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BadCatClassics last won the day on August 17 2022

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33 Excellent

About BadCatClassics

  • Birthday 02/20/1962

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ken Johnson


  • Location
    Coldspring, TX, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Pistols, rifles, motorcycles, biblical studies
  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 Royal Star Tour Deluxe
  • Bike Customizations
    Mustang seat and backrest, Yamaha bag/ fender fill ins,Brackets cleaned up, LED head and tail lights, Nasty Boys, Ivan's jet kit, V-Max gear set, K&N's, Dyna 3000, Cee Baileys short windshield, AIT removed


  • Occupation
    Director Supply Chain Strategy, GSD Solutions

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  1. I was going to use this to make up a quick release batwing fairing for my bike. Never happened plans changed. The condition is good, not perfect but very good on the chrome parts. The mounts are perfect. Let me know what it's worth to you + you pay shipping, UPS ground from 77331. It is a complete set minus a couple fasteners. Any interest? Will not part out, whole set only.
  2. Bikes are jetted rich from the factory. I have V-Max gear, K&N's, Nasty Boys exhaust, Dyna 3000 etc and Ivan's jet kit recommended reducing jet sizes. I reduced all one jet size and used the Ivan's tapered needle and the bike runs properly. The factory needle is not progressive enough and fat at the top, lean at the bottom of I remember correctly. I also rerouted EGR so it doesn't go into the airbox and the AIT is gone.
  3. Took mine off years ago. Also cleaned up some other brackets, the front reflector and rear bracket under the rear fender. The fasteners are way to light to be used for engine installs. Mainly some engineering overkill as far as I can tell with shielding. 25,000 miles on mine without, no negative effects and much easier to clean up without. One fastener has to be shortened up 3mm or so to make it work for the valve cover.
  4. Hard to be a rebel making ZERO noise as you ride the down the road (will anyone notice) 😝 ..... I'm glad I own zero ZERO's. To each his own though if that is what you like don't hurt me none.
  5. Who knew air would make such a difference?? 😮 Seriously though, the reminder is a good one, even the most experienced of us do (well in my case stupid things) not very smart things.... Thanks for the reminder, especially coming into cool weather.
  6. Funny thing Chief, they even had the Dun 404 in a 150 as being underrated. Had to point out to them and have parts department verify the tire was recommended by Mama Yama.
  7. I tried the 130 Metzler and it didn't hold up very long. My local dealer won't put a 130 Michelin on my RSTD so I have been running a 150 Dunlop 404. Dealer says the 130 do doesn't meet the load requirements, it's close enough for me but the liability scares them enough not to mount it.
  8. I'm curious now, not sure I have ever used cruise in 4th. I did the V-Max conversion ten years ago ..
  9. I installed a LED bulb, twice as bright as stock. Will post the brand later if interested.
  10. I think Puc's list was too long and scared Mom Yam's into a v-twin coma. V-4/125 hp, fuel injection, air ride, shaft drive and cruise control with the updated styling of latest one, only 100 pounds lighter...
  11. And BTW, My sister and 76 year old mother are both 5'2" and both ride the Heritage Classic. No other manufacturers make a large bike that is as easy to handle. Unfortunately I'm just not a fan of HD. Owned a couple, ridden a bunch and not impressed.
  12. Harley has done a good job of keeping seats and COG low. Harley also keeps the wheelbase shorter for low speed maneuverability and that inspires confidence. Notice the age of touring and cruiser rider's is at the upper end of the motorcycling demographic so naturally Harleys design is continuing to take market share. The older we get the more we want something easy to handle.
  13. It's all mom Yamaha's fault. This site will soon be Venture Rider's on Harley Davidsons......
  14. One chapter closed and another opened. Nice luxury scoot.
  15. Shouldn't have much in and out or move much in the seal. If it shifts fine and doesn't leave oil on the ground it's probably ok. Looks to be leaking some but hard to tell how much. You do have a fair bit of mileage so probably more movement than factory. Maybe just needs a seal.
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