My left front foot peg is losing all of its nubs. My question is this, I can buy a rear footpeg that looks like it has hardly any use. Does the rear foot pegs have the same folding angle as the front foot pegs? Are they interchangeable?
How right you are Marcarl. I was having a brain fart. The stator is located in the right hand engine cover. Good design putting it there instead of under the flywheel. Been awhile since I've been in there. Yamaha did make these engines pretty easy to work on compared to the engines of yesteryear.
34 year old stator sounds like a well made part to me. Put the puller on now, tighten it up, put a pillow up to catch it and go to bed. Saves alot of frustration later. Still waiting for clearer weather here for any riding.
Good picture. Glad to see the Harley on the trailer and not being pulled with the rear wheel on the ground. If so the Harley guys would only say that the Wing was being pushed by the Harley. I had a friend with a new Indian when they started making them again after a gazillion years ago that would quit running every time we went riding together. He would pack a tow rope with him it got so bad. He paid way to much for that bike. It was so bad he finally gave it away.
So sorry to hear this. I only met him once at the first ventureriders get together at Potato Creek. He lost his tailfeathers there on a bet with the boss. He took it in stride with minimum chanting. A true test of his character. Prayers up.
Running on half choke is a tell-tale symptom that there is crud in the carbs still. Open the drain screws on the bottom of each carb when the bike is cold to drain out some of the offending gunk. Try to catch it before it runs all over the engine. As has been said, Seafoam and riding it like you stole it might clean it out also. As far as the shock goes on my 86 Royale I run the back air shock at the medium setting which is 42 lbs when the onboard compressor kicks off. Be carful when inflating it manually. It is not very big so the air pocket will fill rapidly. All the help one person needs is here at this site. Some of it good some of it hilarious but all of it entertaining. Welcome.
Is it me or has everybody forgotten the amounts of snow that most of us grew up with during winter? Now it's we're all going to be inconvenienced and maybe have to stop with our daily grind for awhile. Let it come and revere its power. Me I'm gonna build something if we get enough to do it with. Our Governor shut the state school system down before it ever hit. The only good thing about lack of local control is now I have more hands to help {grandkids}.
How true. But without the gun cleaning. New to you bike buying is like " So many bikes, not enough time". We are thinking of selling also but I want one more cross country fling before DOT goes. Have fun on your quest and don't forget to stay here no matter what you chose.
I don't know if it is true or not. but I have read on here that when trailoring a motorcycle with a driveshaft that it should be left in neutral, not in gear. It puts undue stress on the drivetrain with the shaking around it gets on the trailer.
A few years ago my mother-in-law trapped one and wanted me to get rid of it. So I told her she would have to ride along with me when I do it. We took off in the truck and after 5 miles she asked where I was going. I told her not much farther and stopped at a intersection. I got out and let it go. She asked why did I chose here to release the coon. I told her to look at the road sign naming the road. She started to laugh, it was COON ROAD. I figured the road wasen't named Coon road for nothing. It never came back.
Good to hear from you. When I read your name I remembered it from earlier times and was ready for your update about what you've been doing. The cancer story was not what I expected. Sorry for your troubles. I so hope that the treatments do their job and a full recovery is near. Until then keep us posted and prayers up.
There never fails to be a gremlin on all trips. But you've hopefully kicked it out. Ride on and have the trip of your life. Keep us snow bound dreamers entertained.
I've had a "your computer has a problem and I need to fix it" call alot lately. The womens name is , now get this shes PETER PARKER! I could not help but laugh at her. I told her that she was really Spiderman and to quit her day job and get busy cleaning up all the bad guys.