul to bring it back home. Old man winter can sneak up on you in the mountains if your not careful but common sence should see you through. Always ask the locals if your not sure of the road ahead. You can pipe dream the world away so have at it and smokem.
  16. "Put the lime in the coconut" and then you'll feel better. Keep looking for your daughter. She souldn't have to live with her syptoms the rest of her life. I have a grandson who takes a behavior pill every morning. Without it he is very "mean" for lack of a better word. I don't like it but it works. We went with a natural remedy for a while and could see that it worked but being it was not recognized by the Medical profession it was not acceptable to the school system here. We worry about the long term effects of his daily dosage. But seems we are the only ones that do. Some doctors have never seen a pill they did not like. Hang in there and good luck.
  17. So If I'd have kept going on the Kaw the earths rotation would have reversed? I could have slung that Kaw into low earth obit. NOW YOU TELL ME!
  18. Soon very soon gobble,gobble gobble,gobble,gobble .
  19. The lesson I learned once was I forgot it was the World Wide Web. {Well almost} It can be a tick off when someone rains on your parade for no particular reason. Sounds to me you handled it with class. A quick search will give 1/4 mile times on about anything that runs. I was always led to believe that stock was just like it came from the factory. No additions. On another note I once rode my Kaw 750 so fast time stood still.
  20. mraf


    Its started. COLD WIND, NO SUN, ETERNAL WINTER. But, we have made it to the 40th year of "Sheer Wedding Bliss"! :rotfl:Shes a keeper.
  21. Nice looking rig. $2,500 sounds like a steal to me. Hang in there someone will snag it and be bragging before long. What is the 3rd row? {another seat} If you need a laugh catch that new commercial with the Raccons on it eating garbage and talking. Its a hoot. Hang in there.
  22. Sounds like you have it all figured out. Congrats. We have talked about doing the same thing. But both mothers are still at home so it leaves us stuck in the snow for now. Nice truck. Enjoy.
  23. Change............... Seems like I've heard that word before. About the only changes I've done to old DOT were of the "to make it more reliable and comfortable varity". Newer TCI, Rectifier, Gel and foam seat redo, ajustable footrests for she who must be obeyed, louder horn, more rear lights, replacing all lights to LEDs. I've said it before ,this is about the easiest bike to tear down quickly I've ever seen. As far as full dressers are concerned. The term "Ride it like you stole it" is deserving of these bikes once everything is up to par.
  24. mraf


    Why, would you want to waste time?
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